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Health Cognition Group: Active & Recent Grant Information

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Jamie Arndt
Title: Impact of mortality concerns on cancer risk behavior
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Period: 6/1/02-5/31/07
Role: PI
Title: Health and fitness consequences of terror management
Agency: University of Missouri Research Board
Period: 6/1/00-5/31/02
Role: PI
Lisa Aspinwall
Title: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Psychological and Behavioral Responses to the Receipt of p16 Genetic Testing Results
Agency: University of Utah
Period: 6/1/05-5/30/06
Role: PI
Linda Cameron
Title: Use of Private and Public Sectors for Surgical Procedures
Agency: Health Research Council of New Zealand
Period: 07/05 - 07/07
Role: Named Investigator
Title: A Psychosocial Intervention for Women with Breast Cancer
Agency: Breast Cancer Research Trust of New Zealand
Period: 07/99-12/04
Role: PI
Meg Gerrard
Title: Preventing Alcohol Use Among African American Adolescents
Agency: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Period: 2005 - 2010
Role: Co-PI
Title: A Social Cognitive Model of Adolescent Substance Use
Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Period: 2004 - 2009
Role: Co-PI
Title: Social Psychology Interventions for UV protection
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Period: 04/02-4/06
Role: Co-PI
Title: Factors affecting African American youths' health behavior
Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Period: 8/01-7/06
Role: Co-PI
Title: Sexual risk-taking as a result of social reactivity: Assessment of non-intentional components of unprotected sexual intercourse in Dutch MSM
Agency: Stichting Aids Fonds: (Dutch AIDS Foundation)
Period: 07/04 - 07/06
Role: Co-PI
Rick Gibbons
Title: A social cognitive model of adolescent substance use.
Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Period: 09/04 - 09/09
Role: PI
Title: Social Psychological Interventions for UV Protection.
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Period: 04/03 - 04/07
Role: Co-PI
Title: Multi-Site Longitudinal Analysis: Psychiatric Risk of SUD.
Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Period: 10/03-10/06
Role: Co-PI
Title: Factors affecting African American youths' health behavior
Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Period: 8/01-7/06
Role: Co-PI
Title: Sexual risk-taking as a result of social reactivity: Assessment of non-intentional components of unprotected sexual intercourse in Dutch MSM.
Agency: Stichting Aids Fonds: (Dutch AIDS Foundation)
Period: 07/04 - 07/06
Role: Co-PI
Title: Preventing Alcohol Use Among African American Adolescents
Agency: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Period: 2005 - 2010
Role: Co-PI
Bill Klein
Title: Acceptance of Colorectal Cancer Risk Factor Feedback
Agency: NIH/NCI R03 research grant
Period: 2005-2007
Role: PI
Title: Coronary Heart Disease Risk Perceptions in People with Type 2 Diabetes
Agency: Pittsburgh Mind-Body Center pilot/feasibility grant
Period: 2005-2007
Role: PI
Title: Cognitive dissonance in smokers
Agency: Oral Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh
Period: 2004 -2005
Role: PI
Title: Communication of risk factor information to individuals high in colorectal cancer risk
Agency: University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research
(Steven Manners Faculty Development Award)
Period: 2003 -2004
Role: PI
Title: Communication of risk factor information to individuals high in colorectal cancer risk
Agency: Samuel and Emma Winters Foundation
Period: 2003 -2004
Role: PI
Harry Lando
Title: Smoking Cessation in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease
Agency: Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco
Purpose: A randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of intensive behavioral and pharmacologic intervention in patients with PAD
Period: 9/1/05-8/31/08
Role: PI
Title: Tobacco Industry Influence on the U.S. Military
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Purpose: To assess tobacco industry targeting of the military through documents review and interviews with key opinion leaders
Period: 7/1/04-6/30/08
Role: Co-I
Title: Psychobiological Mechanisms of Stress & Smoking
Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Purpose: To examine differential stress responses during periods of abstinence and smoking
Period: 1/1/04-12/31/07
Role: Co-I
Title: Cessation Research and Training in India and Indonesia
Agency: Fogarty International Center, NIH
Purpose: To develop training capacity in the treatment of tobacco dependence in these two countries
Period: 7/1/02-6/30/07
Role: PI
Title: A Model DoD Systems Approach for Tobacco Cessation
Agency: U.S. Department of Defense
Purpose: A group-randomized trial in sixteen military installations to test the effectiveness of tobacco cessation programs in active duty members and dependents
Period: 10/1/00-10/31/06
Role: PI
Title: Reducing Tobacco Harm in Minnesota Vietnamese
Agency: Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco
Purpose: This is a developmental community/academic partnership to target tobacco reduction in the Twin Cities Vietnamese population
Period: 7/1/04-6/30/06
Role: PI
Title: Community-Based Training Models for Tobacco Cessation
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Purpose: test in-person and web-based training methods for tobacco cessation counselors
Period: 6/1/02-5/31/06
Role: Co-I
Kevin McCaul
Title: Cancer worry and Health-protective Behaviors
Agency: NIH/NCI Senior Investigator Grant (KO5):
Period: 2002-2007
Role: PI
Title: Thought, affect, and motivation to quit smoking
Agency: NIH/NCI R21 research grant
Period: 2004-2006
Role: PI
Alex Rothman
Title: Longitudinal Care: Smoking Reduction to Aid Cessation
Agency: National Cancer Institute
Purpose: This project tests the impact of integrating longitudinal care model into a smoking cessation program with a particular emphasis on strategies that will effectively help people persist in their cessation efforts.
Period: 2004-2009
Role: Co-I
Title: Effect of Dietary Composition on Exercise Tolerance in Obese Adults
Agency: American Heart Association
Purpose: This project focuses on how dietary composition affects people's psychological experience of exercise and its implications for people's interest in and willingness to sustain physical activity.
Period: 2004-2008
Role: Co-I
Title: Theory-Based Interventions for Smoking and Obesity
Agency: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Purpose: This projects tests the application of a new model of behavioral decision-making that distinguishes between factors that promote the initiation of behavior change and those that promote the maintenance of behavior change. This model is tested in a series of four intervention studies, two that target smoking and two that target obesity.
Period: 1999-2005
Role: Co-PI
Peter Salovey
Title: Promoting Cancer Prevention/Control with Message Framing: II. Framing and Tailoring Cancer Information Service (CIS) - Delivered Messages
Agency: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Period: 2001-2006
Role: PI
Title: Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
Agency: Institute of Mental Health, NIH
Period: 2001-2006
Role: Co-PI
Title: Framing Messages for Smoking Cessation with Bupropion
Agency: National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH
Purpose: A project included in the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center, "Tobacco Dependence and Risk Factors for Treatment Failures"
Period: 1999-2004
Role: Co-PI
Title: Interdisciplinary HIV Prevention Training Program
Agency: National Institute of Mental Health, NIH
Period: 2000-2003
Role: Co-PI
Neil Weinstein
Title: Improving communication about cancer clusters
Agency: Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Purpose: Focus groups are being used to study how lay people respond to ambiguous information that might suggest a cancer cluster and to discover what kinds of information they want to receive. An experiment shaped by findings from the focus groups is testing different ways of presenting community risk data to examine the impact on perceptions of a local cancer cluster.
Role: Co-PI

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Relevant Publications (present to 1996)

In Press

Arndt, J., Routledge, C., & Goldenberg, J.L. (in press). Predicting proximal health responses to reminders of death: The influence of coping style and health optimism. Psychology and Health.

Baldwin, A.S., Rothman, A.J., Hertel, A.W., Linde, J.A., Jeffery, R.W., Finch, E.A., & Lando, H. (in press). Specifying the Determinants of Behavior Change Initiation and Maintenance: An Examination of Self-Efficacy, Satisfaction, and Smoking Cessation. Health Psychology.

Blanton, H. & Jaccard J. (in press). Arbitrary metrics in psychology. American Psychologist.

Brewer, N.T., Chapman, G.B., Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., McCaul, K.D., & Weinstein, N.D. (in press). A meta-analysis of the relationship between risk perception and vaccination behavior. Health Psychology.

Brody, G.H., Murry, V.M., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Brown, A.C., Anderson, T., Chen, Y-F., & Luo, Z. (in press). The Strong African American Families Program: Long-term effects on adolescent alcohol use and test of a mediational model. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

Brody, G.H., Murry, V.M., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., McNair, L., Brown, A.C., Wills, T.A., Molgaard, V., Spoth, R.L., Luo, Z. & Chen, Y. (in press). Prevention of high-risk behaviors through changes in parenting processes among participants in the Strong African American Families Program. Journal of Family Psychology.

Cameron, L. D., & Reeve, J. (in press). Risk perceptions, worry, and attitudes about genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility. Psychology and Health.

Cerully, J.L., Klein, W.M.P., & McCaul, K.D. (in press). Lack of acknowledgement of fruit and vegetable recommendations among non-adherent individuals: Associations with information processing and cancer cognitions. Journal of Health Communication.

Dillard, A. J., McCaul, K. D., Kelso, P. D., & Klein, W. M. P. (in press). Resisting good news: Reactions to breast cancer risk information. Journal of Health Communication.

Dillard, A.J., McCaul, K.D., & Klein, W.M.P. (in press). Unrealistic optimism in smokers: Implications for smoking myth endorsement and self-protective motivation. Journal of Health Communication.

Dillard, A.J., McCaul, K.D., & Magnan, R.E. (in press). Why is such a smart person like you smoking? Using self-affirmation to reduce defensiveness to cigarette warning labels. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research.

Finch, E.A., Linde, J.A., Jeffery, R.W., Rothman, A.J., King, C.M., & Levy, R.L. (in press). The effects of outcome expectations and satisfaction on weight loss and maintenance: Correlational and experimental analyses. Health Psychology.

Ge, X., Jin, R., Natsuaki M.N., Gibbons, F.X., Brody, G.H., Cutrona, C.E., & Simons, R.L. (in press). Pubertal Maturation and Early Substance Use Risks in African American Children. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Gerrard, M. (In press). Perceptions of risk: Theoretical and measurement issues in health research. In M. Gerrard & K.D. McCaul (Eds.), Constructs and measures web resource. National Cancer Institute Internet Web Site (in progress).

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Brody, G.H., Murry, V.M., & Wills, T.A. (in press). A theory-based dual focus alcohol intervention for pre-adolescents: Social cognitions in The Strong African American Families Program. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F. X., Stock, M.L., Houlihan, A.E., & Dykstra, J.L. (in press). Temperament, Self-regulation, and the Prototype Willingness Model of Adolescent Health Risk Behavior. In D. de Ridder & J. de Wit (Eds.) Self-regulation in Health Behaviour. Sussex, UK: Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Gibbons, F.X. (in press). Behavioral intentions, expectations, and willingness. In M. Gerrard & K.D. McCaul (Eds.), Health Cognitions: Constructs and measures web resource. . ( National Cancer Institute Internet Web Site (in progress).

Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Reimer, R.A. ,& Pomery, E.A. (in press) Health decision-making: Reasoned vs. reactive responding. In D. de Ridder & J. de Wit (Eds.) Self-regulation in Health Behaviour. W. Sussex, UK: Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Haddock K., Parker, L., Taylor, J, Poston, W., Lando, H., & Talcott W. (in press). An analysis of messages about tobacco in military installation newspapers. American Journal of Public Health.

Han, P. K. J., Moser, R., & Klein, W. M. P. (in press). Perceived ambiguity about cancer prevention recommendations: Relationship to perceptions of cancer preventability, risk, and worry. Journal of Health Communication.

Hennrikus, D., Rindal, B., Stafne, E., Boyle R., Lando H. (in press). Evaluating health history as a method to identify adolescent smokers in a dental office. Journal of the American Dental Association.

Joseph, A., Rice, K., Mohiuddin, A., An, L., Lando, H. (in press). Recent quitters' interest in recycling and harm reduction. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Kiviniemi, M.T., & Rothman, A.J. (in press). What am I supposed to do about my health? Selective memory biases in individuals' memory for health-related information and behavior recommendations. Psychology and Health.

Klein, W. M. P., Monin, M. M., Steers-Wentzell, K. L., & Buckingham, J. T. (in press). Effects of standards on self-enhancing interpretations of ambiguous social comparison information. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

Klein, W. M. P., & Steers-Wentzell, K. L. (in press). On the physical health costs of self-enhancement. To appear in E. Chang (Ed.), Self-criticism and self-enhancement: Theory, research, and clinical implications. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Lando, H. Reflections on 30+ years of smoking cessation research: From the individual to the world. Drug and Alcohol Review (in press).

Lando, H., Borrelli, B., Klein, L., Waverley L., Stillman, F., Kassel, J., Warner, K. (in press). The landscape in global Tobacco Controresearch: A guide to gaining a foothold. American Journal of Public Health.

Lando, H., Borrelli, B., Muramoto, M., Ward, K. Perspectives on the role of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco in promoting global tobacco research and reducing tobacco harm. Nicotine & Tobacco Research (in press)

Linde, J.A., Jeffery, R.W., Finch, E., Ng, D., & Rothman, A.J. (in press). Weight Loss Goals, Attendance at Treatment Sessions, and Short-Term Weight Outcome in Obese Women Enrolled in a Weight Loss Trial. Obesity Research.

Linde, J.A., Rothman, A.J., Baldwin, A.S., & Jeffery, R.W. (in press). The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Behavior Change and Weight Change among Overweight Participants in a Weight Loss Trial. Health Psychology.

Ling, B. S., Klein, W. M. P., & Dang, Q. (in press). Relationship of communication and information measures to colorectal cancer screening utilization: Results from HINTS. Journal of Health Communication.

Lipkus, I. M., & Klein, W. M. P. (in press). Effects of social comparison information on colorectal cancer risk perceptions. Journal of Health Communication.

Lipkus, I. M., Klein, W. M. P., Skinner, C. S., & Rimer, B. K. (in press). Breast cancer risk perceptions and breast cancer worry: What predicts what? Journal of Risk Research.

Mahler, H.I.M., Kulik, J.A., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X. (in press). Effects of two appearance-based interventions on the sun protection behaviors of southern California beach patrons. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

Mahler, H.I.M., Kulik, J.A., Gerrard, M., & Gibbons, F.X. (in press). Long-term effects of appearance-based interventions on sun protection behaviors. Health Psychology.

McCaul, K.D., & Koblitz, A. E. Cancer screening. (in press). In S. Ayers, A. Baum, C., McManus, S., Newman, K. Wallston, J. Weinman, & R. West (Eds.), Cambridge. Handbook of Psychology, Health, and Medicine (2nd Edition). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

McCaul, K.D., Magnan, R.E., & Dillard, A. (in press). Understanding and communicating about cancer risk. In S.M. Miller, D.J. Bowen, R.T. Croyle, and J. Rowland (Eds.), Handbook of Behavioral Science and Cancer, Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

McCaul, K.D., Hockemeyer, J.R., Johnson, R.J., Zetocha, K., Quinlan, K., & Glasgow, R.E. (in press). Motivation to quit smoking cigarettes: A review. Addictive Behaviors.

McCaul, K.D., Mullens, A., Romanek, K.M., Erickson, S., & Gatheridge, B.J. (in press). Thought, worry, and motivation to quit smoking cigarettes. Cognition and Emotion.

McKee, S.A., O'Malley, S., Salovey, P., Krishnan-Sarin, S., & Mazure, C.M. (in press). Perceived risks and benefits of smoking cessation: Gender-specific predictors of motivation and treatment outcome. Addictive Behaviors.

McKee, S. A., O'Malley, S., Steward, W. T., Neveu, S., Land, M., & Salovey, P. (in press). How to word effective messages about smoking and oral health: Emphasize the benefits of quitting. Journal of Dental Education.

Morasco, B., Dornelas, E., Fischer, E., Oncken, C., Lando, H. Spontaneous smoking cessation during pregnancy among ethnic minority women: A Preliminary Investigation. Addictive Behaviors (in press).

Paddison, J. S., Booth, R. J., Hill, A. G., & Cameron, L. D. (in press). Comprehensive assessment of post-surgical fatigue: Development of the Identity-Consequence Fatigue Scale.' Journal of Psychosomatic Research.

Peters, E., & McCaul, K.D. (Eds.). (in press). Decision making and cancer prevention and control. Health Psychology, Special Issue.

Peters, E., McCaul, K.D., Stefanek, M., & Nelson, W. (in press). A heuristics approach to understanding cancer risk perceptions: Contributions from judgment and decision-making research. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Pomery, E.A., Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Cleveland, M.J., Brody, G.H., & Wills, T.A. (in press). Families and risk: Analyses of familial and social influences on adolescent substance use. Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 560-570.

Quinlan, S., Jaccard, J., & Blanton, H. (in press). A decision theoretic and prototype conceptualization of possible selves: Implications for the prediction of risk behavior. Journal of Personality.

Robinson, M.D., Meier, BP., Zetocha, K.J., & McCaul, K.D. (in press). Smoking and the implicit association test: When the contrast category determines the theoretical conclusions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

Romanek, K.M., McCaul, K.D., & Sandgren, A.K. (in press). Effects of age and risk framing on treatment decision-making for breast cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum.

Rothman, A.J. (in press). Initiatives to motivate change: A review of theory and practice and their implications for older adults. In Carstensen, L.L. (Ed), When I'm 64. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Rothman, A.J., Bartels, R.D., Wlaschin, J., & Salovey, P. (in press). The strategic use of gain- and loss-framed messages to promote healthy behavior: How theory can inform practice. Journal of Communication.

Rothman, A.J., & Haydon, K.C. (in press). Strategies to Motivate Behavior Change: How Can We Mobilize Adults to Promote Positive Youth Development?. In E.G. Clary and J. Rhodes (Eds.), Mobilizing adults for positive youth development: Promoting socially valued activities. Kluwer Academic: New York, NY.

Rothman, A.J., Hertel, A.W., Baldwin, A.S., & Bartels, R. (in press). Integrating theory and practice: Understanding the determinants of health behavior change. To appear in J. Shah and W. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of motivation science. Guilford Press: New York, NY.

Rothman, A.J., & Salovey, P. (in press). The reciprocal relation between principles and practice: Social Psychology and Health behavior. To appear in A. Kruglanski and E.T. Higgins (Eds.), Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles (2nd Edition). Guilford Press: New York, NY.

Rothman, A.J., Stark, E., & Salovey, P. (in press). Using message framing to promote healthy behavior: A guide to best practices. In J. Trafton (Ed.), Best practices in the behavioral management of chronic diseases, Volume 3. Institute for Disease Management: Los Altos, CA.

Rothman, A.J., & Salovey, P. (in press). Message framing. In A.J. Christensen, R. Martin& J. Smyth (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health psychology. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Salovey, P. (in press). Promoting prevention and detection: Psychologically tailoring and framing messages about health. In R. Bibace, J. Laird, K.D. Noller & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Science and medicine in dialogue: Thinking through particulars and universals. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

Sargent, J.D., Wills, T.A., Stoolmiller, M., Gibson, J., & Gibbons, F.X. (in press). Alcohol use in motion pictures and its relation with early onset teen drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol.

Stillman, F., Wipfli, H., Lando, H., Leischow, S., Samet, J. (in press). Networking for effective global Tobacco Control research. American Journal of Public Health.

Waters, E. A., Weinstein, N. D., Colditz, G. A., & Emmons, K. (in press). Formats for improving risk communication in medical tradeoff decisions. Journal of Health Communication.

Weinstein, N.D., Kwitel, A., McCaul, K.D., Magnan, R.E., Gerrard, M., & Gibbons, F.X. (in press). Risk perceptions: Assessment and relationship to influenza vaccination. Health Psychology.

Weinstein, N. D., McCaul, K. D., Gibbons, F. X., & Gerrard, M. (in press). Risk perception: Assessment and relationship to influenza vaccination. Health Psychology.

Weinstein, N. D., Moser, R., & Marcus, S. (in press). Smokers' unrealistic optimism about their risk. Tobacco Control.

Weinstein, N. D., & Rothman, A. J. (in press). Revitalizing research on health behavior theory. Health Education Research.

Williams-Piehota, P., Pizarro, J., Navarro, S., Mowad, L., & Salovey, P. (in press). The impact of messages tailored to need for cognition on increasing fruit and vegetable intake among callers to the cancer information service. Health Communication.

Williams-Piehota, P., Pizarro, J., Schneider, T.R., Mowad, L., &Salovey, P. (in press). Matching health messages to monitor-blunter coping styles to motivate screening mammography. Health Psychology.

Winickoff, J., Berkowitz, A., Brooks, K., Tanski, S., Geller, A., Thompson, C., Best, D., Lando, H., Curry, S., Prokhorov, A., Weitzman, M., Pbert, L. (in press). State of the art interventions for office-based parental tobacco cControl. Pediatrics.

Worth, K., Sullivan, H., Hertel, A.W., Jeffery, R.W., & Rothman, A.J. (in press). Are there times when avoidance goals can be beneficial?: A look at smoking cessation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

Zajac, L.E., Klein, W.M.P., & McCaul, K.D. (in press). Absolute and comparative risk perceptions as predictors of cancer worry: Moderating effects of gender and psychological distress. Journal of Health Communication.

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Arndt, J., Routledge, C., Cox, C.R., & Goldenberg, J.L. (2005). The worm at the core: A terror management perspective on the roots of psychological dysfunction. Applied and Preventative Psychology, 11, 191-213.

Aspinwall, L.G., & MacNamara, A. (2005). Taking positive changes seriously: Toward a positive psychology of cancer survivorship and resilience. Cancer, 104(11 Suppl), 2549-2556.

Cameron, L. D., Booth, R. J., Schlatter, M. S., Ziginskas, D., Harman, J., & Benson, S. R. C. (in press). Cognitive and affective determinants of decisions to attend a group psychosocial support program for women with breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine 67, 584-589.

Cameron, L. D., Petrie, K. J., Ellis, C., Buick, D., & Weinman, J. (2005). Symptom experiences, symptom attributions, and causal attributions in patients following first-time myocardial infarction. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 12, 30-38.

vCameron, L. D., Petrie, K. J. , Ellis, C., Buick, D., & Weinman, J. (2005). Trait anxiety and responses to a psychoeducational intervention for promoting adaptive illness perceptions in myocardial infarction patients. Psychology and Health, 15, 1-12.

Cleveland, M.J., Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Pomery, E.A., & Brody, G.H. (2005). The impact of parenting on risk cognitions and risk behavior: A study of mediation and moderation in a panel of African American adolescents. Child Development, 76, 900 - 916.

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Stock, M.L., Vande Lune, L.S. & Cleveland, M.J. (2005). Images of smokers and willingness to smoke among African American pre-adolescents: An application of the prototype/willingness model of adolescent health risk behavior to smoking initiation. Pediatric Psychology, 30, 305-318.

Gerrard, M. Gibbons, F.X., Lane, D.J., & Stock, M.L. (2005). Social comparison and smoking cessation: Comparison level predicts success. Health Psychology, 24, 623 - 629.

Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Lane, D.J., Mahler, H.I.M., & Kulik, J.A. (2005). Using UV photography to reduce use of tanning booths: A test of cognitive mediation. Health Psychology, 24, 358 - 363.

Goldenberg, J.L., Arndt, J., Hart, J., & Brown, M. (2005). Dying to be thin: The effects of mortality salience and body-mass-index on restricted eating among women. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1400-1412.

Grabe, S., Cook, A., Routledge, C., Anderson, C., & Arndt, J. (2005). In Defense of the Body: The Effect of Mortality Salience on Female Body Objectification. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29, 33-37.

Haddock, C., Lando, H., Pyle, S., Debon, M., Vander Weg, M., Klesges, R., Peterson, A., Relyea, G. Prediction of adult-onset smoking initiation among United States Air Force recruits using the Pierce Susceptibility Questionnaire. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;5:424-429.

Haddock, C., Parker, L., Taylor, J., Poston, W., Lando, H., Talcott, G. An analysis of messages about tobacco in military installation newspapers. American Journal of Public Health 2005;95:1458-1463.

Hennrikus, D.J., Lando, H.A., McCarty, M.C., Klevan, D., Holtan, N., Huebsch, J.A., Jestus, S., Pentel, P.R., Pine, D., Sullivan, S., Swenson, K., Vessey, J. (2005). The TEAM project: the effectiveness of smoking cessation intervention with hospital patients. Preventive Medicine, 40, 249-258.

Hennrikus, D., Rindal, D., Boyle R., Stafne, E., Lazovich, D., Lando H. How well does the health history form identify adolescent smokers? Journal of the American Dental Association 2005;136:1113-1120.

Jaccard, J., Blanton, H., & Dodge, T. (2005). Peer influences on risk behavior: An analysis of the effects of a close friend. Developmental Psychology, 41(1), 135-147.

Joseph, A., Bliss, R., Zhao, F., Lando, H. Predictors of smoking reduction without formal intervention. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2005:7:277-282.

Joseph, A., Muggli, M., Pearson, K., Lando, H. The cigarette manufacturers efforts to promote tobacco to the US military. Military Medicine 2005;170:874-880.

Lando, H., Borrelli, B., Klein, L., Waverley L., Stillman, F., Kassel, J., Warner, K. The landscape in global tobacco control research: A guide to gaining a foothold. American Journal of Public Health 2005;95:939-945.

Leventhal, H., Cameron, L. D., Leventhal, E., & Ozakinci, G. (2005). Do messages from you body, your friends, your doctor, or the media shape your health behavior? In T. Brock & M. C. Green (eds.), Persuasion: Psychological insights and perspectives, 2nd ed (pp. 195-233). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Lipkus, I. M., Klein, W. M. P., Skinner, C. S., & Rimer, B. K. (2005). Breast cancer risk perceptions and breast cancer worry: What predicts what? Journal of Risk Research, 8, 439-452.

Luepker, R., Lando, H. Tobacco use, passive smoking, and smoking cessation. In Wong, N., Black, H., Gardin, J. (Eds). Preventive Cardiology: A Practical Approach. 2nd edition. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Mahler, H.I.M., Kulik, J.A., Harrell, M.A., Correa, A., Gibbons, F.X., & Gerrard, M. (2005). A Randomized Trial Examining the Effects of UV Photo, Photoaging Information, and Use of Sunless Tanning Lotion on Sun Protection Behaviors of Young Adults. Archives of Dermatology, 141, 373 - 380.

McCool, J. P., Cameron, L. D., & Petrie, K. J. (2005). The influence of smoking imagery on smoking intentions: Testing a model. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 475-488.

McCaul, K.D., Peters, E., Nelson, W., & Stefanek, M. (2005). Themes in decision making cancer prevention and control. Health Psychology, Special Issue.

Ouellette, J.A., Hessling, R., Gibbons, F.X., Reis-Bergan, M.J., & Gerrard, M. (2005). Using images to increase exercise behavior: Prototypes vs. possible selves. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 610 - 620.

Peters, E., & McCaul, K.D.(2005). Basic and applied decision making in cancer control. Health Psychology, Special Issue.

Piko, B.F., Gibbons, F.X., Luszczynska, A., & Tekozel, M. (2005). Adolescents' health behavior from a cross-cultural perspective: Does a coherent lifestyle exist? European Journal of Public Health, 15, 393 - 398.

Rivers, S.E., Pizarro, D.A., Schneider, T.R., Pizarro, J., & Salovey, P. (2005). Message framing and pap test utilization among women attending a community health clinic. Journal of Health Psychology, 10, 67-79.

Robinson, M.D., Meier, BP., Zetocha, K.J., & McCaul, K.D. (2005). Smoking and the implicit association test: When the contrast category determines the theoretical conclusions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 201-212.

Romanek, K.M., McCaul, K.D., & Sandgren, A.K. (2005). Effects of age and risk framing on treatment decision-making for breast cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32, 799-806.

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Weinstein, N.D., & Rothman, A.J. (2005). Revitalizing research on health behavior theories. Health Education Research, 20, 294-297.

Winickoff, J., Berkowitz, A., Brooks, K., Tanski, S., Geller, A., Thompson, C., Lando, H., Curry, S., Muramoto. M., Prokhorov, A., Best, D., Weitzman, M., Pbert, L., for the Tobacco Consortium, Center for Child Research of the American Academy of Pediatrics. (2005). State of the art interventions for office-based parental tobacco control. Pediatrics,115, 750-760.

Worth, K., Sullivan, H., Hertel, A.W., Jeffery, R.W., & Rothman, A.J. (2005). Are there times when avoidance goals can be beneficial?: A look at smoking cessation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 107-116.

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Arndt, J., Cook, A., & Routldege, C. (2004). The blueprint of terror management: Understanding the cognitive architecture of psychological defense against death-related thought. In J. Greenberg, S. Koole, & T. Pyszczynski (Eds.), Handbook of Empirical Existential Psychology, (pp.35-53). New York: Guilford.

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Cameron, L. D., & Lawler, S. P. (2004). Self-Regulation. In A. J. Christenson, R. Martin, & J. M. Smyth (eds.), Health Psychology Volume 4. New York: MacMillon.

Cameron, L. D., & Moss-Morris, R. (2004). Illness-related cognition and behaviour. In A. A. Kaptein & J. A. Weinman (eds.), Introduction to Health Psychology (pp. 84-110). Oxford: Blackwell.

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Gibbons, F.X., & Gerrard, M. (2004). Risk and reactance: Applying social-psychological theory to the study lf health behavior. In R. Wright, J. Greenberg & S. Brehm (Eds.) Motivational Analyses of Social Behavior, (149-166). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Cleveland, M.J., Wills, T.A., & Brody, G.H. (2004). Perceived discrimination and substance use in African American parents and their children: A panel study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 517-529.

Gibbons, F. X., Gerrard, M., & Pomery, E.A. (2004). Social psychology. In A. Christensen, R. Martin& J. Smyth (Eds.) Health Psychology (278-280). New York, NY: MacMillan Reference.

Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Vande Lune, L.S., Wills, T.A., Brody, G., & Conger, R.D. (2004). Context and cognition: Environmental risk, social influence, and adolescent substance use. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1048-1061.

Haddock, K., Lando, H., Klesges, R., Peterson, A., Scarinci, I. (2004). Modified tobacco use and lifestyle change in risk reducing beliefs about smoking. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27, 35-41.

Jeffery, R.W., Kelly, K.M., Rothman, A.J., Sherwood, N.E., & Boutelle, K.N. (2004). The weight loss experience: A descriptive analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 27, 100-106.

Kreps, G.L., Gustafson, D., Salovey, P., Perocchia, R.S., Wilbright, W., Bright, M.A., Muha, C., & Diamond, C. (2004). Using computer technologies to provide relevant cancer information to vulnerable populations: The NCI Digital Divide Pilot Projects. In P. Whitten & D. Cook (Eds.), Understanding Health Communication technologies (pp. 328-336). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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Mullens, A.B., McCaul, K.D., Erickson, S.C., & Sandgren, A.K. (2004). Coping after cancer: Risk perceptions, worry, and health behaviors among colorectal cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 13, 367-376.

Rothman, A.J. (2004). Is there nothing more practical than a good theory?: Why Innovations and advances in health behavior change will arise if interventions are more theory-friendly. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 1, 11.

Rothman, A.J., Baldwin, A., & Hertel, A. (2004). Self-regulation and behavior change: Disentangling behavioral initiation and behavioral maintenance. To appear in K. Vohs and R. Baumeister (Eds.), The handbook of self-regulation (pp. 130-148). Guilford Press: New York, NY.

Rothman, A.J., & Salovey, P. (2004). Message framing effects. In A.J. Christensen, R. Martin & J.M. Smyth (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health psychology (pp. 168-169). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: New York, NY.

Routledge, C., Arndt, J., & Goldenberg, J.L. (2004). A time to tan: Proximal and distal effects of mortality salience on sun exposure intentions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1347-1358.

Salovey, P., & Steward, W.T. (2004). Methodological challenges and scientific rewards for social psychologists conducting health behavior research. In C. Sansone, Morf, C.C., & Panter, A.T. (Eds.), The Sage handbook of methods in social psychology (pp. 443-456). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Salovey, P., & Williams-Piehota, P. (2004). Field experiments in social psychology: Message framing and the promotion of health protective behaviors. American Behavioral Scientist, 47, 488-505.

Sandgren, A.K., Mullens, A.B., Erickson, S.C., Romanek, K.M., & McCaul, K.D. (2004). Confidant and breast cancer patient reports of quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 13, 155-160.

Suls, J. & Rothman, A.J. (2004). Evolution of the psychosocial model: Implications for the future of health psychology. Health Psychology, 23, 119-125.

Weinstein, N.D., Atwood, K., Puleo, E., Fletcher, R., Colditz, G., & Emmons, K. M. (2004) Colon cancer: Risk perceptions and risk communication. Journal of Health Communication, 9, 53-65.

Weinstein, N.D., Slovic, P., & Gibson, G. (2004, Dec). Accuracy and optimism in smokers' beliefs about quitting. Nicotine and Tobacco Research.

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Williams-Piehota, P., Cox, A., Silvera, S.N., Mowad, L., Garcia, S., Katulak, N., & Salovey, P. (2004). Casting health messages in terms of responsibility for dietary change: Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 36, 114-120.

Williams-Piehota, P., Schneider, T.R., Pizarro, J., Mowad, L., & Salovey, P. (2004). Matching health messages to health locus of control beliefs for promoting mammography utilization. Psychology and Health, 19, 407-423.

Woolery, A., & Salovey, P. (2004). Emotional intelligence and physical health. In I. Nyklicek, L.R. Temoshok & A. Vingerhoets (Eds.), Emotional expression and health: Biobehavioral perspectives on health and disease prevention (Vol. 6, pp. 154-168). New York: Harwood Academic Publishers.

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Apanovitch, A.M., McCarthy, D., & Salovey, P. (2003). Using message framing to motivate HIV testing among low-income, ethnic minority women. Health Psychology, 22, 60-67.

Arndt, J., Schimel, J., & Goldenberg, J.L. (2003). Death can be good for your health: Fitness intentions as proximal and distal defense against mortality salience. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 1726-1746.

Cameron, L. D. (2003). Anxiety, cognition, and responses to health threats. In L. D. Cameron & H. Leventhal (Eds.), The self-regulation of health and illness behaviour (pp. 157-183). London and New York: Routledge.

Cameron, L. D. (2003).Conceptualizing and assessing risk perceptions: A self-regulatory perspective. Paper presented at the Conceptualizing and Measuring Risk Perceptions Workshop, Washington D.C. Available online by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Available at:

Cameron, L. D., & Leventhal, H. (2003). Self-regulation, health, and illness: An overview. In L. D. Cameron & H. Leventhal (Eds.), The self-regulation of health and illness behaviour (pp. 1-14). London and New York: Routledge.

Cameron, L. D., & Leventhal, H. (Eds.) (2003). The self-regulation of health and illness behaviour. London and New York: Routledge.

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Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., & Gano, M. (2003). Adolescents' risk perceptions and behavioral willingness: Implications for intervention. In D. Romer (Ed.) Reducing Adolescent Risk: Toward and Integrated Approach. (pp. 75-81). Newbury, Ca: Sage Publications.

Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., & Lane, D.J. (2003). A social reaction model of adolescent health risk. In J.M. Suls & K.A. Wallston (Eds.) Social Psychological Foundations of Health and Illness. (pp. 107-136). Oxford, U.K: Blackwell.

Hennrikus, D., & Lando, H. (2003). Smoking cessation interventions for pregnant women and mothers of young children. Commenting: McBride and Melvin. In: Tremblay RE, Barr RG, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, 1-6.

Lando, H., Hennrikus, D., McCarty, M., Vessey, J. (2003). Predictors of quitting in hospitalized smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 5, 215-222.

Klein, W. M. P. (2003). Self-prescriptive, perceived, and actual attention to comparative risk information. Psychology and Health, 18, 625-643.

Mahler, H.I., Kulik, J.A., Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M. & Harrell, J. (2003). Effects of a UV image and photoaging information on the sun protection behaviors of southern California college students and beachgoers. Health Psychology, 22, 199-209.

McCaul, K. D., Canevello, A. B., Mathwig, J. L., & Klein, W. M. P. (2003). Risk communication and worry about breast cancer. Psychology, Health, and Medicine, 8, 379-389.

McCaul, K.D., & Mullens, A.B. (2003). Affect, thought, and self-protective health behavior: The case of worry and cancer screening. In J. Suls and K. Wallston (Eds.), Social Psychological Foundations of Health and Illness, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

McCaul, K.D., Canevello, A.B., Mathwig, J.L., & Klein, W.M.P. (2003). Risk communication and worry about breast cancer. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 8, 379-389.

McCool, J. P., Cameron, L. D., & Petrie, K. J. (2003). Interpretations of smoking in film by older teenagers. Social Science and Medicine, 56, 1023-1032.

McCool, J. P., Cameron, L. D., Petrie, K. J., & Robinson, E. (2003). Smoking behaviour and expectations among Auckland adolescents. New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 116, 1176-1186.

Pbert, L., Moolchan, E., Muramoto, M., Winickoff, J., Curry, S., Lando, H., Ossip-Klein, D., Prokhorov, A., DiFranza, J., and Klein, J. (2003) for the Tobacco Consortium, Center for Child Health Research of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The state of office-based interventions for youth tobacco use. Pediatrics, 111, e650 e660. Available at:

Rothman, A.J., Kelly, K.M., Hertel, A.W., & Salovey, P. (2003). Message framing and illness representations: Implications for interventions to promote and sustain healthy behavior. In L.D. Cameron & H. Leventhal (Eds.), The self-regulation of health and illness behavior. Reading, England: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Roski, J., An, L., Jeddoloh, R., Lando, H., Hannan, P. (2003). The impact of financial incentives and a patient registry on health care quality: Targeting smoking cessation clinical patterns and patient outcomes. Preventive Medicine, 36, 291-299.

Salovey, P., & Brownell, K.D. (2003). Coming to medicine through health psychology. In R.M. Donaldson, K.S. Lundgren& H.M. Spiro (Eds.), The Yale guide to careers in medicine and the health professions (pp. 359-363). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Salovey, P., & Rothman, A.J. (2003). Social psychology of health: Key readings in social psychology - An overview. In P. Salovey & A.J. Rothman (Eds.), Social psychology of health: Key readings in social psychology (pp. 1-4). Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.

Salovey, P., & Rothman, A.J. (2003). Social psychology and health [A volume in the series: Key Readings in Social Psycholog; A.W. Kruglanski, editor]. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.

Salovey, P., & Wegener, D.T. (2003). Communicating about health: Message framing, persuasion, and health behavior. In J. Suls & K.A. Wallston (Eds.), Social psychological foundations of health and illness. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Sandgren, A.K., & McCaul, K.D. (2003). Short-term effects of telephone therapy for breast cancer patients. Health Psychology, 22, 310-315.

Satterlund, M.J. McCaul, K.D., & Sandgren, A.K. (2003). Information Gathering Over Time by Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 5, e15. (Conclusions also featured on MDLinx, 2 September 2003.)

Steward, W.T., Schneider, T.R., Pizarro, J., & Salovey, P. (2003). Need for cognition moderates responses to framed smoking cessation messages. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 2439-2464.

Stuart, A.E., & Blanton, H. (2003). A conversational norms analysis of the effects of message framing on perceived behavioral prevalence. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 93 - 102.

Ward, K., Vander Weg, M., Kovach, K., Klesges, R., DeBon, M., Elrod, M., Haddock, C., Talcott, G., Lando, H. (2003). Characteristics of highly physically active smokers in a population of young adult military recruits. Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1405-1418.

Weinstein, N. D. (2003). Exploring the links between risk perceptions and preventive behaviors. In J. Suls & K. A. Wallston (Eds.), Social psychological foundations of health and illness (pp. 22-53). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Williams-Piehota, P., Schneider, T.R., Pizarro, J., Mowad, L., & Salovey, P. (2003). Matching health messages to information processing styles: Need for cognition and mammography utilization. Health Communication, 15, 375-392.

Wills, T.A., Gibbons, F.X., Gerrard, M., Murry, V.M., & Brody, G.H. (2003). Family communication and religiosity related to substance use and sexual behavior in early adolescence: A test for pathways through self-control and prototype perceptions. Psychology of Addictive Behavior, 17, 312-323.

Winickoff, J., Pbert, L., Klein, J., Lando, H., Caroll, B., Mermelstein, R., Mochan, E., Prokhorov, A., Ossip-Klein, D. (2003). Youth tobacco control research and activities in the United States: The current landscape. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 5, 435-454.

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Aspinwall, L.G., Hill, D.L., & Leaf, S.L. (2002). Prospects, pitfalls, and plans: A proactive perspective on social comparison activity. European Review of Social Psychology, 12, 267-298.

Aspinwall, L.G., & Leaf, S.L. (2002). In search of the unique aspects of hope: Pinning our hopes on positive emotions, future-oriented thinking, hard times, and other people. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 276-288.

Cameron, L. D., Leventhal, H., Love, R. R., & Patrick-Miller, L. (2002). Trait anxiety and tamoxifen effects on bone mineral density and sex hormone binding globulin. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 612-620.

Cameron, L. D., Reeve, J., Readings, A., & Winship, I. (2002). Attitudes about genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility: A survey of general practitioners, medical students, and women in the northern region of New Zealand. New Zealand Family Physician, 29, 234-239.

Devos-Comby, L., & Salovey, P. (2002). Applying persuasion strategies to alter HIV-relevant thoughts and behavior. Review of General Psychology, 6, 287-304.

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Vande Lune, L.S., Pexa, N., & Gano, M. (2002). Adolescents' substance-related risk perceptions: Antecedents, mediators, and consequences. Risk, Decision, and Policy, 7, 175-191.

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Reis-Bergan, M., Trudeau, L., Vande Lune, L., & Buunk, B.P. (2002). Inhibitory effects of drinker and non-drinker prototypes on adolescent alcohol consumption. Health Psychology, 21, 601-609.

Hennrikus, D., Jeffery, R., Lando, H., Murray, D., Brelje, K., Davidann, B., Baxter, J., Thai, D., Vessey, J., Liu, J. (2002). The SUCCESS project: The effect of program format and incentives on participation and cessation in worksite smoking cessation programs. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 274-279.

King, C.M, Rothman, A.J., & Jeffery, R.W. (2002). The challenge study: Theory based interventions for smoking and weight loss. Health Education Research (Special issue: Health Behavior Change Research: Theory Comparison and Multiple Behavior Research from the NIH Behavior Change Consortium), 17, 522-530.

Klein, W. M. P. (2002). Social comparison and risk judgment: Recent work and new directions. Risk, Decision, and Policy, 7, 145-152.

Klein, W. M. P. (2002). Comparative risk estimates relative to the average peer predict behavioral intentions and concern about absolute risk. Risk, Decision, and Policy, 7, 193-202.

McCaul, K.D., Johnson, R.J., & Rothman, A.J. (2002). The effects of framing and action instructions on whether older adults obtain flu shots. Health Psychology, 21, 624-628.

McCaul, K.D. & Wold, K.S. (2002). The effects of mailed reminders and tailored messages on mammography screening. Journal of Community Health, 27, 181-190.

Moss-Morris, R., Weinman, J., Petrie, K. J., Horne, R., Cameron, L. D., & Buick, D. (2002). The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R). Psychology and Health, 17, 1-16.

Muehrer, P.R., Salovey, P., Afifi, A.A., Coyne, J.C., Kring, A.M., Merson, M.H., Prohaska, T.R., & Rozensky, R.H. (2002). Overcoming barriers to collaboration between basic behavioral scientists and public health scientists in research on mental disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 9, 253-265.

Pizarro, J., Schneider, T.R., & Salovey, P. (2002). A source of error in self-reports of pap test utilization. Journal of Community Medicine, 57, 351-356.

Poston, C., Haddock, C., Talcott, G., Klesges, R., Lando, H., Peterson, A. (2002). Are overweight and obese airmen at greater risk for discharge from the USAF? Military Medicine, 167, 585-588.

Radcliffe, N. M., & Klein, W. M. P. (2002). Dispositional, unrealistic, and comparative optimism: Differential relations with knowledge and processing of risk information and beliefs about personal risk. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 836-846.

Rothman, A.J., Kelly, K.M, Hertel, A., & Salovey, P. (2002). Message frames and illness representations: Implications for interventions to promote and sustain healthy behavior. In L.D. Cameron and H. Leventhal (Eds.), The self-regulation of health and illness behavior (pp. 278-296). London, UK: Routledge.

Salovey, P., Schneider, T.R., & Apanovitch, A.M. (2002). Message framing in the prevention and early detection of illness. In J.P. Dillard & M. Pfau (Eds.), The persuasion handbook: Theory and practice (pp. 391-406). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Salovey, P., Stroud, L.R., Woolery, A., & Epel, E.S. (2002). Perceived emotional intelligence, stress reactivity, and symptom reports: Further explorations using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. Psychology and Health, 17, 611-627.

Thornton, B., Gibbons, F.X., & Gerrard, M. (2002). Risk perceptions and prototype perception: Independent processes predicting risk behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 986-999.

Ward, K., Vander Weg, M., Kovach, K., Klesges, R., DeBon, M., Haddock, C., Talcott, G., Lando, H. (2002). Ethnic and gender differences in smoking and smoking cessation in a population of young adult Air Force recruits. American Journal of Health Promotion, 16, 259-266.

Weinstein, N. D., & Sandman, P. M. (2002). The precaution adoption process model and its application. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & F. M. Lewis (Eds.), Health Behavior and health education: Theory, research and practice (third edition). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.


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