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Last updated on 2008-09-09 14:09:09

Civil-Military Medicine

Civil-Military Medicine (CMM) ensures that the Military Health System (MHS) provides the highest possible level and quality of health service support to military missions and responsibilities that are outside the realm of major combat operations.

This includes policies and program support for:

  • Medical Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
  • Homeland Defense & Civil Support
  • Coalition & Non-DoD Beneficiary Health Care

Meeting this responsibility requires collaboration and partnership with line counterparts, other federal agencies, state and local governments and non-governmental organizations.



CMM develops policies and oversees programs concerning Military Health System response to disasters; public health emergencies and mass casualty events involving military personnel, DoD employees and DoD beneficiaries; as well as military support for civilian authorities and the general public. This involves substantial interaction with other DoD components, other federal departments, the White House Homeland Security Council, and state and local governments.

CMM coordinates the MHS leadership role within the federally- sponsored National Disaster Medical System to provide response teams, patient transport and definitive hospital care during mass casualty events. The MHS, guided by CMM, also is a key partner in the National Response Framework, providing significant health and medical support to other federal agencies during nationally-declared disasters. Additionally, CMM coordinates public health matters with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by maintaining a full-time liaison officer at CDC headquarters.


The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs is a co-chair of DoD¿s oversight body for pandemic influenza activities and involves CMM in all facets of pandemic influenza response preparation. These activities range from overseeing worldwide medical surveillance providing early warning of a potential pandemic, to procuring medications and vaccines for active duty forces. The DoD Pandemic Influenza Watchboard provides information about pandemic influenza, including recent outbreaks, DoD actions and downloadable resources to help people prepare for an epidemic.



The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas¿ Security Affairs works with CMM to develop medical policies and procedures that facilitate MHS support to civilian authorities during contingencies affecting the homeland and to prepare leadership for emergency and crisis management operations and continuity of operations (COOP).

CMM provides medical input to DoD for national level exercises and simulations; characterizes MHS assets and capabilities, including readiness status, prioritization, assessment of vulnerability, and management of risk through the Defense Critical Infrastructure Program; and leads MHS efforts in the Installation Protection Program. CMM also supports DOD on the Interagency Consortium of Laboratory Networks and co-chairs the Defense Laboratory Network. Through these partnerships, CMM works to integrate and coordinate MHS, DoD and other federal laboratory and detection capabilities crucial to homeland security as well as chemical, biological and radionuclear defense.


CMM develops programs and procedures to provide health care through the MHS to non-DoD beneficiaries and coalition members eligible through specialized programs and international agreements. is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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