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Behavioral Studies Regarding HPV and Cervical Cancer

Reducing Cervical Cancer in Appalachia

Investigator: Electra D. Paskett, PhD, MSPH

The Center for Population Health and Health Disparities at Ohio State University and the University of Michigan study is focused on understanding why high rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality are observed in Appalachia Ohio. The multidisciplinary group of investigators are using community-based participatory research within the framework of the Social Determinants of Health model in three inter-related projects. An observational study is being used to investigate multi-level (social, environmental, behavioral, and biological) correlates of "risk-appropriate" Pap smear utilization. From this cohort, those who smoke are eligible to participate in testing the effectiveness of a lay health educator (social) intervention to promote smoking cessation (behavioral) and validate cessation endpoints with saliva cotinine measurements (biological) in a quasi-experimental trial design. Those women who are in need of a Pap test are eligible to participate in testing the effectiveness of a lay health educator (social) intervention to promote "riskappropriate" Pap smear utilization (behavioral) and follow-up for abnormalities (biological) detected in a quasi-experimental trial design. The study examines the contribution of HPV (biological) to cervical abnormalities in relation to individual-level behaviors (e.g. smoking, sexual activity) within the social and environmental region of Appalachia in a case-control observational study among women who have Pap smears in 16 clinics.

For more information, contact NCI Program Director: Shobha Srinivasan, PhD


Last Updated: October 23, 2007


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