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2008 Features :
Hurricane Ike 9/13/08 - Ike Roared Ashore in Texas
Hurricane Ike is seen in infrared by NASA's Aqua spacecraft about an hour after making landfall Sept. 13 in Galveston, Texas.
Hurricane Ike 9/12/08 - Ike Begins Battering Gulf Coast
A monstrously large, extremely dangerous Hurricane Ike is already affecting the Gulf Coast. NASA's Aqua spacecraft took this infrared image early Sept. 12.
Arctic sea ice 9/11/08 - QuikScat Maps Historic Sea Ice Changes
QuikScat has detected a recent major melting of sea ice (depicted in red and magenta) that is clearing Arctic sea routes.
Hurricane Ike 9/11/08 - Ike Advances on the Gulf Coast
A very large and growing Hurricane Ike steams toward the Texas coast in this Sept. 11 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
asteroid Steins 9/8/08 - Rosetta Images Asteroid Steins
On its way to a 2014 rendezvous with a comet, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft successfully flew past asteroid Steins on Sept. 5. JPL manages NASA's participation in the mission and supplied the Microwave Instrument.
Hurricane Gustav 9/5/08 - September Peak Month for Atlantic Hurricanes
Why is September the peak month for hurricanes? NASA oceanographer Bill Patzert provides some insights.
Hurricane Hanna 9/5/08 - East Coast Braces for Hanna's Arrival
Purples denote Tropical Storm Hanna's strongest winds (left image) and highest, coldest cloud tops (right image) in these Sept. 5 views from NASA's QuikScat and Aqua spacecraft, respectively.
artist concept of Rosetta 9/4/08 - Rosetta Set To Fly By Asteroid
On its way to a 2014 rendezvous with a comet, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will fly by asteroid Steins on Sept. 5. JPL manages NASA's participation in the Rosetta mission.
Hurricane Ike 9/4/08 - Unlikable Ike Looms Large
Hurricane Ike marches west in this Sept. 4 early morning infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft. Ike is a compact but powerful storm with maximum sustained winds of 217 kilometers (135 miles) per hour.
Tropical Storm Hanna, left, and Josephine 9/3/08 - Hanna and Her Sister
While Tropical Storm Hanna moves toward the Bahamas, in the eastern Atlantic, her younger sister, Tropical Storm Josephine, begins her westward trek in these Sept. 3 infrared images from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
Tropical Storm Hanna 9/2/08 - Hanna Goes to Haiti
Tropical Storm Hanna follows in Gustav's footsteps, affecting Haiti and the Dominican Republic in this Sept. 2 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua satellite. Hanna is expected to become a hurricane tomorrow and may affect the entire U.S. eastern seaboard by this weekend.
Infrared image of Hurricane Gustav 9/1/08 - Gustav Grinds Ashore
This Sept. 1 early morning infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft shows Hurricane Gustav about six hours before the Category Two storm made landfall in Louisiana.
Hurricane Gustav 8/31/08 - Gustav Churns Toward Northern Gulf Coast
Major Hurricane Gustav continues its northward churn through the Gulf of Mexico in this early morning Aug. 31 infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
Infrared view of Hurricane Gustav 8/30/08 - Gustav Grows, Sets Its Eye on Cuba, Gulf
The clearly defined eye of powerful Hurricane Gustav prepares to strike western Cuba in this Aug. 30 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
8/29/08 - Gustav Strengthens in the Caribbean
A swirl of purple marks the high, cold clouds atop Hurricane Gustav in this Aug. 29 afternoon image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
8/28/08 - Will Gustav Dodge the Gulf's Warmest Waters?
Tropical Storm Gustav's path through the warm ocean circulation features of the Gulf of Mexico this weekend, shown on this Aug. 28 map created with data from NASA's Jason-1 satellite, may play a significant role in its potential intensification.
8/25/08 - Fay's Rains Still Drenching the Southeast
While now a tropical depression, Fay continues spreading heavy rain and winds over a wide swath of the U.S. Southeast, as seen in this Aug. 25 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
Tropical Storm Fay 8/22/08 - Fay Refuses To Fade
Tropical Storm Fay, seen in this Aug. 22 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft, continues its slow westward trek across northern Florida, heading for the Gulf of Mexico and a probable fourth U.S. landfall.
Yuri Carrillo 8/20/08 - Young Thinkers Get to Tinker at JPL
More than 300 students have swelled JPL's ranks this summer, hailing from high schools, community colleges, four-year universities and graduate schools across the country.
Tropical Storm Fay 8/20/08 - Fay Stalls Over Florida
Tropical Storm Fay, seen in this Aug. 20 afternoon infrared image from NASA's Aqua spacecraft, continues to dump torrential rain over Florida.
Tropical Storm Fay 8/19/08 - Fay Feeds on Florida
Tropical Storm Fay engulfs Southern and Central Florida in this QuikScat image taken Tues., Aug. 19, at 7:33 a.m. EDT.
tropical storm Fay 8/18/08 - Floridians Prep for Fay's Fury
Tropical Storm Fay advances on Florida in this Aug. 18 NASA Aqua infrared image. Fay is expected to make landfall Tuesday.
map of ocean showing sea level change 8/13/08 - Portrait of a Warming Ocean, Rising Sea Levels
Global sea level is on the rise, but the rise isn't uniform across the ocean. In this image, white and red show where sea level has risen the most; purple and blue where it has dropped.
nebula 170,000 light-years away 8/11/08 - JPL Camera Marks Hubble's 100,000th Orbit
To commemorate Hubble's 100,000th orbit on Aug. 10, scientists used a JPL-designed and -built camera onboard the space telescope snapped this dazzling region of a nebula 170,000 light-years away.
Enceladus 8/9/08 - Follow Monday's Enceladus Flyby on NASA Blog
Cassini is flying about 30 miles above the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Monday, Aug. 11. Mission scientists and engineers will update the flyby blog regularly. Send your comments.
Layers of clay-rich rock 8/7/08 - Martian Clays Tell Story of a Wet Past
Layers of clay-rich rock at a potential landing site for future Mars rovers suggest a long-term history of liquid water activity, possibly including hot water, at the now-dry site.
Tropical Storm Edouard 8/5/08 - Edouard Starts Its Trek Deep In the Heart of Texas
Edouard, now a tropical depression, has sloshed its way north of Houston on a trek that will take it "deep in the heart of Texas." This infrared NASA Aqua image was taken at 12:17 PDT August 5.
Tropical Storm Edouard 8/4/08 - Tropical Storm Edouard Steams Toward Texas/Louisiana
Fed by warm Gulf of Mexico waters, Tropical Storm Edouard gathers strength in the northern Gulf, as seen in this infrared image taken early August 4 from NASA's Aqua spacecraft.
map showing real and potential earthquakes 7/30/08 - Quake Demonstrates Ongoing Forecasting Experiment
This week's magnitude 5.4 earthquake in Southern California marks another demonstration of an ongoing experiment by a NASA/Department of Energy-funded research team to forecast the location of large earthquakes in California.
7/29/08 - Earthquake Studies
Today's 5.4 earthquake in the Los Angeles area is a powerful reminder that California is earthquake country. NASA uses a wide range of technologies to advance our understanding of quakes in California and around the world.
Dolly becomes tropical storm 7/24/08 - Dolly Ready to Say So Long, Dearie to Texas, Hello to Mexico
A pair of infrared images from JPL's Atmospheric Infrared Sounder show the progression of now Tropical Storm Dolly from Wednesday afternoon, local time, to early Thursday morning, July 24. Dolly is likely to cause widespread flooding.
Hurricane Dolly 7/23/08 - Dolly Starts Her Whirl Through South Texas
NASA's QuikScat satellite captured Hurricane Dolly in her Tuesday clothes last night at 7:24 p.m. Central Time.
Tropical Storm Dolly 7/22/08 - Texas Prepares To Say Hello To Dolly
A still growing Tropical Storm Dolly bridges the gap of the Gulf of Mexico in this July 22 infrared image from NASA's Aqua satellite. Dolly is expected to make landfall Wednesday as a hurricane.
montage of planets 7/16/08 - JPL Enters the Blogosphere
A new JPL blog features scientists and engineers who will offer insights into their areas of expertise - ranging from Mars, Saturn and other solar system bodies to the universe beyond. Topics closer to home, like climate change, will also be discussed. Public comments are welcome.
map showing height of a tsunami in the open ocean 7/16/08 - Ocean Surface a Boon for Extreme Event Forecasts, Warnings
For humans in the path of destructive hurricanes and tsunamis, an accurate warning of the pending event is critical for damage control and survival.
nanobolometer 7/11/08 - New Nano-Device to See Invisible Light
JPL physicist Boris S. Karasik co-leads a research team that will help astronomers see invisible light.
Earth 7/8/08 - NASA Mission to be Crystal Ball into Oceans' Future, Mirror to the Past
Imagine the lives that could be saved from flash floods, and the homes that could be spared from the effects of coastline erosion if only scientists could more accurately predict the dynamics of Earth's often unpredictable oceans.
Giovanni Fazio 7/7/08 - Spitzer Team Member Wins Gold Medal
Spitzer science team member Giovanni Fazio has won a prestigious award for his outstanding contributions to space science.
artist concept of Voyager and our solar system 7/2/08 - Voyager Squashes View of Solar System
Scientists using data from NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft have observed the bubble of solar wind surrounding the solar system is not round, but has a squashed shape.
section of a supernova remnant 7/1/08 - Hubble Sees Stars and a Stripe in Celestial Fireworks
Observations from JPL's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 contributed to this image showing a delicate ribbon of gas floating eerily in space.
Shell Oil platform 7/1/08 - New Mission Helps Offshore Industries Dodge Swirling Waters
Hurricanes aren't the only hazards spinning up in the Gulf of Mexico -- they have a liquid counterpart in the waters below called ocean eddies.
fires near Big Sur, Calif. 6/30/08 - Smoke Shrouds Idyllic California Coast
Fires near the scenic California resort of Big Sur burn unchecked in this thermal infrared NASA/JPL satellite image taken Sunday, June 29.
map showing location of Tunguska impact 6/27/08 - 100 Years of Space Rock: The Tunguska Impact
At around 7:17 on the morning of June 30, 1908, a man based at the trading post at Vanavara in Siberia is sitting on his front porch.
space-based mapping of ocean 6/25/08 - NASA Mission to Answer Lingering Questions From Deep Blue Sea
Ocean tides and currents across the globe still hold within their watery grasp the key to unanswered questions about our planet.
ozone loss indicated in tropical Atlantic 6/25/08 - Study Zooms In on Ozone Loss
A JPL scientist co-authored a study in tomorrow's (June 26) Nature, finding that sea spray and emissions from microscopic ocean plants are destroying ozone in the lower atmosphere over the tropical Atlantic Ocean at a rate 50 percent higher than predicted by climate models.
artist concept of Stardust-Next 6/25/08 - Stardust-Next Burns for Comet Flyby
The Stardust-Next flight team fired their spacecraft's engine today to refine its trajectory. This trajectory sets the stage for an encounter with comet Tempel 1 on February 14, 2011.
OSTM/Jason 2 6/20/08 - OSTM/Jason 2 Launches
The boosters and first-stage engine have been jettisoned, and the launch vehicle will enter a 38-minute-long coast period.
6/19/08 - Epoxi Burns for Comet Flyby
The Epoxi flight team fired their spacecraft's engine today to refine its trajectory. This trajectory sets the stage for an encounter with comet Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, 2010.
ocean waves 6/16/08 - NASA Mission Poised to Help Us Gauge Our Rising Seas
The newest ocean-observing satellite takes flight this week to make precise measurements of rising global sea level.
Artist's concept of Jason-1 ground track 6/13/08 - As Jason 2 Awaits Launch, Jason 1 Marks a Milestone
With final preparations underway for next week's launch of NASA's Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason 2, its predecessor marks its 30,000th trip around the world to monitor Earth's ocean.
Athlete in Moses Lake, Washington 6/13/08 - Moses Lake Part of Athlete Training
JPL's Athlete (All-Terrain Hex-Legged Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) participated in NASA testing of future moon systems at Moses Lake, Washington. The two-week long trial concluded today (June 13).
new large landslide dams and lakes caused by earthquake 6/6/08 - JPL Instrument Surveys Quake Area
This image, acquired on June 1, 2008, shows two of the new large landslide dams and lakes, which resulted from the Sichuan earthquake in China, May 12, 2008.
Saturn's F ring 6/4/08 - Cassini Sees Collisions of Moons on Saturn's Ring
Cassini scientists have discovered that the rapid changes in Saturn's F ring are due to small moons colliding with the ring. These results are reported in the June 5 issue of Nature.
artist concept of Titan flyby 5/29/08 - Cassini Flies By Titan, Readies for Extended Tour
On May 28, the Cassini spacecraft successfully completed a flyby of Saturn's moon Titan, the last flyby of the original four-year tour, but Cassini's exploration of Saturn will continue for two more years.
artist concept of exoplanet 5/27/08 - Experts Discuss How to Find Another Earth
On May 29 and 30, astronomers and scientists from all around the world will gather in Pasadena to discuss how we might find another Earth, and how we might detect possible life on it.
simulation of Phoenix landing 5/23/08 - Phoenix Preview: Guided Tour of Mars Landing
Catch this guided tour with Rob Manning, chief engineer for JPL's Mars Program, as he describes a simulation of the Mars Phoenix landing, scheduled for Sunday, May 25.
5/22/08 - Conference to Feature JPL Research on Earth's Air and Water
JPL scientists will discuss such topics as air quality and Earth's water cycle at next week's American Geophysical Union meeting in Florida.
red spot on Jupiter 5/22/08 - New Red Spot Glows on Jupiter's Surface
A new red spot on Jupiter has been captured by the JPL-built and designed Wide Field and Planetary 2 Camera, onboard NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. This makes for three red spots, or high turbulence storms, on Jupiter.
Jupiter's Little Red Spot 5/21/08 - High Winds in Jupiter's Little Red Spot
Jupiter's Little Red Spot, one of the solar system's largest and newest storms, also has some of the highest wind speeds ever detected on any planet. These results, co-authored by several JPL scientists, are published in the June issue of the Astronomical Journal.
global map of Saturn's moon Dione 5/20/08 - Maps of Saturn's Moon Dione Now Available
A detailed map of Saturn's fractured moon Dione, made from images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, is available today, along with a series of atlases of the icy moon.
5/19/08 - Mars Phoenix on Facebook and Twitter
JPL has a page on social-networking site Facebook and is also using micro-blogging site Twitter.
Phoenix landing blog 5/19/08 - Follow Events on Phoenix Mars Landing Blog
Phoenix mission members are now updating our blog as landing day approaches. We will be blogging from JPL's mission control on Sunday, May 25, as the spacecraft touches down on Mars.
artist concept of Phoenix in space and landing 5/16/08 - Destination Mars: Entry, Descent and Landing
It will be a real nail-biter on May 25, 2008, for engineers, as the Phoenix spacecraft performs a series of challenging maneuvers right before it lands on Mars.
engineering model for Mars Science Lab 5/14/08 - Latino JPL Engineers To Inspire Students in Webcast
Six JPL engineers are included in a live Webcast about engineering opportunities in the space program on Thursday, May 15.
artist concept showing what concentric rings might look like at Europa 5/14/08 - Wandering Poles on Europa Point to Ocean
Global mapping of unusual large circular features on Jupiter's moon Europa reveals the moon is even more unstable than previously thought, and provides independent confirmation of a water ocean not far beneath its icy shell.
artist depiction of Titan flyby 5/13/08 - Cassini's Radar Peers Through Titan's Haze
Cassini completed a successful flyby of Titan on May 12, for the first of two such flybys that will wrap up the original four-year mission.
galaxy M81 5/13/08 - New Software Brings the Universe to Your Computer
The incredible images from NASA space- and ground-based telescopes are now available to the public through the release of free software from Microsoft.
engineer inspects scoop on robotic arm of Phoenix 5/9/08 - Intense Testing Paved Phoenix Road to Mars
When NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander descends to the surface of the Red Planet on May 25, few will be watching as closely as those who have spent years planning, analyzing and conducting tests to prepare for the dramatic and nerve-wracking event.
artist concept of Ulysses spacecraft 5/8/08 - Ulysses Team Recognized with International Award
The Ulysses mission operations team has won an international award for its outstanding contributions to the joint ESA/NASA observatory mission, now orbiting the poles of the sun.
wave pattern, or oscillation, in Saturn's atmosphere 5/7/08 - Saturn Does the Wave in Upper Atmosphere
Two decades of scrutinizing Saturn are finally paying off, as scientists have discovered a wave pattern, or oscillation, in Saturn's atmosphere only visible from Earth every 15 years.
location of dust devil near Phoenix landing site 5/6/08 - Mars Orbiter Eyes Dust Devils at Phoenix Landing Site
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured an image of dust devils -- swirling dust storms -- near the landing site for the Mars Phoenix lander on the northern Martian plains.
Tropical Cyclone Nargis 5/5/08 - Tropical Cyclone Nargis Rakes Burma
The tropical cyclone that devastated Burma over the weekend is seen in this infrared image from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder. Areas in purple represent the high, cold cloud tops that make up the top of Nargis.
Winners from the National Science Bowl in Washington, DC. on May 5, 2008 5/5/08 - Santa Monica High Wins National Science Bowl
Santa Monica High School has won the National Science Bowl in Washington. This is the first time the winner of JPL's regional Science Bowl has also placed first in the national competition.
radar view of sand dunes on Titan, top, and Namibian dunes on Earth 5/2/08 - Titan's Smoggy Sand Grains
NASA scientist Jason Barnes says Titan and Earth have much in common, but not when it comes to sand.
Jeff Oster 5/2/08 - All That Cassini Jazz
A musician has made music out of the eerie sounds around Saturn recorded by the Cassini spacecraft.
images from JPL Space Gallery 5/2/08 - New Image Gallery Has an Eye for Beauty
JPL's new online Space Gallery captures the beauty of Earth, the solar system and the universe in a single web site. Features include a scrollable image navigation and a toggle to see slide shows.
Jupiter's system of rings 4/30/08 - Jupiter's Shadow Sculpts Its Rings
Using data from NASA's Galileo spacecraft, scientists have shown that Jupiter's shadow is shaping the planet's rings and the orbits of particles within the rings.
drawing showing left- and right-handed amino acids 4/29/08 - NASA Experiment Planned for European Mars Mission
NASA is funding work on an instrument that could check for biologically produced chemicals on Mars. The device may hitch a ride on Europe's 2013 ExoMars Rover mission.
ultraviolet view of galaxy M106 4/28/08 - Galaxy Evolution Explorer Celebrates Five Years in Space
Since its launch five years ago, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer has photographed hundreds of millions of galaxies in ultraviolet light.
Arp 148 4/24/08 - Wild Galaxies Collide
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is celebrating its 18th anniversary with a new collection of images showcasing colliding galaxies, including some captured by JPL's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2.
montage of global views of Earth 4/22/08 - JPL Earth Scientists Reflect on Earth Day
In commemoration of Earth Day on Tuesday, April 22, we asked JPL Earth scientists to reflect on the event and what it means to them.
spacecraft being loaded into container 4/18/08 - Ocean-Monitoring Satellite One Step Closer to Launch
The Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 satellite, which will study Earth's weather and climate, is packed for its journey to Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Launch is set for June 15.
images from a radar sounder instruments 4/17/08 - Mars Radar Opens a New Dimension in Planet Exploration
A radar instrument co-sponsored by NASA on the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has looked beneath the surface of Mars and opened up a new dimension for planetary exploration.
technician scans patient with carotid artery ultrasound 4/10/08 - NASA Technologies Enter Space Technology Hall of Fame
The Space Foundation today is inducting three NASA-developed technologies into the Space Technology Hall of Fame.
powerful gamma ray burst 4/10/08 - Hubble Pinpoints Record-Breaking Explosion
JPL's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 onboard NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured an optical image of what was a titanic gamma-ray blast.
parachute open 4/4/08 - No Speed Limit on Mars
It's a good thing there's no speed limit on Mars, because the next parachute to fly to the red planet will deploy faster than you can legally drive on a California freeway!
volcano on Hawaii 4/4/08 - Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Belches A Toxic Brew
The summit of Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island developed a new vent in March and produced its first explosion in 84 years. The ash plume of the new vent is seen in this pair of recent infrared NASA satellite images.
artist concept of Stardust nearing Earth 4/3/08 - Stardust Stars on Earth as it Does in the Heavens
While their spacecraft's journeys may have taken it more than halfway to Jupiter, members of the Stardust team have lately been doing some roaming of their own.
Image showing infrared brightness of the central peak and wall of a crater in Tyrrhena Terra, in Mars' southern highlands 3/31/08 - Students Help Explore Mars through Innovative Program
High school students in three states are working with Mars researchers on observations for an instrument on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Artist concept of Titan 42 flyby 3/31/08 - Cassini Samples Titan's Atmosphere
The Cassini spacecraft recently examined Titan's upper atmosphere in yet another successful flyby of the orange-tinged moon.
hot water rises like black smoke from a hydrothermal vent on the ocean floor 3/26/08 - A Perspective on Life on Enceladus: A World of Possibilities
Could microbial life exist inside Enceladus, where no sunlight reaches, photosynthesis is impossible and no oxygen is available?
team controlling their robot to move the red ball 3/24/08 - High-Schoolers Go Into Overdrive at FIRST Robotics Competition
Fifty-two teams from high schools in Southern California, Arizona and New Hampshire competed in the Los Angeles FIRST Robotics Competition last Friday and Saturday.
Mark Swain 3/19/08 - JPL's Mark Swain: Expert on Exoplanets and Espresso
Coffee is one of the tools that Mark Swain, a JPL research scientist, uses to stay sharp when he studies exoplanets, or planets around other stars.
Enceladus 3/13/08 - Cassini Gets Close-Up Views of Enceladus
Raw, or unprocessed, images from Cassini's flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus are now available. The flyby occurred on Wed., March 12.
artist concept of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter 3/12/08 - JPL Researchers Aboard Robotic Moon Mission
Two JPL researchers are among 24 selected to initiate new investigations and help measurements planned for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
radio-controlled model blimp 3/12/08 - Researchers Flex Artificial Muscles
Scientific researchers from around the world made a robotic fish swim, a synthetic flower bloom, and a giant metallic blimp fly using artificial muscles at an annual conference.
Enceladus 3/11/08 - Blog With Cassini to Enceladus
Follow along as Cassini team members update our blog about the flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus. Cassini makes its closest pass to the moon on Wednesday, Mar. 12. Add your comments.
ocean waves 3/7/08 - Scientists Solve 50-Year-Old Mystery of Oceans' Seismic 'Buzz'
Scientists have solved a 50-year-old mystery by pinpointing a place in the North Atlantic where the energy of crashing ocean waves creates a continuous seismic "buzz."
Earth and Moon 3/6/08 - Home Planet Viewed From Mars
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped this view of Earth and the moon with its High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera. Earth was 142 million kilometers (88 million miles) from Mars at the time.
The Last Confessions Of A Dying Star 3/4/08 - The Last Confessions of a Dying Star
Before it dissipates into space, a dying star reveals a wealth of previously unseen structures in this new picture taken by the JPL-built and designed Wide Field and Planetary 2 Camera, onboard NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
artist concept of planet circling star 3/3/08 - JPL Helps Shoot for the Moon, Stars, Planets and More
A giant telescope, galaxy maps, and laser beacons on Mars are only a few of the ideas that teams selected by NASA will study for the next generation of astronomy and astrophysics missions.
kids watch their robot in action 2/27/08 - Two Schools Rule at Robot Match
Two Southern California schools captured top honors at a Lego robotics competition sponsored by JPL on Tuesday, Feb. 26.
This artist's concept shows a multitude of tiny diamonds next to a hot star. 2/26/08 - Spitzer's Eyes Perfect for Spotting Diamonds in the Sky
Diamonds may be rare on Earth, but surprisingly common in space -- and the super-sensitive infrared eyes of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are perfect for scouting them.
artist concept of cassini flyby 2/25/08 - Cassini Images Huygens Landing Site
A little more than three years after the Huygens probe landed on Saturn's moon Titan, Cassini's radar instrument got another look at the landing area during a successful flyby on Feb. 22.
artist concept of Kepler 2/20/08 - Tests Underway for Kepler Mission Image Detectors
Sensitive detectors that may help find habitable planets orbiting distant stars as part of NASA's Kepler Mission are undergoing tests at NASA Ames Research Center in Northern California.
Sixty for Saturn 2/19/08 - High Energy Electron Holes Reveal Unseen Rings
Gaps in the soup of high energy particles near the orbits of two of Saturn's tiny moons indicate that Saturn may be surrounded by undiscovered, near-invisible partial rings.
artist concept of infrared view showing what star and its planet may look like 2/15/08 - NASA Sponsors Studies of Next Generation Astronomy Missions
JPL is involved in 15 of 19 science teams selected by NASA to conduct yearlong studies of new concepts for its next generation of major observatories.
winning team 2/11/08 - Santa Monica High Wins Science Bowl
Santa Monica High School won the Science Bowl held on Saturday, Feb. 9 at JPL. The school advances to the national competition, where science-savvy students wrestle with concepts like the laws of thermodynamics and quadratic functions.
Australian rowers after crossing Tasman Sea 2/8/08 - Ocean-Observing Satellites Help Break Current Records
Two different teams of ocean adventurers set records this winter crossing the Tasman Sea. Both used maps of ocean currents made possible by ocean-observing satellites.
Saturn mural 2/8/08 - Students Paint a Window to Saturn
Art students have literally left their mark at JPL with a gigantic, multi-wall mural of the Cassini spacecraft's latest discoveries about Saturn and its moons.
Cloudsat data of tornado outbreak 2/8/08 - CloudSat Profiles Tornado Outbreak
The intense thunderstorms responsible for this week's deadly outbreak of tornadoes in Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas were imaged by the Cloud Profiling Radar on NASA's CloudSat satellite on February 5.
Airs hurricane data 2/8/08 - Through the Eye of the Storm: A Look Back at 2007's Hurricane Season
NASA satellites were on the watch as the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season unfolded.
This graphic shows how the ice particles and water vapor observed spewing from geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus. 2/7/08 - Scientists Study 'Plumbing' in Plumes of Enceladus
Scientists on the Cassini mission have become out-of-this world "plumbers" as they try to piece together what's happening inside the "pipes" feeding the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus.
southern hemisphere of Enceladus 2/5/08 - Saturn Has a 'Giant Sponge'
One of Saturn's rings does housecleaning, soaking up material gushing from the fountains on Saturn's tiny ice moon Enceladus, according to new observations from the Cassini spacecraft.
artist concept showing radio signals from Cassini 1/31/08 - Cassini Finds Rhythm in Saturn's Rings
Order can be found in the most unexpected places, as demonstrated by our neighbor three planets down.
artist concept showing model of Explorer 1 held high after announcing news of its success 1/30/08 - Public Invited to Celebrate America's First Satellite, Virtually
JPL's Explorer 1 site features archival video footage, an interactive peek inside the satellite and a downloadable, in-depth book about the era and the mission.
representation of galaxies in and surrounding a galaxy cluster 1/25/08 - Cosmic Suburbia Is a Better Breeding Ground for Stars
New observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggest that galaxies prefer to raise stars in cosmic suburbia rather than in "big cities."
'Lyell' Panorama inside Victoria Crater 1/25/08 - Opportunity Marks Four Years on Mars
During four months prior to the fourth anniversary of its landing on Mars, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity examined rocks in the western portion of Victoria Crater.
artist concept of Stardust nearing Earth 1/25/08 - Stardust Comet Dust Resembles Asteroid Materials
Contrary to scientists' expectations, much of the comet dust returned by NASA's Stardust mission formed very close to the young sun and was somehow differentiated from the other materials that are believed to have formed in the early solar system.
Keck Gives Caltech $24 Million for Space Institute 1/24/08 - Keck Gives Caltech $24 Million for Space Institute
Caltech has received an eight-year $24 million grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation to establish the W. M. Keck Institute for Space Studies, which will develop new space-mission concepts and technology.
Infrared image of nearby star HD 61005 1/8/08 - Astronomers Present Results about 'The Moth' and a Bizarre Ring
News about a moth-like star system and the first double Einstein ring was presented today at an astronomy conference in Austin, Texas. (Jan. 10)
raw image of Titan 1/7/08 - Cassini Completes First Titan Visit of the New Year
The Cassini spacecraft successfully flew by Titan on Jan. 5. Its visual and infrared mapping spectrometer mapped the Huygens probe's landing site, now in direct sunlight.
JPL float in Rose Parade 1/2/08 - JPL Rose Parade Float Salutes 50 Years of Exploration
Planets and spacecraft sprung forth from JPL's float in this year's Rose Parade. The float's theme highlighted the upcoming 50th anniversary of the JPL-designed and built Explorer 1, the first U.S. satellite to orbit Earth.
Spirit's West Valley Panorama 1/2/08 - Mars Rover Keeping the Spirit at Four
NASA's Spirit rover is spending its fourth anniversary on Mars at the northern edge of a low plateau. It landed on Mars Jan. 4, 2004, Universal Time (Jan. 3, 2004, Pacific Time).
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