We hope the resources will encourage you and your students to rediscover the challenges of flight; and to learn about the people, events, and technology that made flight possible.
Students of all ages will be able to examine how our world has changed as a result of the Wright Brothers' first powered flight on December 17, 1903. What possibilities will they be able to imagine for the next one hundred years of flight?
This Day in History is provided by the Library of Congress. Your students will find these facts both interesting and educational. They are organized by month and are available for download and use in the classroom.
January |
February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December
NASA educational posters are printed on both sides and contains activities associated with the Wright Brothers.
Students from Oregon have designed a poster that represents the history of aviation and aerospace in their state. Check out this award winning project! Be sure to view the front and the back of the poster.

The 2003 Flight Forecast was an online program that challenged K-12 students to predict the weather conditions for flight at the Centennial of Flight celebration at the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 2003. |