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Low H2O Greenhouse

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July 14, 2008

Design changes enable new applications for atomic clocks with decrease in size, power
A miniature atomic clock (MAC), designed to replace currently used atomic clocks with an easily portable device, has been demonstrated by a research team from the Symmetricom Technology Realization Center, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, and Sandia. At 15 cubic centimeters, the MAC is about the volume of a small matchbox, consumes only 115 milliwatts of power, and can run off two AA batteries for more than 24 hours.
Contact: Michael Padilla,

Production of transportation fuel from cellulose featured by Joint BioEnergy Institute
A partnership of three national laboratories and three research universities began work at a new Department of Energy bioenergy research center in the San Francisco Bay Area in mid-April. Known as the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), it is expected to receive $135 million in DOE funding over its first five years, primarily for research in lignocellulose biofuels. and

Sandia awarded two cellulosic biofuel projects
Pacific Ethanol -  This project establishes a demonstration cellulosic biorefinery that produces ethanol. Sandia researchers will be responsible for optimizing enzyme “cocktails” and developing biomass pretreatment methodologies for a biorefinery located in Oregon.

DSM International - This project focuses on the development and commercialization of advanced enzymes for the cellulosic ethanol industry. Sandia researchers will assist DSM in characterization of these enzymes.