Payroll Savings Web Page Banners

These Web banners provide a valuable service to your customers and employees. When displayed on your Internet or Intranet Web pages, they lead to official TreasuryDirect and Treasury securities information.

The banners are an easy and effective way to show your organization's support for personal saving. They also create a link between your organization and the U.S. Treasury Department.

Download instructions

<a href=""><img src="YOUR PATH HERE/achieve.gif" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="TreasuryDirect"></a>

TreasuryDirect Banners

Use our new TreasuryDirect banners to link to Treasury's new totally electronic system for managing savings bonds purchases online.


Animated Banners


TreasuryDirect - Achieve


TreasuryDirect - Choices

Female Shoes:

Male Sneakers:

Male & Female Paint Samples:

TreasuryDirect - Choices

Pay Yourself:

TreasuryDirect - Pay Yourself