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1156 Titles Match Your Query
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1. ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data held at the Alaska Satellite Facility [ASF00001]
The data set consists of all ERS-1 SAR data acquired by the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) operated by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. Only data ...

2. RADARSAT-1 SAR Images held at the Alaska Satellite Facility [ASF000R1]
The data set consists of all RADARSAT-1 SAR data acquired by the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) operated by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. ...

3. Sea Ice Thickness and Snow Depth Data Collected by the Ship-based Video Observations onboard Antarctic Research Vessel Shirase [NIPR_PMG_SEAICETHICK_SNOWDEPT]
Sea ice thickness and snow depth data collected by the ship-based video observations. All the data are available from network library system (POLARIS) in NIPR.

4. Snow Temperature at Dome Fuji Station [JP_ANTARCTICA_SNOW_TEMP]
Snow temperature at Dome Fuji Station has been measured at depths of 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 meters using platium 100 ohm resistance sensors with data ...

5. Enhanced resolution Ku-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1996-1997 [NSCAT_sigma0_images]
This NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) data set consists of enhanced resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's surface. Images are ...

6. JERS-1 data from Eurimage [EURIMAGE_JERS]
The Japanese Earth Resources Satellite was launched in February 1992. It carries a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instrument (L-band) and a 7 band optical sensor ...

7. Ice core profiles from lake ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys [McM_DV_Ice__Cores]
The McM_DV_Ice_Cores data set includes profiles of biological and geochemical parameters measured on ice cores collected from the permanent ice covers in the McMurdo ...

8. CLPX-Airborne: Polarimetric Ku-Band Scatterometer (POLSCAT) Data [NSIDC-0159]
This data set contains Ku-band polarimetric scatterometer (POLSCAT) data collected as part of the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) to enable the development ...

9. Dynamics of Ice Streams: A Physical Statistical Approach [Cressie_0229292]
Ice streams are believed to play a major role in determining the response of their parent ice sheet to climate change, and in determining global sea level by serving ...

10. Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work [LVS]   CHILD DIFs
Abstract This project with funding provided by the Office of Polar Programs under the Life in Extreme Environments (LExEn) Program, includes a geophysical ...

11. Temperate East Asia Snow and Ice Cover [EOSWEBSTER_TEA]
Twenty-seven 10-day synthesis products of VEGETATON sensor (VGT-S10) on SPOT 4 satellite were acquired for land cover characterization in temperate ...

12. Snow accumulation rates at East Dronning Maud Land [JP_ANTARCTICA_SNOW_ACCUM]
Snow accumulation rates at East Dronning Maud Land by snow stake method. All data has been published by JARE DATA REPORTS (Glaciology).

13. Ice Thickness and Surface Elevation, Southeastern Ross Embayment, West Antarctica [NSIDC-0099]
Ice surface elevation and ice thickness data are available for a portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The investigators utilized a laser altimeter and ice-penetrating radar mounted ...

14. MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m Grid, Version 4 [MYD10A2]
MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m Grid (MYD10A2) contains data fields for maximum snow cover extent over an eight-day compositing period and a chronology of snow occurrence observations ...

15. MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m Grid, Version 4 [MYD10A1]
MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m Grid (MYD10A1) contains snow cover and quality assurance (QA) data in HDF-EOS format, along with corresponding metadata. Data files after ...

16. The Winter Icing and Storms Project, (WISP) Conducted Along the Colorado Front Range for the Winter Seasons of 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994 [WISP_NCAR]
The WISP home page address on the WWW is "" The Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP) was conducted in the Colorado ...

17. Environmental Data Record Map NH DMSP-14 [gov.noaa.class.EDRMAPNH14]
ABSTRACT: Microwave surface and precipitation products (EDRs) are produced by Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's ...

18. Environmental Data Record Map NH DMSP-15 [gov.noaa.class.EDRMAPNH15]
ABSTRACT: Microwave surface and precipitation products (EDRs) are produced by Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's ...

19. Environmental Data Record Map SH DMSP-14 [gov.noaa.class.EDRMAPSH14]
ABSTRACT: Microwave surface and precipitation products (EDRs) are produced by Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's ...

20. Environmental Data Record Map SH DMSP-15 [gov.noaa.class.EDRMAPSH15]
ABSTRACT: Microwave surface and precipitation products (EDRs) are produced by Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's ...

21. GOES Satellite Data - Imager [gov.noaa.class.GVAR_IMG]
ABSTRACT: The GOES Imager is a five-channel (one visible, four infrared) imaging radiometer designed to sense radiant and solar reflected energy from sampled areas of the earth. GVAR is the ...

22. Inert Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the WAIS Divide Site [severinghaus_0440701]
This data set includes inert and major gases (elemental and isotopic composition) in firn air and occluded air in shallow boreholes from the WAIS Divide site. The three primary ...

23. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM02 CTD mooring data [ASAC_1164_AM02_MicroCAT]   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. 3 x Seabird 37IM CTD units moored long term in ocean cavity beneath the shelf. Data for 2001, and ...

24. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM04 caliper data [ASAC_1164_AM04_caliper]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Profiling measurements conducted to test borehole diameter integrity.

25. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM04 drilling parameters data [ASAC_1164_AM04_Drilling]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Data collected in series of files over a period of 4 days during production of borehole. Consult Readme file for ...

26. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM04 Brancker thermistor data [ASAC_1164_AM04_Brancker]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Annual data retrieved for 2006, and 2007. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

27. Meteorological and snow data from Aboa 2007 [FMI_ATMOSPHERE_AND_SNOW_ABOA_2007]
The measurements were made in the vicinity of Aboa station at 73S, 13W. The measurement period was January 2007. The following quantities were measured: ...

28. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM03 caliper data [ASAC_1164_AM03_caliper]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Profiling measurements conducted to test borehole diameter integrity.

29. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM03 drilling parameters data [ASAC_1164_AM03_Drilling]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Data collected in series of files over a period of 2 days during production of borehole. Consult Readme file ...

30. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM03 Brancker thermistor data [ASAC_1164_AM03_Brancker]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Partial annual data retrieved for 2006, and 2007. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

31. Monitoring of glacial dynamics in Johnson Dock (Livingston Island) [CNDA-ESP_ANT95-1628-E]
In English: The techiniques used to extrapolate seasonal behaviour to annual behaviour, were: - A Geodolite 504 to measure the position ...

32. Ice velocity and strain rate fields over the Lambert Glacier - Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica [AAD_Ant_LG-AIS_vel_strain]
Measurements of ice velocity and strain rate have been derived by analysis of satellite images for the Lambert Glacier and Amery Ice Shelf system. Two techniques have been applied in ...

33. Data Used for the Systems Integration and Visualization of Yellowstone (SIVY) [SIVY_DATA]
Ecosystem Science and Visualization : Yellowstone National Park provides access to data other products arising from our wildlife ecological and landscape research in Yellowstone National Park. ...

34. Enhanced resolution C-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1992-2001 [ERS_scatt_sigma0_images]
This ERS AMI scatterometer data set consists of enhanced resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's surface. Images are generated on polar stereographic ...

35. Enhanced resolution Ku-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1978 [Seasat_scatt_sigma0_images]
This Seasat scatterometer (SASS) data set consists of enhanced resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's surface. Images are generated on polar ...

36. Gases in Firn Air and Shallow Ice at the Proposed WAIS Divide Drilling Site [battle_0440509]
This award supports a project to measure the elemental and isotopic composition of firn air and occluded air in shallow boreholes and ice cores from the WAIS Divide site, the location of a ...

37. MSPPS Mapped Data [gov.noaa.class.MSPPS_FXAR]
ABSTRACT: Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) produces near real-time operational surface and precipitation products from the AMSU-A, AMSU-B and MHS instruments ...

38. MSPPS Orbital Data [gov.noaa.class.MSPPS_ORB]
ABSTRACT: Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) produces near real-time operational surface and precipitation products from the AMSU-A, AMSU-B and MHS instruments ...

39. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)'s Global Forecast System (GFS) Model [NOAA_NCEP_GFS_Model]
Two times daily global analysis fields from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)'s Global Forecast System (GFS) Model. Data are ...

40. AMSR-E/Aqua 5-Day L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids [AE_5DSno]
The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) instrument on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua satellite provides global passive microwave measurements ...

41. AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids [AE_DySno]
The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) instrument on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua satellite provides global passive microwave measurements ...

42. AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids [AE_MoSno]
The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) instrument on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua satellite provides global passive microwave measurements ...

43. MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG, Version 5 [MOD10C1V5]
The MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG (MOD10C1) data set contains snow cover and Quality Assessment (QA) data, latitudes and longitudes in compressed Hierarchical Data Format-Earth ...

44. Ice shelf - ocean interaction in the cavity beneath the Amery Ice Shelf [ASAC_1164]   CHILD DIFs
---- Public Summary from Project ---- Most of the snow falling on inland Antarctica drains via large ice streams and floating ice shelves to the sea where it lost by iceberg calving or ...

45. Control run for the HadCM3 model [HadCM3-Control]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

46. HadCM3 Climate Simulation - Anthropogenic Forcing ensemble (Historical / SRESB2) [HadCM3-AFHB2]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

47. HadCM3 Climate Simulation - Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Historical [ensemble] [HadCM3-AGGH]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

48. HadCM3 Climate Simulation - IPCC emission scenario SRES-A1B [HadCM3-SRESA1B]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

49. HadCM3 Climate Simulation - IPCC emission scenario SRES-A1B with trace gases, ozone, sulphur emission and aerosol forcing all held constant at year 2000 levels. [HadCM3-SRESA1B-2000S]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

50. HadCM3 Climate Simulation - IPCC emission scenario SRES-A1B with trace gases, ozone, sulphur emission and aerosol forcing all held constant at year 2100 levels. [HadCM3-SRESA1B-2100S]
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 was developed from the earlier HadCM2 model. Various improvements were applied to the 19 level atmosphere model and the 20 level ocean model and as ...

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