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Evaluation of 2 Resection Strategies of Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Metastases (METASYNC)

This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified by Rennes University Hospital, September 2008

Sponsors and Collaborators: Rennes University Hospital
Ministry of Health, France
Information provided by: Rennes University Hospital Identifier: NCT00264979

The surgical strategy for the treatment of synchronous colorectal cancer liver metastases has not still been defined. The purpose of this study is to compare two treatment strategies in which liver resection is performed either during, or 12 to 14 weeks after the primary resection. Endpoints include the rate of severe complications and survival.

Condition Intervention
Colorectal Cancer
Hepatic Metastases
Procedure: Simultaneous surgery
Procedure: Sequential surgery

MedlinePlus related topics:   Cancer    Colorectal Cancer   

U.S. FDA Resources

Study Type:   Interventional
Study Design:   Treatment, Randomized, Open Label, Active Control, Parallel Assignment, Safety/Efficacy Study
Official Title:   Prospective Randomized Study Comparing the Morbidity and Mortality After Liver Resection for Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Metastases When Performed Either During or 12 to 14 Weeks After the Primary Resection

Further study details as provided by Rennes University Hospital:

Primary Outcome Measures:
  • Rate of patients with at least one postoperative severe complication within 60 days after each surgery [ Time Frame: 60 days after each surgery ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]

Secondary Outcome Measures:
  • Death rate during hospitalization or within 60 days after each surgery [ Time Frame: 60 days after each surgery ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
  • Rate and number of severe general, digestive or hepatic complications [ Time Frame: 2 years after the first surgery ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
  • Rate of unachieved hepatic resection [ Time Frame: Day of the hepatic surgery ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Global survival distribution and 2 years global survival rate [ Time Frame: 2 years after the first surgery ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
  • Recurrence-free survival distribution and 2 years recurrence-free survival rate [ Time Frame: 2 years ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
  • Two years recurrence rate [ Time Frame: 2 years ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]

Estimated Enrollment:   222
Study Start Date:   December 2005
Estimated Primary Completion Date:   October 2009 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)

Arms Assigned Interventions
Simultaneous surgery of colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases
Procedure: Simultaneous surgery
Simultaneous surgery of colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases
Sequential surgeries of colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases
Procedure: Sequential surgery
Sequential surgeries of colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases: the metastases surgery will be programmed 12 to 14 weeks after the primary tumour exeresis.

Detailed Description:

In France, 35 000 colorectal cancers are diagnosed each year, 15 to 25% of which with hepatic metastases. It is nowadays admitted that the complete resection of these hepatic metastases represents the only treatment that has been shown to increase survival. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy/safety ratio of the liver surgery when performed simultaneously or at distance of the primitive tumour ablation. Patients are randomized to undergo liver surgery either during, or 12 to 14 weeks after the primary resection. The primary endpoint is the rate of patients with at least one severe complication within 60 days after surgery. Secondary endpoints evaluate long-term clinical outcomes, in particular recurrence-free survival.

Ages Eligible for Study:   18 Years and older
Genders Eligible for Study:   Both
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No


Inclusion Criteria:

  • At least one adenocarcinoma of colon and/or rectum, histologically proven.
  • No local complication
  • At least one hepatic metastasis which resection is considered as class I: Possible through a conventional simple liver resection and with a residual liver volume/total liver volume rate > 40% as measured by CT scan
  • Informed written consent.

Non inclusion criteria:

  • Heart, Respiratory or Renal failure
  • Physical or psychological dependence
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Extra-hepatic metastases
  • Preoperative chemotherapy (except for adjuvant treatment of rectum cancer)

Exclusion Criteria (at time of surgery)

  • Localized or diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis
  • Non resectable lymph node metastases
  • Colorectal or hepatic tumour extension towards abdominal wall and/or adjacent organ leading to modify the class of the liver resection
  • Other hepatic lesions diagnosed with ultrasound modifying the class of the liver resection
  Contacts and Locations

Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT00264979

Contact: Karim Boudjema, MD, PhD     33-2-9928-4265    
Contact: Jean-Luc Raoul, MD     33-2-9925-3172    

Département de Chirurgie Viscérale - Hôpital Pontchaillou     Recruiting
      Rennes, France, 35033
      Contact: Karim Boudjema, MD, PhD     33-2-9928-4265    
      Principal Investigator: Karim Boudjema, MD, PhD            
      Sub-Investigator: Jean-Pierre Campion, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Bernard Meunier, MD            
Service d'Oncologie Digestive- CRLCC Eugène Marquis     Recruiting
      Rennes, France, 35000
      Contact: Jean-Luc Raoul, MD     33-2-9925-3172    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Luc Raoul, MD            
Chirurgie Viscérale - CHU Angers     Recruiting
      Angers, France, 49033
      Contact: Jean-Pierre Arnaud, MD     33-2-4135-3618    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Pierre Arnaud, MD            
Service de Chirurgie viscérale, digestive et cancérologie - Hôpital Jean Mingoz     Recruiting
      Besancon, France, 25000
      Contact: Georges Mancion, MD     33-3-8166-8243    
      Principal Investigator: Georges Mancion, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Bruno Heyd, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive - Hôpital Saint André     Recruiting
      Bordeaux, France, 33075
      Contact: Jean Saric, MD     33-5-5679-5810    
      Principal Investigator: Jean Saric, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Christophe Laurent, MD            
Chirurgie Générale - CHU La Cavale Blanche     Recruiting
      Brest, France, 29609
      Contact: Patrick Lozach, MD     33-2-9834-7224    
      Principal Investigator: Patrick Lozach, MD            
Service de Chirurgie Digestive - Hôpital de la Côte de Nacre     Recruiting
      Caen, France, 14033
      Contact: Philippe Segol, MD     33-2-3106-5020    
      Principal Investigator: Philippe Segol, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Laurence Chiche, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive - Hôtel Dieu     Recruiting
      Clermont-Ferrand, France, 63058
      Contact: Philippe Chipponi, MD     33-4-7375-0494    
      Principal Investigator: Philippe Chipponi, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Karem Slim, MD            
Service d'Hépatogastroentérologie - Hôpital Beaujon     Recruiting
      Clichy, France, 92110
      Contact: Jacques Belghiti, MD     33-1-4087-5895    
      Principal Investigator: Jacques Belghiti, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Alain Sauvanet, MD            
Service de Chirurgie Digestive - Hôpital Henri Mondor     Recruiting
      Créteil, France, 94010
      Contact: Daniel Cherqui, MD     33-1-4981-2548    
      Principal Investigator: Daniel Cherqui, MD            
Département de Chirurgie Digestive et de l'Urgence - Hôpital Michallon     Recruiting
      Grenoble, France, 38043
      Contact: Christian Letoublon, MD     33-4-7676-9279    
      Principal Investigator: Christian Letoublon, MD            
Service de Chirurgie Viscérale et Transplantations - Hôpital Dupuytren     Recruiting
      Limoges, France, 87042
      Contact: Bernard Descottes, MD     33-5-5505-6680    
      Principal Investigator: Bernard Descottes, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Franck Maisonnette, MD            
Chirurgie Générale et Digestive - Hôpital de La Croix Rousse     Recruiting
      Lyon, France, 69317
      Contact: Jacques Beaulieu, MD     33-4-7207-1627    
      Principal Investigator: Jacques Beaulieu, MD            
Département de Chirurgie - CRLCC Léon Bérard     Recruiting
      Lyon, France, 69008
      Contact: Michel Rivoire, MD     33-4-7878-2639    
      Principal Investigator: Michel Rivoire, MD            
Chirurgie I - Institut Paoli Calmettes     Recruiting
      Marseille, France, 13273
      Contact: Jean-Robert Delpero, MD     33-4-9122-3660    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Robert Delpero, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive - Hôpital Saint Eloi     Recruiting
      Montpellier, France, 34295
      Contact: Jean-Michel Fabre, MD     33-4-6733-7097    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Michel Fabre, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Francis Navarro, MD            
Clinique Chirurgicale I - Hôpital Nord     Recruiting
      Nantes, France, 44093
      Contact: Jacques Paineau, MD     33-2-4016-5055    
      Principal Investigator: Jacques Paineau, MD            
Chirurgie Viscérale Digestive - CH Chubert     Recruiting
      Vannes, France, 70555
      Contact: Marc Leclerc du Sablon, MD     33-2-9701-4206    
      Principal Investigator: Marc Leclerc du Sablon, MD            
Chirurgie Générale - Hôpital Archet II     Recruiting
      Nice, France, 06202
      Contact: André Bourgeon, MD     33-4-9203-6519    
      Principal Investigator: André Bourgeon, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Daniel Benchimol, MD            
Département de Chirurgie - Hôpital Lariboisière     Recruiting
      Paris, France, 75475
      Contact: Patrice Valleur, MD     33-1-4995-8257    
      Principal Investigator: Patrice Valleur, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Yves Panis, MD            
Service de Chirurgie Générale et Digestive - Hôpital Cochin     Recruiting
      Paris, France, 75679
      Contact: Olivier Soubrane, MD     33-1-5841-1723    
      Principal Investigator: Olivier Soubrane, MD            
Service de Chirurgie - Hôpital Jean Bernard     Recruiting
      Poitiers, France, 86021
      Contact: Jean-Pierre Richer, MD     33-5-4944-4444    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Pierre Richer, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive - CH La Beauchée     Recruiting
      Saint Brieuc, France, 22023
      Contact: Hervé Ollivier, MD     33-2-9601-7032    
      Principal Investigator: Hervé Ollivier, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Agnès Audebert, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Serge Hannoun, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: David Lechaux, MD            
Chirurgie Viscérale - CH Saint Malo     Recruiting
      Saint Malo, France, 35400
      Contact: Alexis Damamme, MD     33-2-9921-2182    
      Principal Investigator: Alexis Damamme, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Philippe Thevenet, MD            
Centre de Chirurgie Viscérale et de Transplantation - CHU de Hautepierre     Recruiting
      Strasbourg, France, 67098
      Contact: Daniel Jaeck, MD     33-3-8812-7256    
      Principal Investigator: Daniel Jaeck, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Elie Oussoultzoglou, MD            
Centre Hépato-biliaire - Hôpital Paul Brousse     Recruiting
      Villejuif, France
      Contact: René Adam, MD     33-1-4559-3288     rené    
      Principal Investigator: René Adam, MD            
Département de Chirurgie - Institut Gustave Roussy     Recruiting
      Villejuif, France, 94805
      Contact: Dominique Elias, MD     33-1-4211-4045    
      Principal Investigator: Dominique Elias, MD            
Chirurgie Générale et Digestive - Hôpital Ambroise Paré     Recruiting
      Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 92100
      Contact: Bernard Nordlinger, MD     33-1-4909-5586    
      Principal Investigator: Bernard Nordlinger, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Christophe Penna, MD            
Chirurgie digestive, thoracique et cancérologie     Recruiting
      Dijon, France, 21000
      Contact: Jean Pierre Favre, MD     00-3-8029-3401    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Pierre Favre, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Patrick Rat, MD            
Fédération médico-chirurgicale des maladies de l'appareil digestif     Recruiting
      Laval, France, 53015
      Contact: Claire Stampfli, MD    
      Principal Investigator: Claire Stampfli, MD            
Centre de Chirurgie et Réanimation Digestives - Hôpital Saint Antoine     Recruiting
      Paris, France, 75570
      Contact: Rolland Parc, MD     00-1-4928-2545    
      Principal Investigator: Rolland Parc, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Mickael Lesurtel, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive, Centre Hospitalier de Cornouailles     Recruiting
      Quimper, France, 29107
      Contact: Jean-Pierre Le Toquart, MD            
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Pierre Le Toquart, MD            
Chirurgie Digestive et Endocrinienne - Hôpital de Trousseau     Recruiting
      Tours, France, 37044
      Contact: Loïk de Calan, MD     00-2-4747-8614    
      Principal Investigator: Loïk de Calan, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Pascal Bourlier, MD            
Clinique Chirurgicale A - Hôtel Dieu     Recruiting
      Nantes, France, 44093
      Contact: Jean-Claude Le Neel, MD     33-2-4008-3041    
      Principal Investigator: Jean-Claude Le Neel, MD            
      Sub-Investigator: Paul-Antoine Lehur, MD            

Sponsors and Collaborators
Rennes University Hospital
Ministry of Health, France

Principal Investigator:     Karim Boudjema, MD, PhD     CHU Rennes    
Principal Investigator:     Jean-Luc Raoul, MD     Centre Eugène Marquis - CRLCC Rennes    
Study Chair:     Eric Bellissant, MD, PhD     CHU Rennes    
  More Information


Responsible Party:   Rennes University Hospital ( Direction of Clinical Research )
Study ID Numbers:   DGS 2005/0193, PHRC/04-01, CIC0203/030
First Received:   December 12, 2005
Last Updated:   September 29, 2008 Identifier:   NCT00264979
Health Authority:   France: Direction Générale de la Santé

Keywords provided by Rennes University Hospital:
Colorectal cancer  
Sequential or simultaneous surgery  
Synchronous hepatic metastases  

Study placed in the following topic categories:
Liver Diseases
Digestive System Neoplasms
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Colonic Diseases
Liver neoplasms
Intestinal Diseases
Rectal Diseases
Intestinal Neoplasms
Liver Neoplasms
Digestive System Diseases
Neoplasm Metastasis
Gastrointestinal Neoplasms
Colorectal Neoplasms
Hepatocellular carcinoma

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Neoplastic Processes
Pathologic Processes
Neoplasms by Site processed this record on October 10, 2008

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