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ASTER Documents

ASTER's Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBD) provide a complete description of each data product, including mathematical algrotihms, accuracy assessment, and parameters.  Please go to the EOS Website to get  the latest ATBDs. 

The ASTER User Handbook (pdf 3 mb)  (Word 10 mb) is a document (08/02) designed to provide detailed information about ASTER, Data Products, How to Order Data, and Applications.

The Level 1 User's Guide is available for download directly from Japan. 
    "Part 1--General" is an *excellent* source for detailed information about the ASTER instrument and its performance--go here first if you have questions on the instrument.  It also provides background information on the Japanese Ground Data System that generates the Level 1 products, how the instrument is operated and scheduled, and calibration and validation activities.
    "Part 2--ASTER Level 1 Data Product" provides extensive descriptions of how the Level 1A and 1B products are generated.  It complements the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.

ASTER Level 1 Data Products Specification (pdf 7 mb)

ASTER Higher-Level Product User Guide (pdf 228 kb NEW Ver 2.0  May 01). Describes each of the ASTER higher-level products in detail. It explains the overall format and organization used for all ASTER products, and describes the individual metadata fields contained within each individual product. 

ASTER Higher-Level Data Product Quality Assessment Plan (pdf 148 kb). Contains complete descriptions of the metadata and bit patterns associated with the QA Planes for each ASTER higher-level product--important for end-users. It also describes in detail the plans for assessing and maintaining the quality of ASTER data products.

ASTER Publications Bibliography (Word 90.5 kb). This is a listing of peer-reviewed journal and book publications authored by ASTER Science Team Members.

ASTER Meeting Presentations Bibliography (Word 130 kb). Here you will find a listing of abstracts from science conferences, authored by ASTER Science Team Members.



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Updated: 8/5/2003 11:54:36 AM
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Questions? Comments? Contact:
Howard L Tan

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