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Project Location

Des Moines, Iowa

Figure 70.  The project runs through Des Moines, Iowa.


The project runs through Des Moines, Iowa.

Figure 70 is a map of the state of Iowa.  Interstate highways are shown on the map as blue lines with the interstate shield on them.  Des Moines is identified in the center of the map circled in red.

Figure 71.  Approximate project limits of design exception.


Approximate project limits of design exception.

Figure 71 is a map showing the roadway network of the Des Moines metropolitan area (shown in green) and surrounding areas (shown in beige). Interstate 235 is identified as a blue line labeled with a red and blue shield, with 235 in white letters.  The project limits are indicated by blue arrows that point to Interstate 235’s intersection with Interstates 35 and 80 at an interchange north of the metropolitan area and its intersection with Interstate 35 to the west.  The design exception location is identified with red arrows that demarcate an east-west segment of Interstate 235 in the western and central parts of the city.
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