SAMHSA Homeless Program Matrix


 SAMHSA's Homelessness Programs and Activites

SAMHSA funds a variety of activities to provide more effective community services for persons who are homeless and who have mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders. Selected activities are presented here.


Current Programs

Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)

The PATH Program is a formula grant program that funds the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and four U.S. Territories to support service delivery to individuals with serious mental illnesses, as well as individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders who are homeless.

Treatment for the Homeless

The primary goal of this program is to enable communities to expand and strengthen their drug, alcohol, and mental health treatment systems for homeless individuals with substance abuse disorders, mental health disorders or with co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders.

Homeless Families: Women with Mental and/or Addictive Disorders and their Children

This multi-year knowledge development initiative – a CMHS/ CSAT collaboration -- is documenting and evaluating the effectiveness of time-limited, intensive intervention strategies.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Homeless, Runaway, and Throwaway Youth

This study will examine the current state of service provision to homeless, runaway, and throwaway youth and will inform the design of future evaluation studies to identify best practices for serving this population.

Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness

SAMHSA, in collaboration with HHS' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Veterans Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness is funding a $35 million initiative to help end chronic homelessness by seeking to create a comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness.

Homeless Policy Academies

SAMHSA is partnering with HRSA, the Administration for Children and Families, HUD and VA to sponsor State Policy Academies on chronic homelessness.

Cooperative Agreements to Evaluate Housing Approaches for Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Housing Initiative)

This multi-year, multi-site initiative will identify models of housing for people with adults with serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders that may decrease homelessness, institutionalization, and other adverse consequences and to promote community living having an acceptable quality of life.

Past Programs


The ACCESS demonstration program served over 7,000 persons who were experiencing a serious mental illness and chronic homelessness, enabling providers at 18 program sites to implement innovative services for this population.

Demonstration Program for Homeless Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders

This demonstration program was designed to support and evaluate community programs offering integrated mental health and substance use treatment for persons who are homeless and have co-occurring disorders.

CMHS/CSAT Collaborative Program to Prevent Homelessness

This demonstration program funded community programs focused on preventing homelessness. The funded programs addressed the risk factors for homelessness, including poverty, lack of permanent, affordable housing, and disability.