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U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration





Business Services

Regional Activities



MARAD Web Publishing Schedule

Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires Federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, post the schedules on the Web site, and make those schedules available for public comment.

In the table below, MARAD has identified the inventory of content that already exists on the Web site. When new information becomes available that is of interest to the general public, MARAD will offer that content on the Web site as soon as possible.

If new information becomes available at MARAD that is important to the public, we are committed to putting it on our website. If you have suggestions for additional information that should be made available, please let us know.

Content Area

Description/Major Topics

Publication Status

MARAD Home Page

Latest Headlines News; Announcements; MARAD Highlights; Programs & Initiatives; Maritime Security Training Course Approval Program Currently available

MARAD Education &Training

A Career Afloat; Global Maritime & Transportation School; National Maritime Resource & Education Center; Maritime Firefighting Training; Merchant Mariner Licensing & Documentation; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; State Maritime Academies; Maritime Schools; Adopt-A-Ship Program; For Kids K-12; For Teachers K-12; Garrett A. Morgan Web Currently available

Business Services

Projects: Contracts & Solicitations; Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP); Cargo Preference, Port Security; Title XI; Maritime Research & Development; Small Vessel Program; U.S. Flag Services; National Maritime Resource and Education Center (NMREC); Deepwater Port Licensing; Electronic Invoicing System, Inland Waterways Research Program Currently available


General Information; Provides links to the Administrator's Office MARAD Organization Chart; Mission; MARAD Key Personnel;  Strategic Plan; MARAD's Programs & Initiatives Currently available

Contact Us

Contact information for MARAD Currently available


Press releases; Speeches; Newsletter; Factsheets; Video Archives Currently available


Ports & Domestic Shipping; Security; Ship Operations; MARAD Statistics; Shipbuilding & Repair; Currently available

Data & Statistics

Links to popular sites relating to MARAD Publications & Programs Currently available


Links to USAJOB's MARAD Employment website Currently available


Links to popular sites relating to MARAD's Programs & Initiatives; Government Agencies Currently available

Freedom of Information Act

FOIA and Privacy Act Contact Information Currently available


Links to the MARAD's Frequently Asked Questions website Currently available


Provide links to Merchant Mariner Licensing & Documentation website<: Maritime Service Compliance System (MSCS) website; Marine Personnel Branch (NMC4A) Currently available

Privacy Policy

Description of privacy practices; Privacy Act Notices; Privacy Officer contact information; DOT's Privacy Impact Assessments Currently available

The First Click to the U.S. Government  


  Blue Button 2003 Strategic Plan
  Blue Button Freedom of Information Act
  Blue Button The President's Management Agenda
  Blue Button  Privacy Statement, Disclaimer, and Accessibility Certification
  Editor: Office of Chief Information Officer
MARAD Official: Office of Public Affairs
Last Updated: October 11, 2007
 Blue Button Contact MARAD