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Conference Proceedings

Anonymous(2006), Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII, , 6359, 312.

Anonymous(2006), Proceedings of SPIE - Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites X, , 6361, 482.

Anonymous(2006), Proceedings of SPIE - Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods, , 6381, 403.

Alecu, C., S. Oancea and E. Bryant (2006), MODIS versus ASTER water classification, , 6062, 50-55.

Amici, S., L. Merucci, S. Pugnaghi and S. Corradini (2006), On ground Italian volcanic area spectral characterization for the calibration/validation of remote sensing data, , 6361, 636113.

Aoyama Takashi and O. H. (2006), Verification of heavy rain damage in Fukui Prefecture using Terra / ASTER images and DEM data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.95-96.

Arai Kohei and M. M. (2006), Sensor fusion by means of wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis: MRA, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.217-218.

Arsenault, K. R., A. Pinheiro, R. Stodt, D. Toll and P. R. Houser (2006), Improving Drought Monitoring and Prediction Using LIS and Satellite Products, AMS Conference on Hydrology, 20, [np].

Arsenault, K. R., A. Pinheiro, R. Stodt, D. Toll and P. R. Houser (2006), Improving Drought Monitoring and Prediction Using LIS and Satellite Products, AMS Forum: Managing our Physical and Natural Resources: Successes and Challenges, [np].

Arvelyna Yessy and O. M. (2006), The Observation of SAR, Optical and Altimeter Data for Internal Wave Monitoring in Tsushima Strait, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.63-64.

Arvelyna, Y., M. Oshima and T. Sumimoto (2006), The application of wavelet transform for oceanic feature detection in SAR and optical image, , 6357 I, 63571.

Arvelyna, Y. and M. Oshima (2006), The observation of SAR, optical and altimeter data to study the generation of internal wave in tsushima strait, Eur Space Agency Spec Publ ESA SP, 614, 6.

Avouac, J. -., F. Ayoub, S. Leprince, O. Konca and D. Helmberger (2006), Surface ruptures and rupture kinematics of the 2005, Mw 7.6 Kashmir earthquake from sub-pixel correlation of ASTER images and seismic waveforms analysis, , 842.

Boyle, D. P., J. Huntingiton, D. Toll, S. Bowser, D. Frevert, R. Stodt, D. Clark, K. R. Arsenault and A. Pinhero (2006), Improving US Bureau of Reclamation Water Supply, Demand Monitoring and Forecasting Using NASA Earth Data Products for the Carson and Truckee River Basins, AMS Conference on Hydrology, 20, [np].

Boyle, D. P., J. Huntingiton, D. Toll, S. Bowser, D. Frevert, R. Stodt, D. Clark, K. R. Arsenault and A. Pinhero (2006), Improving US Bureau of Reclamation Water Supply, Demand Monitoring and Forecasting Using NASA Earth Data Products for the Carson and Truckee River Basins, AMS Forum: Managing our Physical and Natural Resources: Successes and Challenges, [np].

Consoli, S., G. L. Cirelli and A. Toscano (2006), Monitoring crop coefficient of orange orchards using energy balance and the remote sensed NDVI, , 6359, 63590.

D'Amico, J., K. Thome and J. Czapla-Myers (2006), Validation of large-footprint, reflectance-based calibration using coincident MODIS and ASTER data, , 6296, 35.

Davis, I. C. and G. G. Wilkinson (2006), Crop yield prediction using multipolarization radar and multitemporal visible / infrared imagery, , 6359, 63590.

Hasaki Ryohei and I. Y. (2006), About a classification of the Arakawa area using ASTER /TIR data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.123-124.

Heinzel, V., J. Franke and G. Menz (2006), Assessment of cross-sensor NDVI-variations caused by spectral band characteristics, , 6298, 62980.

Ito Akihiko, M. J. , A. Ito and Y. Arakawa (2006), An experiment of making a map based on ASTER data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.205-206.

Kneubuhler, M., M. Schaepman and K. Thome (2006), Long-term vicarious calibration efforts of MERIS at railroad valley playa (NV) - An update, (615), 10.

Li, F., M. C. Anderson, W. P. Kustas, R. L. Scott and J. H. Prueger (2006), Utility of Satellite Thermal Remote Sensing for Mapping Riparian and Upland Desert Water Use, AMS Conference on Hydrology, 20, [np].

Li, F., M. C. Anderson, W. P. Kustas, R. L. Scott and J. H. Prueger (2006), Utility of Satellite Thermal Remote Sensing for Mapping Riparian and Upland Desert Water Use, AMS Forum: Managing our Physical and Natural Resources: Successes and Challenges, [np].

Liu, Y., Y. Yamaguchi and T. Hiyama (2006), A new approach to reduce inconsistency between MODIS and ASTER land surface temperature products, , 6359, 3.

Mueller, K., C. Miller and A. Boissonade (2006), The Utility Of Surface Roughness Datasets in the Modeling of United States Hurricane Property Losses, AMS Forum: Environmental Risk and Impacts on Society: Successes and Challenges, [np].

Muraoka, H., Nefeslioglu Hakan, S. T. and T. Araki (2006), Applying data mining method for detecting landslide susceptible area by using ASTER (2), Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.169-170.

Nikolakopoulos, K. G. and N. Chrysoulakis (2006), Updating the 1:50.000 topographic maps using ASTER and SRTM DEM: the case of Athens, Greece, , 6366, 11.

Notarnicola, C. (2006), Environmental changes induced by dump pollution analyzed through historical orthophotos and multi-spectral images, , 6366, 63660.

Osawa Naoya and O. S. (2006), Monitoring a volcanic plume at Miyake Island with satellite data, Nippon Shashin Sokuryo Gakkai Gakujutsu Koenkai Happyo Ronbunshu, 2006,nenji, PAGE.173-176.

Paskaleva, B., M. M. Hayat, J. S. Tyo, Z. Wang and M. Martinez (2006), Feature selection for spectral sensors with overlapping noisy spectral bands, , 6233 II, 623329.

Peres, L. F. and C. C. DaCamara (2006), Land-surface emissivity maps based on MSG/SEVIRI information, , 262-268.

Qui, Z., W. Li, M. Gao and H. Zhang (2006), An algorithm to retrieve land surface temperature from ASTER thermal band data for agricultural drought monitoring, , 6359, 63591.

Sakuma, F., T. Sato, H. Inada, S. Akagi and H. Ono (2006), On-board calibration status of ASTER, , 6361, 63610.

Samani, Z., M. Bleiweiss, T. Schmugge and R. Skaggs (2006), Monitoring Water Use In The Rio Grande Valley Using Remotely Sensed Data, , 852, 93-98.

Seemann, S. W., E. Borbas, R. O. Knuteson, H. Huang and W. P. Menzel (2006), A global infrared land surface emissivity database, AMS Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 12, [np].

Shabana Tatsumaro and O. S. (2006), Identification at the Undersea Remains at Yonaguni Island with the Satellite Data, Nippon Shashin Sokuryo Gakkai Gakujutsu Koenkai Happyo Ronbunshu, 2006,nenji, PAGE.93-96.

Sharov, A. I. and S. A. Osokin (2006), Controlled interferometric models of glacier changes in South Svalbard, (610), 8.

Shimoda, H. (2006), Overview of Japanese Earth observation programs, , 6361, 636101.

Tadono, T., M. Shimada, H. Murakami, A. Mukaida, J. Takaku and S. Kawamoto (2006), Preliminary results of calibration for ALOS optical sensors and validation of generated PRISM DSM, , 6361, 636104.

Taheri, S. R. (2006), Remote sensing, fuzzy logic and GIS in petroleum exploration, , 1, 520-528.

Thome, K. (2006), Vicarious calibration of aster backward-looking telescope, , 6296, 629611.

Tonooka Hideyuki and K. K. (2006), Generation of ASTER nighttime cloud mask using MODIS cloud mask product, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.107-108.

Urai, M. (2006), 2005 Sierra Negra eruption in Galapagos Island observed by ASTER, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.91-92.

Vu, T. T., M. Matsuoka and F. Yamazaki (2006), Object-Based Image Analysis for Mapping Tsunami-Affected Areas, , 827.

Yao, H., D. Lewis and R. Kincaid (2006), Using ASTER image for soybean plant residue coverage estimation, , 6381, 638102.

Yoneda Emiko, M. S. , Nagayama Tooru, Okatani Takaki, Numata Yoshinori and Y. Y. (2006), Land cover mapping using the sequential MODIS composite data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 40th, PAGE.133-134.

Zoran, L. F. V., C. Golovanov and M. A. Zoran (2006), Multisensor image fusion for Romanian Black Sea coastal zone analysis, , 6366, 63660.

Zoran, M. (2006), Combining radar, optical and GPS data for Vrancea seismic area analysis, (610), 5.

Anonymous(2005), 2005 International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (IEEE Cat. No. 05EX1064), , 243.

Anonymous(2005), Proceedings of SPIE - Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites IX, , 5978, 565.

Abílio de Carvalho Júnior,Osmar, R. F. Guimarães, Ferreira de Carvalho,Ana Paula, N. Correia da Silva, E. de Souza Martins and R. A. Trancoso Gomes (2005), Vegetation mapping in the Parque Nacional, Brasilia (Brazil) area using advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data and spectral identification method (SIM), , 5983, 45-55.

Aiazzi, B., L. Alparone, S. Baronti, L. Santurri and M. Selva (2005), Information-theoretic assessment of ASTER super-spectral imagery, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5982, 288-298.

Aiazzi, B., L. Alparone, S. Baronti, L. Santurri and M. Selva (2005), Spatial resolution enhancement of ASTER thermal bands, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5982, 411-420.

Alecu, C., S. Oancea and E. Bryant (2005), Multi-resolution analysis of MODIS and ASTER satellite data for water classification, , 5983, 439-443.

Aoyama Takashi, O. H. and T. Funaki (2005), Verification of Downpour damage in Fukui Prefecture using Terra / ASTER images, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.95-96.

Arai, K. (2005), Radiometric performance evaluation of ASTER /VNIR and SWIR onboard Terra Satellite, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.63-64.

Arvelyna, Y. and M. Oshima (2005), Wavelet analysis for internal wave detection in ERS SAR and ASTER image data, , 3713-3716.

Arvelyna, Y. and M. Oshima (2005), Preliminary study of internal wave effects to chlorophyll distribution in the lombok strait and adjacent areas, , 5656, 139-146.

Arvelyna, Y., M. Oshima and Y. Arakawa (2005), Multi-satellite data observation for internal wave detection in southwest coast of Japan, , 5656, 147-155.

Asano, S., Y. Nakayama and D. Fukada (2005), Experimental integration analysis of satellite data and disaster maps of Mt. Fuji eruption, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.201-202.

Asefi, S., J. Li, U. S. Nair, D. K. Ray, R. M. Welch, N. Padilla, E. Barrios and M. E. Benedict (2005), An Integrated Hydrological and Atmospheric Model to predict Malaria Epidemics (2005 - 21IIPS), AMS International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, 21, [np].

Asefi, S., J. Li, U. S. Nair, D. K. Ray, R. M. Welch, N. Padilla, E. Barrios and M. E. Benedict (2005), An Integrated Hydrological and Atmospheric Model to predict Malaria Epidemics (2005 - 21IIPS), AMS Conference on Hydrology, 19, [np].

Asefi, S., J. Li, U. S. Nair, D. K. Ray, R. M. Welch, N. Padilla, E. Barrios and M. E. Benedict (2005), An integrated hydrological and atmospheric model to predict malaria epidemics, , 1959-1964.

Asefi, S., J. Li, U. S. Nair, D. K. Ray, R. M. Welch, N. Padilla, E. Barrios and M. E. Benedict (2005), An integrated hydrological and atmospheric model to predict malaria epidemics, , 1591-1596.

Biggar, S. F., K. J. Thome, J. T. McCorkel and J. M. D'Amico (2005), Vicarious calibration of the ASTER SWIR sensor including crosstalk correction, , 5882, 408-415.

Cai, Y., G. Sun and B. Liu (2005), Mapping of water body in Poyang Lake from partial spectral unmixing of MODIS data, , 7, 4539-4540.

Chang, Y. and H. Ren (2005), A complete modular eigenspace feature extraction technique for hyperspectral images, , 2, 1253-1256.

Chikhaoui, M., F. Bonn, A. I. Bokoye and A. Merzouk (2005), Evaluation du potentiel de l'indice LDI pour l'etude des etats de surface: Etude comparee a partir des capteurs ASTER et ETM+; Evaluation of the potential of the laser desorption and ionization (LDI) index for the study of surface states: Comparative study starting with the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and ETM+ sensors, , 115-121.

Cowan, D. R. and G. R. J. Cooper (2005), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, , 3299-3302.

Czapla-Myers, J., K. Thome and S. Biggar (2005), Unmanned vicarious calibration for large-footprint sensors, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5882, 416-425.

De Carvalho Junior,Osmar Abilio, R. F. Guimaraes, De Carvalho,Ana Paula Ferreira, N. C. Da Silva, E. De Souza Martins and R. A. T. Gomes (2005), Vegetation mapping in the parque nacional, Brasilia (Brazil) area using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data and Spectral Identification Method (SIM), , 5983, 598307.

Funahashi Manabu, Setojima Masahiro, Okazaki Ryota, Kawai Masaki, I. Y. and K. Okada (2005), Examination about grasp of the tree hieght of forest area by ASTR data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.115-116.

Genkova, I., G. Zhao, G. Seiz, E. Snodgrass, M. Colon, L. di Girolamo and B. Rauber (2005), Validation of trade wind cumulus cloud properties derived from meteorological satellites, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5979, 79-87.

Guimaraes, R. F., Junior,Osmar Abilio de Carvalho, E. d. S. Martins, de Carvalho,Ana Paula Ferreira and R. A. T. Gomes (2005), Detection of karst depression by ASTER image in the Bambui Group, Brazil, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 328-339.

Hirn, B. R., C. D. Bartola and F. Ferrucci (2005), Automated, multi-payload, high-resolution temperature mapping and instant lava effusion rate determination at erupting volcanoes, , 7, 5056-5059.

Hirn, B. R. and F. Ferrucci (2005), MYME2: A multi-payload integrated procedure for the automated, high-resolution remote sensing of burn scars, , 8, 5721-5724.

Huang, S., Q. Liu, X. Li and Q. Liu (2005), Spectral analysis of soil salinity using the Grey System Theory, , 6, 4455-4457.

Hung, L. Q., O. Batelaan and F. de Smedt (2005), Lineament extraction and analysis, comparison of LANDSAT ETM and ASTER imagery. Case study: Suoimuoi tropical karst catchment, Vietnam, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 182-193.

Ishimaru, N. and K. Iwamura (2005), An integrated framework for map generation by analyzing hyperspectral imagery, , 6, 3772-3775.

Ito, A., J. Miyamoto, Shinada Chihiro, T. H. and T. Tachikawa (2005), Shallow landslide hazard assessment using ASTER data part 1 Thematic map made from ASTER data and the possibility, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.195-196.

Jacobsen, K., G. Buyuksalih, A. Marangoz, U. Sefercik and I. Buyuksalih (2005), Geometric conditions of space imagery for mapping, , 511-16.

Jean-Paul, D., D. Mo, H. Louis, B. Ludovic, G. Agnes, L. Marc, W. Zhijun, L. Chuang, M. Long and C. Wengbo (2005), Using ERS and envisat data to study the glacier changes in Tibet, the Nyainqentanglha example (ESA project no 2401), (572), 1647-1652.

Jochum, A. M., A. Calera and A. Cuesta (2005), Space-assisted irrigation management: An operational perspective (2005 - H20SUPPLY), AMS Forum: Living with a Limited Water Supply, [np].

Jochum, A. M., A. Calera and A. Cuesta (2005), Space-assisted irrigation management: An operational perspective (2005 - H20SUPPLY), AMS International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, 21, [np].

Jochum, A. M., A. Calera and A. Cuesta (2005), Space-assisted irrigation management: An operational perspective (2005 - H20SUPPLY), AMS Conference on Hydrology, 19, [np].

Junior,Osmar Abilio de Carvalho, R. F. Guimaraes, de Carvalho,Ana Paula Ferreira, N. C. da Silva, E. d. S. Martins and R. A. T. Gomes (2005), Vegetation mapping in the Parque Nacional, Brasilia (Brazil) area using advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data and spectral identification method (SIM), Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 45-55.

Kang, Q., R. Yu, Z. Zhang and X. Zhao (2005), Remote sensing application of soil salinization based on multi-source images, , 6045 II, 60452.

Kato Akiyoshi and Y. Y. (2005), Assessment of water and temperature stresses of vegetation in urban areas by the VWTI index, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.201-202.

Kato Soushi and Y. Y. (2005), Comparison between surface heat balance and geometrical volume in urban area using ASTER data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.195-196.

Kavak, K. S. (2005), Indication of geohazard risk and economic value of gypsum deposits in the Tertiary Sivas Basin (Turkey) using ASTER and Landsat ETM+ images, , 573-6.

Kawai Masaki, Setojima Masahiro, Funahashi Manabu, I. Y. and T. Tachikawa (2005), Examination as to calculation of variation of vegetation and prediction of volume of vegetation by ASTER, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.141-142.

Keramitsoglou, I., C. Kontoes, K. Koutroumbas, O. Sykioti and N. Sifakis (2005), Mapping of forest species and tree density using new Earth observation sensors for wildfire applications, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5976, 109-119.

Khanbilvardi, R., B. Shteinman, V. Kushnir and S. Stanichny (2005), Short term forecast of the quality of water in New York coastal zone using multispectral satellite data, , Vol. 1, 576-80.

Kwarteng, A., P. Homewood and M. Mettraux (2005), Remote sensing of the modern carbonate system of the Bar Al Hikman Peninsula, Oman, , 2, 1428-1431.

Li, Q., C. Cheng and S. Guo (2005), Bayesian network classification for aster data based on wavelet transformation, , 5985 PART II, 576-581.

Liu, J., H. Yang, Z. Yan and H. Zhang (2005), A study on extracting the land area from the remotely sensed images and the scale-transformation method based on the histo-variogram, , 2, 1368-1371.

Liu, Y. and T. Hiyama (2005), A scaling approach for satellite-derived land surface temperature over terrain area, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5976, 172-179.

Mao, K., J. Shi, Z. Qin, P. Gong, W. Liu and L. Xu (2005), A mutiple-band algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature and emissivity from EOS/MODIS data, , 5, 3269-3272.

Marangoz, A. M., G. Buyuksalih, I. Buyuksalih, U. G. Sefercik and H. Akcin (2005), Geometric evaluation, automated DEM and orthoimage generation from along-track stereo ASTER images, , 505-10.

Marcal, A. R. S. and J. S. Borges (2005), Estimation of the "natural" number of classes of a multispectral image, , 6, 3788-3791.

Matsunaga, T. and T. Fujitani (2005), Analysis of the relationship between land cover changes and thermal environment in Tsukuba using ASTER data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.199-200.

Matsushita, B., Y. Onda, M. Xu and M. Toyota (2005), Detecting forest degradation in Kochi, Japan: Combining in situ field measurements with remote sensing techniques, , 5, 3139-3142.

Mercer, J. B., D. Edwards, J. Maduck, G. Hong and Y. Zhang (2005), Fusion of high resolution radar and low resolution multi-spectral optical imagery, , 6, 3931-3934.

Michel, U. (2005), Advanced automated classification strategy for settlement area detection, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 56-63.

Morita Itaru, Konno Masao, T. S. , Ito Akihiko, M. J. and T. Tachikawa (2005), Shallow landslide hazard assessment using ASTER data part 2 Estimating slope stability using the geotechnical method, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.197-198.

Muraoka Hiroyasu, M. H. , Hakan Nefeslioglu, T. S. and T. Araki (2005), Applying data mining method for detecting landslide susceptible area by using ASTER, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.199-200.

Nertan, A., G. Stancalie, A. Iordache and S. Catana (2005), Monitoring and evaluation of the vegetation state of agricultural crops using satellite - derived radiative products, , 494-9.

Nikolakopoulos, K. G. and G. Lathourakis (2005), Along the track vs across the track satellite stereo-pair for DTM creation, , 8, 5324-5327.

Nikolakopoulos, K. G., D. A. Vaiopoulos, G. A. Skianis, P. Sarantinos and A. Tsitsikas (2005), Combined use of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS data for landslide mapping, , 7, 5196-5199.

Nikolakopoulos, K., D. Vaiopoulos and G. Skianis (2005), Monitoring of the environmental changes at Lefkas Island using remote sensing data and GIS techniques, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 299-308.

OErmeci, C. and S. Ekercin (2005), Water quality monitoring using satellite image data: a case study around the Salt Lake in Turkey, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5977, 158-168.

Ogawa, K., T. Schmugge and S. Rokugawa (2005), Estimating thermal infrared broadband emissivity of arid region using remote sensing, , 5655, 531-539.

Ok, A. O. and M. Turker (2005), DEM generation and accuracy assessment from stereo ASTER imagery, , 523-8.

Ormeci, C. and S. Ekercin (2005), Water quality monitoring using satellite image data: A case study around the Salt Lake in Turkey, , 5977, 59770.

Osaki, K. (2005), Vegetation analysis in urban area by nested variogram model, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.211-212.

Pieri, D., M. Abrams, A. Abtahi, M. F. Buongiorno, G. Holland, G. Hufford, G. M. Saggiani and J. Simpson (2005), In-Situ Observations of Volcanic Plumes for Applications and Research, .

Qing, K., R. Yu, X. Li and X. Deng (2005), Application of spectral angle mapping model to rapid assessment of soil salinization in arid area, , 4, 2355-2357.

Roy, R. A. (2005), Satellite Validation: A Project to Create a Data-Logging System to Monitor Lake Tahoe, .

Saito Hideki and N. I. (2005), Study on the extraction of defoliated stands of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria Japonica) by using remote sensing technique, Kyushu Journal of Forest Research, NO.58, PAGE.34-37.

Sakuma, F., H. Tonooka, N. Ohgi and H. Ono (2005), Prediction of the radiometric calibration coefficients of ASTER/TIR, , 5978, 277-284.

Sakuno Yuji, T. K. and T. Matsunaga (2005), Validation of ASTER water surface temperature algorithm using MODIS SST data, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.241-242.

Santos, J. R., F. D. Maldonado and P. M. L. A. Graca (2005), New change detection technique using ASTER and CBERS-2 images to monitor Amazon tropical forest, , 7, 5026-5028.

Sasaki Takanori, Zhao Wenhui and F. S. (2005), Estimation method for elevation at local area by satellite images, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.59-60.

Shayestehfar, M. R., H. Ranjbar and O. Ahmadi (2005), Alteration mapping by using ETM+ and ASTER data in Dehaj area, southeast of Iran, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 194-201.

Shimazaki Hiroto, M. T. and M. Tamura (2005), A compatibility assessment of satellite optical sensors for monitoring wetland environments over a broad spatial scale. Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.217-218.

Shimoda, H. (2005), Overview of Japanese Earth observation programs, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5978, 1-9.

Siegert, F. and S. Huang (2005), Large-scale forest fires in Siberia analysed by MODIS, MERIS and ASTER multiresolution satellite imagery, (572), 1869-1875.

Snodgrass, E. R., R. M. Rauber, L. Di Girolamo and G. Zhao (2005), Synergizing high-resolution EOS Terra satellite data and S-POLKA radar reflectivity to assess trade wind cumuli precipitation, AMS International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 32, [np].

Snodgrass, E. R., R. M. Rauber, L. Di Girolamo and G. Zhao (2005), Synergizing high-resolution EOS Terra satellite data and S-POLKA radar reflectivity to assess trade wind cumuli precipitation, AMS Conference on Mesoscale Processes, 11, [np].

Tadono, T., M. Shimada, S. Kawamoto, J. Takaku, A. Mukaida, M. Sasaki and J. Yamashita (2005), Simulation of calibration and validation for ALOS optical sensors, , 5, 3376-3379.

Takemata, K., N. Naoe, M. Takemata, Y. Kawata and A. Minamide (2005), The use of the air temperature observation data as education resources, , 5, 3152-3155.

Tang, S., L. Zhang, Q. Zhu and L. Jiang (2005), Validation of an improved TES algorithm based on corrected ALPHA difference spectra, , 5, 3667-3669.

Tangestani, M. H., N. Mazhari and B. Agar (2005), Mapping the porphyry copper alteration zones at the Meiduk area, SE Iran, using the advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data, Proc.SPIE, SPIE-5983, 172-181.

Tanikawa Hiroki, K. S. , N. Hasegawa and T. Hogen (2005), Study of the Classification of Man-made Forest Based on Satellite Imagery, Environmental Systems Research, 33, PAGE.469-475.

Teshima Yu and I. A. (2005), Correction of Terra spacecraft attitude fluctuation using ASTER image, CD-ROM, 49th, PAGE.1H09.

Thome, K. (2005), Sampling and uncertainty issues in trending reflectance-based vicarious calibration results, , 5882, 397-407.

Tonooka Hideyuki and M. T. (2005), Application of Adaptive Bayesian Contextual Classifier to ASTER /VNIR imagery, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.189-190.

Tonooka Hideyuki and Y. N. (2005), Straylight effects in hot spot analyses by ASTER /TIR-Case study for Mts. St. Helens and Iwate-, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 39th, PAGE.157-158.

Tonooka Hideyuki, Watanabe Akira and M. T. (2005), Field measurement of thermal infrared band emissivity on frozen Lake Kussharo, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 38th, PAGE.95-98.

Tonooka, H. (2005), Resolution enhancement of ASTER shortwave and thermal infrared bands based on spectral similarity, , 5657, 9-19.

Tonooka, H. (2005), Atmospheric correction of MODIS thermal infrared bands by water vapor scaling method, , 5979, 152-163.

Tonooka, H. and A. Watanabe (2005), Applicability of thermal infrared surface emissivity ratio for snow/ice monitoring, , 5655, 282-290.

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Hewson, R. D., T. J. Cudahy and J. F. Huntington (2001), Geologic and alteration mapping at Mt fitton, South Australia, using ASTER satellite-borne data, , 2, 724-726.

Hong-Lie Q and Junping Zhong (2001), Remote sensing of landcover changes in Turfan Basin of northwest China using Landsat and ASTER data, Proceedings of the SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering, 4548, 129-34.

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Kaufman, Y. J., W. M. Hao, C. Justice, L. Giglio, D. Herring and F. Einaudi (2001), Remote Sensing of Fires and Smoke from the Earth Observing System MODIS Instrument, , 1.

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Matsunaga Tsuneo, Hoyano Akira, Izawa Kazutoshi and M. Y. (2001), Preliminary study on environmental monitoring of subtropical shallow water areas using ASTER image. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 30th, PAGE.241-242.

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Matsunaga, T., T. Nonaka, Y. Sawabe, M. Moriyama, H. Tonooka and H. Fukasawa (2001), Vicarious and cross calibration methods for satellite thermal infrared sensors using hot ground targets, , 4, 1841-1843.

Matsunaga, T., Hoyano Akira and I. K. (2001), Subtropical shallow water sea floor distribution map using ASTER VNIR/ Landsat TM image. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.183-184.

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Matsunaga, T., Sawabe Yoriko, H. A. and S. Rokugawa (2001), Validation of ASTER TES algorithm using ASTER and TIMS data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.177-178.

Michishita, R., A. Iwasaki, H. Fujisada and S. Obayashi (2001), Analysis of Registration Trend of ASTER data with Revision of Geometric Database. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 30th, PAGE.147-148.

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Moriyama Masao, Yano Tomomitsu and K. N. (2001), Improvement of the thermoradiometer of the environmental temperature measurement. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.293-294.

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Nonaka Takashi, S. Y. , T. Matsunaga, M. Moriyama and H. Tonooka (2001), Recalibration of thermal infrared bands of Terra ASTER and Landsat -7 ETM+ using the vicarious and cross calibration results. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.99-100.

Obayashi Shigeyuki, K. N. , Matsuyama Hiroyuki, T. S. and H. Iyoda (2001), Applicability of the ASTER data for the slope stability evaluation. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 30th, PAGE.239-240.

Obayashi Shigeyuki, Kojima Hirohito and F. A. (2001), Applicability of the ASTER data in the construction fields. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.185-186.

Palluconi, F., H. Tonooka, S. Hook, A. Abtahi, R. Alley, T. Thompson, G. Hoover and S. Zadourian (2001), EOS ASTER thermal infrared band vicarious calibration, , 4540, 255-259.

Qiu, H. and J. Zhong (2001), Remote sensing of landcover changes in Turfan Basin, northwest China using Landsat and ASTER data, , 4548, 129-134.

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Schmugge, T., A. French, J. Ritchie, M. Chopping and A. Rango (2001), ASTER observations of the spectral emissivity for arid lands, , 2, 715-717.

Strojnik, M. and B. F. Andresen (2001), Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IX; Proceedings of the conference, San Diego, CA, Aug. 1-3, 2001, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE-4486.

Suga Yuzo, Ono Kenji, T. S. and H. Ogawa (2001), A Trial for Data Fusion by Using EROS-A1 Image. Combination with Terra / ASTER and Landsat -7/ETM+ Images. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.189-190.

Takasaki, K., Tanaka Sotaro, S. T. , Hashiba Hideki and K. K. (2001), Airport monitoring using TERRA / ASTER image. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 31st, PAGE.179-180.

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Tsu, H., Y. Yamaguchi, H. Fujisada, A. B. Kahle, I. Sato, M. Kato, H. Watanabe, M. Kudoh and M. Pniel (2001), ASTER early science outcome and operation status, , 4169, 1-8.

Urai, M. (2001), Altitude and velocity esitmation of volcanic plume using ASTER stereo image. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 30th, PAGE.63-64.

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Watanabe, H., H. Tsu and I. Sato (2001), Development of ASTER ground data system and ASTER first data generation, , 4169, 78-87.

Yamaguchi, Y., H. Fujisada, A. B. Kahle, H. Tsu, M. Kato, H. Watanabe, I. Sato and M. Kudoh (2001), ASTER instrument performance, operation status, and application to Earth sciences, , 3, 1215-1216.

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Tsu, H., Y. Yamaguchi, H. Fujisada, I. Sato, Kato Masatane, Watanabe Hiroshi, M. Y. and M. Kudo (2000), ASTER early images and current operation status. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 28th, PAGE.63-64.

Watanabe Hiroshi, M. J. and S. Fushimi (2000), Post-launch status of ASTER Ground Data System and how to get ASTER data by using it. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 29th, PAGE.7-10.

Biggar, S. F., K. J. Thome, P. R. Spyak and E. F. Zalewski (1999), Solar-radiation based calibration in the range 740 to 2400 nm, Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 3870, 228-233.

Bordi, F., S. Neeck and C. Scolese (1999), Contribution of EOS Terra to earth science, Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 3870, 260-268.

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Hayashi Machi, Numata Yoichi, S. K. , Y. Yasuoka, M. Tamura and M. Kato (1999), Development of methodology for wetland mapping using ASTER data. III. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 26th, PAGE.35-38.

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Michishita Ryo, Furuta Akihiro, O. S. , A. Iwasaki and H. Fujisada (1999), A study on estimating MTF of ASTER data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 27th, PAGE.263-264.

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Ninomiya, Y. and B. Fu (1999), Prospects on estimating SiO2 content in the surface rocks with ASTER thermal infrared data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 27th, PAGE.49-50.

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Uchida Kiyotaka, Tanaka Soichiro, Y. Y. , T. Ishiyama and M. Kato (1999), Estimation of vegetation index distribution in arid and semi arid land based on ASTER data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 26th, PAGE.579-580.

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Saito Motoya, Murakami Takuhiko, Ishitsuka Naoki, K. K. , Kato Masatane, K. T. , Tsukada Yasushi, Matano Yoneji and I. K. (1998), The methodology development of the satellite soil map using ASTER data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 24th, PAGE.147-150.

Takahara, H. and M. Urai (1998), Surface temperature observation of Satsuma Iojima volcano with satellite image. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 24th, PAGE.23-24.

Takashima, T. and K. Masuda (1998), Atmospheric correction over heterogeneous surface on ASTER visible data, , 3437, 314-325.

Takatsuki Yukie, Numata Yoichi, S. K. , Y. Awaya and M. Kato (1998), Methodology for forest mapping using ASTER data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 25th, PAGE.33-34.

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Numata Yoichi, Yamano Yoshiki, Takatsuki Yukie, Koizumi Akiko, Hayashi Masatomo, S. K. , Y. Yasuoka and M. Kato (1997), Development of methodology for wetland mapping using ASTER data. Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 23rd, PAGE.83-84.

Odagiri Jun'ichi, R. S. , H. Murakami, S. Hara, Y. Miyazaki and M. Kato (1997), A Study on Accuracy of Global DEM with ASTER Simulation Data(2). Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Remote Sensing, 23rd, PAGE.255-256.

Ohmae, H., T. Maekawa, Y. Aoki and S. Kitamura (1997), Preflight test results of ASTER/TIR flight model, , 3221, 210-219.

Rokugawa, S., T. Matsunaga, H. Tsu, H. Tonooka, Y. Kannari and K. Okada (1997), Flight experiment of ASTER airborne simulator for temperature and emissivity products, , 3221, 251-259.

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