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Photo of Rear Admiral William G. Sutton CAE, U.S. Navy (Ret.)International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce
William G. Sutton, CAE
  Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, (Ret.)

Assistant Secretary for
Manufacturing & Services

Rear Admiral William G. Sutton CAE, U.S. Navy (Ret.) is the U.S. Commerce Department Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services (MAS). Appointed by President Bush in May 2007, Sutton was unanimously confirmed by the Senate in August 2007. As a unit of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, the Office of Manufacturing and Services serves as the federal government’s lead advocate for U.S. industry. Its distinctive sector knowledge and expertise enable MAS to be the government’s primary source for evaluating and analyzing industry policy.

Admiral Sutton understands that American industries can successfully compete in the global economy, given a level playing field. As Assistant Secretary, he provides the support U.S. companies need to help them compete both at home and abroad. This is accomplished by working alongside other federal agencies, industry partners, and Congress to ensure that all laws, policies, and regulations are evaluated with an eye towards competitiveness.

Prior to this position, Sutton served as the president of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) from December 2001 to February 2007. ARI is the trade association representing manufacturers of air conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment in North America. It is an internationally recognized leader in both the development of standards and in the administration of certification programs pertaining to the performance of air conditioning, ventilation, and refrigeration products. ARI also serves as a major advocate for the U.S. manufacturing industry both domestically and abroad.

Sutton brought to ARI extensive experience in leadership, change management, and government affairs, having completed a highly successful 30-year career in the United States Navy, retiring as a rear admiral. His unique background includes six CEO/COO-equivalent assignments and substantial expertise in inter-agency relations, legislative affairs, international relations, education administration, strategic planning, shipbuilding, marketing and infrastructure management. During his naval career, Mr. Sutton served as Naval Aide to President Ronald Reagan and Director of Programs in the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs, in addition to numerous operational at-sea assignments including ship, squadron and group commands.

He holds a Master of Science Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Naval Engineering from the United States Naval Academy.

During his time at ARI, Mr. Sutton served on the Boards of Directors of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), North American Technician Excellence (NATE), the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute (ARTI), and the Clifford H. “Ted” Rees Scholarship Foundation. He served as an officer of the National Association of Manufacturers’ Council of Manufacturing Associations, and was an active member of the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100.