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+ Earth Observing System > For Scientists > Validation Program > Terra Validation

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Terra satellite imageTerra Validation

Validation Information

Validation Plans

ASTER Plan Summary - September 2001
ASTER Plan - October 1998

CERES Plan Summary - August 2001

MISR Plan Summary - August 2001
MISR Plan - December 1999

MODIS Atmospheric Plan - August 2000
MODIS Atmospheric Plan Summary - April 1999

MODIS Land Plan - September 1998
MODIS Land Val Update - December 2000
MODIS Land Plan Summary - August 2001

MODIS Ocean Plan - May 1999

MODIS Vicarious Validation Plan - April 1999

MOPITT Plan - January 1998
MOPITT Plan Summary - July 2001
MOPITT Poster - Autust 1999

External Investigations




MODIS Atmosphere


FLUXNET: Unifying a Global Array of Tower Flux Networks for Validating EOS Terrestrial Carbon, Water, and Energy Budgets
Dennis Baldocchi - Principal Investigator

Validation of ASTER and MODIS Surface-Temperature and Vegetation Products with Surface-Flux Applications
Stith Gower - Principal Investigator

Biomass Burning and Emissions of Trace Gases and Aerosols: Validation of EOS Biomass Burning Products
Wei Min Hao - Principal Investigator

Validation of Thermal Infrared Data and Products from MODIS and ASTER Over Land
Simon Hook - Principal Investigator

Validation of MODIS Snow and Sea Ice Products in the Southern Ocean
Shusun Li - Principal Investigator

Validating MODIS/MISR Land Surface Reflectance and Albedo Products
Shunlin Liang - Principal Investigator

Validating MODIS Surface Reflectance, fAPAR and LAI Products Over the North American Grasslands
David Meyer - Principal Investigator

Validation Studies and Sensitivity Analyses for Retrievals of Snow Albedo from EOS Terra Instruments
Anne Nolin - Principal Investigator

A Global Flux Data and Information System to Support EOS Product Validation
Richard Olson - Principal Investigator

Southern Africa Validation of EOS (SAVE): Coordinated Augmentation of Existing Networks
Jeffrey Privette - Principal Investigator

Investigation of Snow Properties Using MODIS and ASTER Data
Jiancheng Shi - Principal Investigator

Infrared Optical Constants of Particles in the Lower Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere
Margaret Tolbert - Principal Investigator


MODIS Vicarious Calibration

Cross Calibration Between EOS Terra and CNES Sensors
Patrice Henry - Principal Investigator

Validation and Correction for the MODIS Spatial Response
Robert Schowengerdt - Principal Investigator

Quality Assurance and Stability Reference (QUASAR) Monitoring
Philippe Teillet - Principal Investigator


Background Information Correspondence

Letter to Terra (AM) Instrument Science Teams - October 18, 1995
Letter to interdisciplinary Science Teams - October 25, 1995
Letter to Clarify Validation Plan Guidelines - December 7, 1995

Terra (AM) Validation Workshop Agenda - May 1996

EOS Test Sites Report - Autust 2, 1996

Workshop for Atmospheric Validation in EOS Team (AM) and SAGE III - October 20-21, 1997

Workshop on Validation of EOS Land Products, Dec 3-5

Many of the above documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. See their website for information on how to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader*.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 15, 2008
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