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  whats-up   Video: What's Up for September
Step away from the city lights and gaze up at our Milky Way galaxy. You may even see one of the galaxy's spiral arms with your own eyes! (Sept. 9)
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  space gallery icon   Video: JPL Space Album, Summer 2008
As the summer comes to a close, take a moment to enjoy some of the best scenes from Earth, the solar system and beyond. (Aug. 28)
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  Cassini - Four Years of Discovery   Video: Cassini - Four Years of Discovery
New revelations of Saturn, its moons and rings, courtesy of NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn. (Aug. 15)
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  This animation is a scientific illustration   Atomic Force Microscope Operation
This animation is a scientific illustration of the operation of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's Atomic Force Microscope, or AFM. (Aug. 14)
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  whats-up   Video: What's Up for August
Jupiter reigns the night sky this month. Find out where to look and what you'll see through a telescope. (Aug. 8)
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    NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - Aug. 5, 2008
An audio recording of the August 5 media telecon. (Aug. 5)
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    Audio clips: NASA Spacecraft Confirms Perchlorate On Mars
Scientists with NASA's Phoenix Mars lander, which landed on Mars May 25, have shared findings from research in progress. (Aug. 5)
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  Full-Circle Color Panorama of Phoenix Landing Site on Northern Mars   Audio clips: NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended
Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample. (July 31)
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    NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 26
An audio recording of the June 26 media telecon. (June 26)
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  NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 20   NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 20
An audio recording of the June 20 media telecon. (June 20)
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