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Traffic Calming

Roundabouts, curb bulb-outs, and speed humps are all are forms of traffic calming which offer promise if properly applied to curb speeding and some forms of aggressive driving. Pedestrians especially benefit from traffic calming. Traffic calming which employs physical changes to the roadway, signage or operation changes, can be thought of as a "silent policeman" enforcing speed limits where no law enforcement are present.

Traffic Calming Web Site

The Federal Highway Administration has financially supported the Institute of Transportation Engineers to develop a Traffic Calming website in the interest of information exchange.

Within the traffic calming website:

The FHWA Office of Human Environment web site can be found at


Traffic Calming Seminar
FHWA and ITE developed a 1-day seminar for transportation professionals on Traffic Calming. These seminar materials are intended for use by LTAP centers and other professionals interested in educating others on the subject. Click on the link If you would like to see the Introduction Session [PDF, 1.8MB] or check all the sessions.

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