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ICSU newsletter — Insight
The latest ICSU newsletter is available... (26-09-08) 

Statement on promoting the integrity of science
The Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) has produced a statement calling for actions to ensure the integrity of science and the scientific record... (19-09-08) 

Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Review: report available
'A Review of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)' prepared by Professor Geoffrey Oldham for the International Council for Science (ICSU) is available... (16-09-08) 

Ad hoc Strategic Committee on Information and Data (SCID): final report available
'Ad hoc Strategic Committee on Information and Data: Final Report to the ICSU Committee on Scientific Planning and Review' is available... (16-09-08) 

Review of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP): report available
'ICSU-IGFA Review of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP)' report is available (16-09-08) 

ISPRS Congress approves Beijing Declaration
The International Society for Photgrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) has released a statement calling on international communities to work together to promote the peaceful use of geospatial technology for the benefit of society and the environment. The statement, the 'Beijing Declaration', was approved by delegates at the ISPRS Congress in Beijing in July... (28-08-08) 

Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: report available
'A Science Plan for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: addressing the challenge of natural and human-induced environmental hazards', the report from the ICSU Planning Group on Natural and Human-induced Environmental Hazards and Disasters, is now available... (22-08-08) 

Annual Report 2007
ICSU's 2007 Annual Report is now available... (22-08-08) 

Vacancy Announcement: Chief Scientist, United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP is inviting applications for the position of Chief Scientist of the Division of Early Warning and Assessment in Nairobi. Applications close 6 October... (11-08-08) 

New National Members
ICSU is pleased to welcome three new National Members from Africa—Burkina Faso, Namibia and Uganda... (30-07-08) 

Statement on publication practices and peer review
The Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) has released a statement on publication practices and indices and the role of peer review in research assessment... (30-07-08) 

ICSU endorses the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009)
The Executive Board of ICSU at its last meeting endorsed the International Year of Astronomy 2009. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), a Member of ICSU, launched 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) under the theme "The Universe, yours to discover". (16-07-08) 

Europe-Africa Frontier Research Conference: Infectious Diseases
The preliminary programme and website for the first Europe-Africa Frontier Research Conference on "Infectious Diseases: From Basic to Translational Research" are now available online. Application is now open for participants... (15-07-08) 

Research and knowledge systems
ICSU is represented on the coordinating committee for the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, which is organising a global research seminar in Paris on 28-30 November, 2008. This will bring together researchers actively involved in studying research and knowledge systems in key fields such as higher education, science and technology, innovation, social sciences, health and agriculture. The deadline for submission of papers is 20 September, 2008... (09-07-08) 

Joint science academies urge action on climate change and global health
The national science academies of the G8 nations and Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa have signed statements on: global health; and climate change adaptation and the transition to a low carbon society. The two statements urge all nations, particularly those meeting at the G8 Summit in Toyako, Hokkaido, in July, to take action on these critical issues... (20-06-08) 

New Director for IGBP
Professor Sybil Seitzinger, Rutgers University, USA, has been appointed Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). She will take up the appointment on 1 September, following a successful career researching the biogeochemical interactions between land, atmosphere and oceans, in the context of environmental change... (11-06-08) 

Announcement: New Executive Director for ICSU
ICSU welcomes the appointment of Professor Deliang Chen as new Executive Director. He will take up the appointment on 1 February 2009, following the retirement of Professor Thomas Rosswall... (30-05-08) 

Vacancy Announcement: Director, International START Secretariat
The START Scientific Steering Committee invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the International Secretariat of the Global Change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START). Nominations must be received by 30 May and applications close 30 June... (27-05-08) 

Visiting Scientist Programme
The ICSU-TWAS-UNESCO-UNU/IAS Visiting Scientist Programme supports visits of internationally renowned scientists to institutions located in developing countries, especially those located in the least developed countries. The request form is now available for institutions wishing to be considered for this programme... (16-05-08) 

Global Scientific Challenges: Perspectives from Young Scientists
The report from the conference ‘Global Scientific Challenges: Perspectives from Young Scientists’, held in Lindau, Germany is now available. The report contains a summary and reflections from the young scientists who discussed future scientific challenges as part of ICSU’s 75th anniversary celebrations. The conference was designed to attract and stimulate the interests of the next generation who will play a leading role in international science over the coming decades... (25-04-08) 


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