Southwestern Power Administration
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Southwestern has job opportunities and duty locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Gore, Oklahoma; Springfield, Missouri; and Jonesboro, Arkansas. Our positions range from entry level administrative positions to highly skilled engineers, electricians, linemen and other craftsmen. The Office of Diversity has information regarding Southwestern’s fair employment practices.

Current job opportunities are posted both on our Current Job Openings page and on the USAJOBS web site. To view Southwestern job opportunities at USAJOBS , click the "Search Jobs" tab, click the "Agency Search" link, type "Southwestern Power Administration" or select it from the drop-down list, then click the "Search for Jobs" button.

When applying for a position at Southwestern, please read the vacancy announcement carefully. It contains important information about the position, how to apply for it, its pay rate, and job conditions. It also contains vacancy specific questions. Be sure to answer them honestly and to the best of your ability as these are used to help determine your qualifications for the vacant position. Incomplete applications will not be considered, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully.


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