Greg Pederson

Research Scientist & Doctoral Student
NoRock Headquarters | Big Sky Institute | Montana State University


113 AJM Johnson Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717

Phone 1 406-994-7023
Fax 1 406-994-5122

Ph.D. In Progress. University of Arizona, School of Natural Resources

M.S. Environmental Science. 2004. Montana State University

B.S. Ecology and Evolution in Botany & Zoology. 2000. Michigan State University


  • Climate Change Impacts
  • Paleoclimate | Dendroclimatology | Dendroglaciology
  • Snow and Avalanche Reconstructions using Dendrogeomorphology
  • Ecosystem Science
  • Hydrology

Research Interests:
My research is focused primarily on climate variability and its role in driving biological and physical components of mountainous ecosystems of western North America. In addressing these issues I use instrumental and tree-ring based records of climate to assess the time intervals and spatial scales over which these processes operate. Of particular interest is the influence of interdecadal climate regimes, long-term temperature trends, and ocean-atmosphere teleconnections in driving glacier mass balance fluctuations, mountain snowpack, and forest disturbance events. Several recently completed projects (and collaborations) provided estimates of fluctuations in glacier mass balance for the northern U.S. and Canadian Rockies over the past 300 years. Other studies have addressed the susceptibility of natural resources and ecosystem services within national parks and protected areas to climate variability, and the climate influence on, and hazard mapping of, historic avalanche events along the transportation corridor bordering the southern end of Glacier National Park.