U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service STUDENTS' EDUCATORS'
endangered species
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Send an E-mail message to: Kathy_Sholl@fws.gov

This Web site is for formal and non-formal educators. It includes links to Boy Scout and Girl Scout recognition certificates, curriculum resources and activities, community service projects, professional development opportunities, and background information.

American White Pelicans

Boy Scout and Girl Scout Recognition Certificates
Available On-Line

A new procedure allows Boy Scout and Girl Scout recognition certificates to be downloaded in PDF format and printed on-line. This procedure replaces the necessity of requesting recognition letters or certificates from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Washington, DC and Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

These certificates are meant to honor Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who completed all the work required along their journey to achieve these awards. Only adult advisors or council staff are to complete these certificates for presentation ceremonies recognizing the accomplishments of these individuals.

Instructions for downloading and printing Boy Scout and Girl Scout Recognition Certificates

Select the scout certificate of your choice and click the appropriate link below. The certificate is a fill-in formatted document. Type the recipient's name and date into the blank space provided on the certificate. To print, use a color printer loaded with the type of paper you desire.

For questions or further assistance, contact scouting@fws.gov.

Recognition certificates issued by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service are available from this site only for use as specifically described and are to be downloaded and awarded "as is" with no alterations other than filling in the recipient's name and the date of issue.

The Boy Scouts® and Girl Scouts® name, mark, all associated trademarks, and logotypes are owned by the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA and are used here by permission. No other uses are authorized.

Boy Scout Certificates
Girl Scout Certificates
Boy Scout Eagle
Girl Scout Gold
Boy Scout Venturing Silver Award®.pdf Girl Scout Bronze
Boy Scout Venturing Quartermaster Award®.pdf Girl Scout Silver
Boy Scout Venturing Ranger Award®.pdf  

Other Links:

American Indian Scouting Association

Boy Scouts of America

Girl Scouts of the USA

Linking Girls to the Land

World Scout Jamboree
Curriculum Resources and Activities
Community Service Projects
Professional Development
Background Information

Curriculum Resources and Activities

• Web Resources for Environmental Education: Web Resources for Environmental Education

• "Hands on the Land:" http://www.handsontheland.org/home.cfm

• National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Online Mapper

• Shorebird Sister Schools: http://sssp.fws.gov/index.cfm

• Piping Plover, Atlantic Coast Population:

• Attention, Junior Fish and Wildlife Biologists!: http://endangered.fws.gov/kids

• Fairbanks Fishery Resources Office - Cyber Salmon: http://cybersalmon.fws.gov

• The Keystone Center - The Nature of Learning: http://refuges.fws.gov/education/natureOfLearning/index.html

• International Migratory Birds Day: http://birds.fws.gov/imbd/educators.html

• Division of Migratory Bird Management - Educational: http://migratorybirds.fws.gov/edulinks.htm

• Prairie Wetlands Learning Center: http://midwest.fws.gov/pwlc

• Waubay National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District: http://www.r6.fws.gov/WAUBAY

• Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex: sacramentovalleyrefuges.fws.gov

• National Conservation Training Center - Educational Programs: http://training.fws.gov/deo/

Community Service Projects

• How Can Kids Help?: http://endangered.fws.gov/kids/how_help.htm

• The Keystone Center - Earth Stewards: keystone.org/Science_School/Earth_Stewards/esstart.html

• Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex: sacramentovalleyrefuges.fws.gov

Professional Development

• North American Association of Environmental Education: www.naaee.org

• NCTC - Education/Outreach Training: training.fws.gov/catalog/education.html#outreach

Background Information

• NatureServe: www.natureserve.org

Last updated: June 19, 2007