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Comments on Electronic Filing and Simplification of
Form D

[Release No. 33-8814; File No. S7-12-07]

Oct. 30, 2007 Memorandum from the Office of Small Business Policy regarding an October 30, 2007, meeting with representatives from Pink Sheets, LLC
Oct. 25, 2007 Memorandum from the Office of Small Business Policy regarding a September 25, 2007, meeting with members of North American Securities Administrators Association
Oct. 16, 2007 Neila Radin, Chair, Securities Law Committee, The Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals
Oct. 11, 2007 Record of Proceedings, 2007 Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation
Oct. 4, 2007 John G. Gaine, President, Managed Funds Association
Oct. 4, 2007 Memorandum from the Office of Commissioner Paul S. Atkins regarding a September 30, 2007, meeting with members of the ABA Business Law Section Committee
Sep. 18, 2007 Chris Evans
Sep. 12, 2007 Robert M. Lam, Chairman, Thomas A. Michlovic, Commissioner, and Steven D. Irwin, Commissioner, Pennsylvania Securities Commission
Sep. 12, 2007 Joseph P. Borg, NASAA President and Director, Alabama Securities Commission
Sep. 10, 2007 Don C. Gentry, D.D.S., Corpus Christi, Texas
Sep. 7, 2007 Chris Evans
Sep. 7, 2007 Greg D. Adams, EDGAR Online, Inc.
Sep. 7, 2007 James Chanos, Chairman, Coalition of Private Investment Companies
Sep. 7, 2007 Bryan J. Lantagne, Director, Massachusetts Securities Division, Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Sep. 7, 2007 Howard F. Pitkin, Banking Commissioner, State of Connecticut Department of Banking
Sep. 7, 2007 Ellen Lieberman, Chair, State Regulation of Securities Committee, and Keith F. Higgins, Chair, Federal Regulation of Securities Committee, American Bar Association
Sep. 6, 2007 James B. Parsons, Parsons/Burnett, LLP, Bellevue, Washington
Sep. 6, 2007 Cynthia M. Fornelli, Executive Director, Center for Audit Quality
Sep. 5, 2007 R. Cromwell Coulson, CEO, Pink Sheets LLC, New York, New York
Aug. 15, 2007 Mark Bolgiano, President and CEO, XBRL US, Inc.
Aug. 6, 2007 Stephen A. Marcus, Schiff Hardin LLP
Jul. 27, 2007 Stephens H. Watkins, CEO, Entrex, Inc.
Jul. 2, 2007 Phillip Goldstein, Principal, Bulldog Investors

Modified: 11/08/2007