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In Case of Emergency

Current emergency

Emergency Preparedness at Sandia
2.9 MB PDF

Emergency Preparedness at Sandia

For Members of the Public - Focus on Emergencies — 658KB PDF

Focus on Emergencies PDF

In Case of Emergency at Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories' Emergency Management Program is responsible for minimizing the effect of an emergency on people, property, and the environment. The program uses proven techniques and equipment, as well as training, drills, and exercises, to ensure the best possible response to emergencies. The program follows National Incident Management System (NIMS) guidance.

Sandia is dedicated to providing the public with timely, accurate, official information in the event of an emergency, both through this website and through the news media. Members of the public are urged to stay tuned to local TV, radio, and print media and their respective websites, and to follow instructions from public officials.

This website will contain official Sandia information about a current Sandia emergency as soon as it is available.