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  20 Answers Available      
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1 How does enactment of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-203) change the GPO Provision?
2 How does a government pension affect my Social Security benefits?
3 Will my retirement pension from my job reduce Social Security?
4 Can individuals have both their SSA spouse's and retirement benefits reduced/eliminated by GPO and WEP?
5 What is the difference between the WEP and GPO?
6 Are the benefit estimates on my Social Security Statement accurate for government workers?
7 Are dependents and survivors benefits affected by the WEP?
8 Was I covered by Social Security for my work with the federal government?
9 Why doesn't my Statement show earnings from years of teaching at public schools?
10 Can the WEP fully eliminate my monthly Social Security benefit?
11 What evidence does a Texas teacher need to qualify for the "last day" exemption from GPO?
12 Why do Texas Teachers get special attention with regards to the "last day test" exemption under the GPO?
13 Is my Social Security retirement or disability benefit reduced if my spouse receives a pension based on work not covered under Social Security?
14 I have heard that if I am exempt from the GPO, I will be exempt from the WEP as well. Is this correct?
15 If I withdraw my contributions from the non-covered pension system I participate in, can I get out of the WEP?
16 Is my Social Security survivor’s benefit affected if I also receive a pension based on my deceased spouse’s noncovered work?
17 Do the GPO and the recent changes to the GPO affect city government workers who are not covered by Social Security?
18 If I withdraw my contributions from the non-covered pension system I participate in, can I get out of the GPO?
19 Are all Texas Teachers whose jobs are not covered by Social Security affected by the GPO, or are there exceptions?
20 Do the GPO and the recent changes to the GPO affect police officers who are not covered by Social Security?
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