Welcome to the Defense Switched Network's (DSN) Information Assurance web page! This web page was created out of the overwhelming need for a central repository of voice system related security information that provides an avenue to quickly disseminate new security policies, procedures, and guidance to the owners, operators, and maintainers of the world's largest unified telecommunications network. Our objective in the DSN Program Management office is to give our customers an information toolset that's relevant, up-to-date, and informative.

** Remember, the DSN is NOT inherently secure but can be used for secure communications with the use of STU-III/STE devices.


As a result of Presidential Decision Directive 63, "Protecting America's Critical Infrastructures", and the September 11th attack, there has been a concerted effort by the DoD to upgrade its overall security posture. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff office, at the direction of the Assistance Secretary of Defense, Chief Information Officer has issued, rescinded or revised numerous publications that specifically address Information Assurance (IA) in the Information Technology (IT) field. One of the most significant changes affecting the DSN community involved the clarification of the term "Information System." "Any telecommunication or computer-related equipment or interconnected system or subsystems of equipment that is used in the acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of voice and/or data, and includes software, firmware, and hardware." DoDi 5200.40


The DSN, in its 20 plus years of operations, has never been fully certified or accredited. A residual effect is that specific security policies and guidance, which would have normally been created to support the accreditation process, did not exist. As the Single System Manager responsible for overall management of the DSN, the DSN Program Office has been diligently working during the past year to remedy that situation. Based upon our work to date in the Certification and Accreditation process, we have been granted an Interim Authority to Operate as we work toward the goal of becoming a fully accredited system. The creation of this IA web site is just one example of our on-going efforts to fill the security information void.


Although DISA has overall management responsibility for the global DSN, the local DoD organizations maintain direct operational and maintenance responsibility for their respective switch facilities. With that point noted, the security for the overall DSN is a joint venture between DISA and the owning DoD community. The successful effort to certify and accredit the DSN is contingent upon an active partnership between DISA, the Military Departments, and DoD Agencies to provide and comply with published security guidance.


The DSN has been relatively secure from many of the attacks that have plagued the computer/data network community. However, the rapid advances in voice switch technology have blurred the technological lines of separation between the voice and data world. This blurring of lines now exposes the DSN to a new level of threats and highlights previous vulnerabilities never before identified. The future secure operation of the DoD’s command and control telecommunications system is a collective challenge that must be met on an individual basis.

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For information contact the DSN IA Program Office or refer to the points of contact listing.