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TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

Explosives Detection (ED)

Mission: Identify, prioritize, and execute research and development projects that satisfy interagency requirements for existing and emerging technology in explosives detection and diagnostics. Emphasis is placed on a long-term, sustained approach leading to new and enhanced technology for detection and identification of improvised explosive devices, including vehicle-borne devices.

Project Funding

$202M Pie Chart - 10 percent of funding budgetExplosive Detection represents ten percent of the TSWG FY07 program funding budget.

Funding targets projects that identify and develop technologies that enhance the operational capability of both military and civilian applications of explosives detection.

Focus Area Product Catalogs

ED focus areas reflect the prioritized requirements of a broad range of interagency customers, including those responsible for physical security and forensic analysis.

Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device Detection

Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device Detection

Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device Detection projects develop technologies to detect large quantities of explosives in vehicles at a distance. Investigate and identify unique physical and chemical phenomena and signatures to enable detection of homemade; military; and, commercial explosives; capabilities and limitations of sensor technologies to respond to these phenomena; and enhancement of existing detection technology. Develop techniques to protect personnel by increasing standoff distance, detecting additional types of explosives, and increasing screening throughput while minimizing any hazard to the driver.

Short-Range Detection

Short-Range Detection

Short-Range Detection projects develop new capabilities and improve existing systems for detection and diagnosis of terrorist devices concealed in hand baggage, cargo, and checked luggage or on persons presenting themselves at a security checkpoint. Identify, develop, test, and evaluate systems suitable for worldwide daily operations in both military and civilian environments. Improve detection rate and accuracy of identifying homemade, military, and commercial explosives, as well as increase safety for both system operators and the general public. Develop both trace chemical and bulk short-range detection methods. Products



Canine projects develop training tools, protocols, and technologies to support and enhance canine detection of explosives. Improve canine team effectiveness and consistency through better understanding of both canine detection phenomenology and canine-human interaction. Specific areas of interest include equipment to enhance detection capabilities; training aids and methods to expand the number of materials detected; increased scientific understanding of canine olfactory capabilities and genetic factors favoring olfaction; innovative concepts for employing canines; and increased understanding of behavioral characteristics and rearing techniques that contribute to optimum detection performance. Attention to maintaining the health and performance of detection dogs throughout their working lives is an integral part of these efforts. Products

Suicide Bomber Detection

Suicide Bomber Detection

Suicide Bomber Detection projects develop and improve systems that detect the presence of improvised explosive devices concealed on persons engaged in suicide attacks against U.S. Government installations and public facilities worldwide. Systems will protect operators through standoff, where both operator and sensor are at a safe distance from the threat, or remote operation, where only the sensor is near the threat. Evaluations of the threat detection capability and usability of commercial and near-commercial detection systems are part of this focus area.