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Aug 22

Written by: Brett Bobley
8/22/2008 1:12 PM

I'm very happy to say that the NEH has just announced twenty-two new awards (pdf) from our Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant program and three awards (pdf) from our new Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program.
These awards are part of a larger group of 222 awards announced today.  For a full state-by-state list of all the awards, please see today's press release
Congratulations to all the awardees!

 Upcoming Dates & Events Minimize
Humanities Applications for the World Community Grid

October 6, 2008: NEH staff will present at a workshop here in Washington, DC entitled "Humanities Applications for the World Community Grid." This full-day workshop will feature IBM computer scientists who will conduct a hands-on session describing how high performance computer systems can be used for humanities research. 

Start-Up Grants Deadline

October 8, 2008: Deadline for the Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants

DFG/NEH Joint Digitization Program Deadline
DFG/NEH Symposia and Workshops Program Deadline

November 4, 2008:  Deadline for the DFG/NEH Bilateral Digital Humanities Program: Symposia and Workshops program.

Collaborative Research Deadline

November 5, 2008: Deadline for Collaborative Research program. 

Supercomputing 2008 Conference

November 15 - 21:  On November 18th, NEH Chairman Bruce Cole will be giving a talk entitled "Humanities Scholarship in the Petabyte Age" at the Supercomputing 2008 Conference in Austin, Texas.
