Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH
IDL/ENVI splash screens


IDL provides powerful, core visualization and analysis functionality, and capabilities that allow data analysts and developers to leverage IDL's power in multiple software environments.

ENVI is the tool chosen by scientists and researchers around the world who need to get more information from their data and imagery. As the premier software solution for quickly, easily, and accurately extracting information from geospatial imagery, ENVI consistently offers the most advanced tools available geared to leading edge science and research.


IDL 7.0, ENVI 4.4

How to Use

IDL can be run from the command line by typing "idl" at the prompt.

However, a much simpler way of creating and managing jobs is through the IDL GUI using an X-windows session (see for more information).

To begin the IDL GUI, type "idlde" at the prompt.

To begin the ENVI GUI, type "envi" at the prompt.


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