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Children's Environmental Health World Wide Web Resource Sampler


  • Canadian Children's Environmental Health Network (CCEHN) - The purpose of the Canadian Children's Environmental Health Network is to develop an understanding of the relationships between environmental factors on child health and to coordinate efforts and build on the collective strengths of communities, organizations, and agencies in eliminating these risks. The Canadian Children's Environmental Health Network (CCEHN) is hosted by the Canadian Institute of Child Health. This site describes the activities of CCEHN and contains several reports and articles on children's environmental health issues.
  • Center for Children's Health and the Environment (CCHE) - (Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM))  - The Center for Children's Health and the Environment's mission is to promote the health of children by conducting environmental health and policy research. This site contains fact sheets, reports, testimony, and press releases on a variety of children's environmental health issues.
  • Children's Environmental Health - (Minnesota Department of Health (MDH))  - This site contains a listing of Minnesota's Department of Health extensive programs on children's environmental health including exposure to lead, mercury, pesticides and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) - CEHN is a national multidisciplinary project dedicated to protect the fetus and the child from environmental hazards and promote a healthy environment. This site provides an overview of children's environmental health issues, a Training Manual on Pediatric Environmental Health, and a resource guide of related programs, projects and organizations.
  • Children's Environmental Health Program - (National Safety Council (NSC))  - This site provides information on a variety of outreach and educational activities on children's environmental health issues including sun safety, asthma, and mobile source emissions.
  • Children's Health - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - This site provides summaries of ATSDR child health programs, such as the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, as well as links to Toxicology Profiles and Public Health Assessments.
  • Children's Health Protection - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - This site contains information on environmental factors in childhood cancers, developmental and neurological programs, and health effects of pesticides, metals and other hazardous substances. The site also focuses on current EPA activities in these areas on the local, state, federal, and international levels.
  • Committee on Environmental Health - (American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP))  - The AAP's Committee on Environmental Health focuses on issues relating to environmental health and toxic exposures. This site contains policy statements made by this Committee including environmental tobacco smoke, blood lead level, and respiratory hazards for infants and children.
  • Institute for Children's Environmental Health (ICEH) - ICEH is a nonprofit educational organization working to ensure a healthy, just and sustainable future for all children. ICEH's primary mission is to foster collaborative initiatives to reduce and ultimately eliminate environmental exposures that can undermine the health of current and future generations. The website provides information about the Learning and Developmental Disability Initiative, the Partnership for Children's Health and the Environment, and the Collaborative on Health and the Environment.
  • National Children's Study - The National Children's Study will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of more than 100,000 children across the United States, following them from before birth until age 21. The goal of the study is to improve the health and well-being of children.
  • North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) - CEC is an international organization created by Canada, Mexico, and the United States under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). The CEC was established to address regional environmental concerns, help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. The site contains numerous resources on children's environmental health.
  • NTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction - (National Toxicology Program (NTP))  - This site contains current information about the effects of chemicals on human reproduction and development, and the Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction's chemical review process.
  • Partnership for Children's Health and the Environment - The Partnership for Children's Health and the Environment is a growing North American coalition with 275 individual and organizational members representing government, academic, medical and community-based organizations committed to building a strong, sustainable and collaborative movement to protect current and future generations from harmful environmental exposures.
  • Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units - (Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC))  - AOEC has established a network of Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs). The PEHSU's have been developed to provide education and consultation for health professionals, public health professionals and others about the topic of children's environmental health.
  • WHO Children's Environmental Health - (World Health Organization (WHO))  - This Web site contains WHO's work on children's environmental health, including National profiles, children's environmental health indicators, capacity building, and collaborative research efforts. The site also provides access to publications, statistics, and fact sheets on children's environmental health.


  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). - ATSDR is directed by congressional mandate to perform specific functions concerning the effect of hazardous substances in the environment on public health. These functions include public health assessments of waste sites, health consultations concerning specific hazardous substances, health surveillance and registries, response to emergency releases of hazardous substances, and education and training concerning hazardous substances. This site has links to numerous resources on hazardous chemicals and hazardous waste sites.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities - NCBDDD seeks to promote optimal fetal, infant, and child development; prevent birth defects and childhood developmental disabilities; and enhance the quality of life and prevent secondary conditions among children, adolescents, and adults who are living with a disability. This site contains information on NCBDDD activities on the etiology and prevention of birth defects, including fetal alcohol syndrome and neural tube defects, and the role of environmental factors in children and youth with disabilities.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - The mission of the EPA is to protect human health by safeguarding the natural environment. The site has numerous consumer and technical resources on all aspects of the environment.
  • National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))  - NCEH provides national leadership, through science and service, that promotes health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases, birth defects, disabilities, or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment. This site includes information on air pollution, asthma, lead poisoning prevention and environmental public health tracking, in addition to more general environmental health issues.
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) - NIEHS focuses on understanding how the environment influences the development and progression of human disease through basic science, disease-oriented research, global environmental health, and multidisciplinary training for researchers, and hosts the National Toxicology Program (NTP). This site has a variety of consumer and technical resources on environmental health issues, including those focused on children, community outreach, and environmental justice.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM), MEDLINE/PubMed - MEDLINE/PubMed is NLM's search service to access the over 11 million citations in MEDLINE (with links to participating online journals), and other related databases. It includes the capability to limit searches to the Toxicology subset of MEDLINE.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM), Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) - TOXNET is an integrated system of toxicology and environmental health databases, available free of charge. Includes the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS), TOXicology Information onLINE (TOXLINE), Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology database (DART), Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), Gene-Tox, and ChemIDplus.
  • National Toxicology Program (NTP) - (Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) U.S.)  - The NTP is an interagency program whose mission is to evaluate agents of public health concern by developing and applying tools of modern toxicology and molecular biology. The program maintains an objective, science-based approach in dealing with critical issues in toxicology and is committed to using the best science available to prioritize, design, conduct, and interpret its studies.


  • Glossary of Environmental Health Terms - (New York State Department of Health)  - This site contains a glossary of environmental health terms, including federal agency acronyms and units of measure.
  • Toxicology Tutorials - (National Library of Medicine, Specialized Information Services Division)  - Three tutorials covering basic principles of toxicology, toxicokinetics, and cellular toxicology. Each of these tutorials includes a glossary of toxicology terms.


  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), ToxFAQs - ATSDR ToxFAQs is a series of summaries about hazardous substances excerpted from ATSDR Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements. Each fact sheet serves as a quick and easy- to-understand guide. Answers are provided to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about exposure to hazardous substances found at hazardous waste sites and the effects of exposure on human health.
  • Alphabetical Index of Health Topics - (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS))  - Alphabetical list of environmental health topics, including answers to some common environmental questions.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM) - The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library. The Library collects materials and provides information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care.


  • American Public Health Association (APHA) - APHA is an Association of individuals and organizations working to improve the public's health and to achieve equity in health status for all. We promote the scientific and professional foundation of public health practice and policy, advocate the conditions for a healthy global society, emphasize prevention and enhance the ability of members to promote and protect environmental and community health.
  • Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) - The Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) is the only national organization representing the deans, faculty and students of the accredited member schools of public health and other programs seeking accreditation as schools of public health.
  • Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) - The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is the national nonprofit organization representing the state and territorial public health agencies of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Public Health Training Network (PHTN) - Using a variety of instructional media, the PHTN "takes learning to the learner" via satellite broadcasts Past broadcasts have included a variety of environmental health and information resource topics including accessing HIV/AIDS information, the public health response to asthma, Environmental Health for Nurses, and Geographic Information Systems in public health.
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) - HRSA works to improve and extend life for people living with HIV/AIDS, provide primary health care to medically underserved people, serve women and children through state programs, and train a health workforce that is both diverse and motivated to work in underserved communities.
  • National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) - NACCHO is the national organization representing local public health agencies. NACCHO works to support efforts that protect and improve the health of all people and all communities by promoting national policy, developing resources and programs, seeking health equity and supporting effective local public health practice and systems.
  • National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) - The mission of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) is to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by providing all U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. The Program is coordinated by the National Library of Medicine and carried out through a nationwide network of health science libraries and information centers.
  • Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce - The Partnership is a collaborative project, including NLM, CDC, and others, to provide public health professionals with timely, convenient access to information resources to help them improve the health of the American public. This site contains a link to course materials for the Children's Environmental Health Information Resources satellite broadcast ( and in the future will contain a link to the archived Web cast of the broadcast.
  • Public Health Foundation (PHF) - The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is dedicated to achieving healthy communities through research, training, and technical assistance. For more than 30 years, this national, non-profit organization has been creating new information and helping health agencies and other community health organizations connect to and more effectively use information to manage and improve performance, understand and use data, and strengthen the workforce.
  • - (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO))  - Provides access to directories and hotlines from state-level public health web sites and allows searches of states' sites.


  • National Library of Medicine (NLM), MEDLINE/PubMed - MEDLINE/PubMed is NLM's search service to access the over 11 million citations in MEDLINE (with links to participating online journals), and other related databases. It includes the capability to limit searches to the Toxicology subset of MEDLINE.
  • TOXLINE - (National Library of Medicine (NLM) U.S.)  - Bibliographic database for toxicology that provides information covering the biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals.


  • Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - The SEER Program is a source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States. It also includes a section on Cancer Rates and Risk Factors, and information on statistics, databases, data collection tools, and recent reports.


  • Case Studies in Environmental Medicine - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - Series of self-instructional publications designed to increase the primary care provider's knowledge of hazardous substances in the environment and to aid in the evaluation of potentially exposed patients.
  • Children's Environmental Health Case Study: Pediatric Toxicology - (University of Illinois at Chicago, Great Lakes Center)  - This series of interactive case studies will orient the user to important topics in pediatric environmental health. The cases are intended for providers involved in the care of children as well as public health practitioners and other health care providers with an interest in environmental health and medicine.
  • EnviroDx - EnviroDx is a multimedia, case-focused, computer-based learning program on environmental-related diseases. Case #1 concerns a child exposed to a variety of environmental toxins.


  • Gateway to Government Food Safety Information - This site provides information on a range of food safety issues including consumer advice for women and childcare providers, links to news and safety alerts from the CDC, FDA and EPA, and resources for children, adolescents and educators.
  • MEDLINEplus - Food Safety - Food Contamination and Poisoning and Food Safety topics- These sites contain links to consumer health resources on food contamination, poisoning, and safety.

Mercury and Fish Contamination

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish Advisories - This site includes a host of resources related to water quality including fish and wildlife consumption advisories, outreach and educational materials, and the National Guidance for Developing Fish Consumption Advisories.
  • MedlinePlus - Mercury - (National Library of Medicine (NLM) U.S.)  - This site contains links to consumer health resources on mercury.

FUNDING (with an emphasis on funding for lead poisoning prevention)

  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), Federal Commons - This portal, the Federal Commons, intends to offer all grantees (state and local governments, universities, small businesses, etc.) full service grants processing across all functions in the grant life cycle. The Federal Commons will provide both public information, such as grant programs and funding opportunities, as well as the secure processing of e-grant transactions.
  • Tips On Writing a Grant Proposal - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - EPA developed this program to help communities and non-profit organizations identify financial assistance opportunities for their environmental-oriented development programs. Also, this program was developed to make it easier for applicants to produce more competitive grant applications.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), GrantsNet - GrantsNet is a tool for finding and exchanging information about HHS and other Federal grant programs. GrantsNet serves the general public, the grantee community, and grant-makers (i.e. state and local governments, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and commercial businesses). GrantsNet provides a variety of Department-wide grants policies governing the award and administration of grant activities, and publishes these in grants policy directives, regulations, and/or manuals.


  • EnviroMapper - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - EnviroMapper is a powerful tool used to map various types of environmental information, including air releases, drinking water, toxic releases, hazardous wastes, water discharge permits, and Superfund sites.
  • GIS in Public Health - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - This site contains resources for the use of geographic information systems in public health.
  • Scorecard, Pollution in Your Community - (Environmental Defense)  - Provides information about local environmental information. Scorecard ranks and compares the pollution levels in areas across the U.S. Scorecard also profiles 6,800 chemicals, making it easy to find out where they are used and how hazardous they are.
  • Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Explorer - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - The TRI database contains information concerning waste management activities and the release of toxic chemicals by facilities that manufacture, process, or use toxic materials.
  • Trust for America's Health - (Trust for America's Health (TFAH))  - Trust for America's Health is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to saving lives by protecting the health of every community and working to make disease prevention a national priority. This site offers national and state information about public health, resources on public policy, and a topic list including cancer and annual reports about obesity, government spending and other health concerns.
  • Window to My Environment (WME) - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - Powerful web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about enviornmental conditions and features in an area of your choice.


  • National Library of Medicine (NLM), Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) - TOXNET is an integrated system of toxicology and environmental health databases, available free of charge. Includes the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS), TOXicology Information onLINE (TOXLINE), Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology database (DART), Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), Gene-Tox, and ChemIDplus.
  • Toxic Substances - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - This site includes links to several ATSDR resources on toxic substances including the Toxicological Profiles for hazardous substances found at hazardous waste sites, Minimal Risk Levels, an estimate of the daily human exposure to a hazardous substance that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer health effects, HazDat, a searchable database of chemical contaminants, as well as many other resources.

Endocrine Disruptors


  • Alliance for Healthy Homes: Protecting Children from Lead and Other Environmental Health Hazards - The Alliance is a national public interest organization that seeks to protect children from lead and other environmental health hazards in and around their homes by advocating for policy solutions and building capacity for primary prevention in communities throughout the US and around the world. This site contains a number of resources including a newsletter, and publications on prevention strategies. Some publications are available full-text on the web, others must be ordered.
  • Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - This site contains links to many EPA resources on lead including lead in drinking water, sources of lead, and eliminating lead poisoning.
  • MEDLINEplus - Radon - This site contains links to consumer health resources on lead poisoning.
  • National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))  - NCEH provides national leadership, through science and service, that promotes health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases, birth defects, disabilities, or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment. This site includes information on air pollution, asthma, lead poisoning prevention and environmental public health tracking, in addition to more general environmental health issues.
  • Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control - (Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) U.S.)  - The mission of the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control is to eliminate lead-based paint hazards and other housing-related threats to children's health and safety in low-income privately owned homes.
  • Toxicological Profile for Lead - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - Characterizes the toxicologic and adverse health effects of lead.


  • CERHR: Mercury - (Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR))  - This site contains basic information on mercury, exposure to mercury and health effects.
  • MedlinePlus - Mercury - (National Library of Medicine (NLM) U.S.)  - This site contains links to consumer health resources on mercury.
  • Mercury - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - This site contains consumer and technical information on mercury.
  • ToxFAQs for Mercury - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR))  - Fact sheet that answers the most frequently asked health questions about mercury.


  • EXTOXNET - The Extension Toxicology Network - EXTOXNET is an effort of Cooperative Extension Programs of the University of California, Davis, Oregon State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Idaho. Some of the goals of EXTOXNET are to stimulate dialog on toxicology issues, develop and make available information relevant to extension toxicology, and facilitate the exchange of toxicology-related information in electronic form. The site includes several databases including the Pesticide Information Profiles and the Toxicology Information Briefs.
  • MedlinePlus - Pesticides - (National Library of Medicine (NLM) U.S.)  - This site contains links to a variety of consumer health resources on pesticides.
  • National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) - NPIC is a cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.A toll-free telephone service provides pesticide information to callers from the United States, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. The service provides objective, science-based information about a wide variety of pesticide-related subjects, including pesticide products, recognition and management of pesticide poisoning, toxicology, and environmental chemistry.
  • Pesticides - (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S.)  - This site contains consumer and technical information on pesticides including health effects, pesticide registration, and integrated pest management.



  • FASTATS A-Z - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))  - This site provides statistical information on a number of health-related issues including environmental health, and asthma
  • Healthy People 2010 & Environmental Health - (Public Health Foundation (PHF))  - This site was developed to provide information and resources related to the Health People 2010 Environmental Health Focus Area. Includes links to state-developed environmental health objectives.
  • Healthy People 2010 Environmental Health - (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), National Institutes of Health (NIH))  - This site links to the Healthy People 2010 chapter on Environmental Health. To address the broad range of human health issues affected by the environment, this chapter discusses six topics: outdoor air quality, water quality, toxics and waste, healthy homes and healthy communities, infrastructure and surveillance, and global environmental health issues.