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How will DOI LEARN change things for me as a supervisor?






As a supervisor you will have the same access and capabilities as any other employee. However, you have the added responsibility to approve (or disapprove) the training request of the employees you supervise.

As a supervisor (or in some cases the training approval official) you are in charge of the list of employees you supervise or approve training for within the system. When an employee requests training, their request is placed in your ‘approval queue’.

You will access the queue to evaluate the training request and approve if appropriate. You can find this approval queue in DOI LEARN under the Course Catalog tab. For more information about your capabilities in DOI LEARN, please access the Supervisor Guidance for DOI LEARN document.

screen shot of the DOI LEARN course catalog tab

Supervisors can edit the profile of their non-supervisory personnel in order for them to have the ability to approve training for other employees. This is a great feature for administrative officers.

You will also have the opportunity work with your employees to develop individual learning plans using ‘My Plan”.

Supervisors play a key role in the development of employees. DOI LEARN will make staying involved easy!

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Last updated: Tue, May 2, 2006 5:26 PM