Best Practices in Rural Development

This document includes a research paper prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture entitled "Understanding Rural America"; descriptions of the twelve best practices in rural economic and housing development from across the country and a directory of professionals in rural development, both compiled by the Office of Thrift Supervision.

Due to the size of this publication, it has been divided into smaller sections to expedite its retrieval and printing.

Section Title Number of Pages Size of File
Best Practices in Rural Development - Full Document 135 pages 4989KB
Introduction 6 pages 243KB
Understanding Rural America 32 pages 2053KB
Best Practices - Map 2 pages 87KB
Leveraged Loan Program 7 pages 263KB
Multi-Family Consortia 7 pages 234KB
Rehabilitation Lending 6 pages 291KB
Self-Help Housing 7 pages 278KB
First-Time Home Buyer Program 6 pages 255KB
Individual Development Accounts 6 pages 185KB
Technical Assistance Partnership 7 pages 209KB
Small Business Development 7 pages 133KB
Micro Enterprise Lending 8 pages 122KB
Agricultural Lending 7 pages 200KB
Municipal Lending 7 pages 225KB
Capacity Building 7 pages 244KB
Rural Development Directory 13 pages 56KB
References 2 pages 39KB