this table...

XMMSSC - XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi, Incremental Update of the Second Version)



This table contains the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (incremental update of the Second Version), or 2XMMi.

2XMM was the second comprehensive catalog of serendipitous X-ray sources from the European Space Agency's (ESA) XMM-Newton observatory. (The pre-release catalogue, 2XMMp, made public in July 2006, was essentially a subset of this full 2XMM catalog). The catalog was constructed by the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC) on behalf of ESA. It contains source detections drawn from 3491 XMM-Newton EPIC observations made between 2000 February 3 and 2007 March 31; all datasets were publicly available by 2007 May 01, but not all public observations are included in this catalog. The total area of the catalogue fields is ~ 560 deg^2, but taking account of the substantial overlaps between observations, the net sky area covered independently is ~ 360 deg^2.

The 2XMMi catalog contains sources from an additional year of XMM public data (up until 2008 March 28) and contains roughly 20% more detections (289083 entries) and sources compared to 2XMM. 2XMMi has been made using essentially the same software and the same calibration as used for 2XMM, so that the extra data are homogenous. However, in making the new catalog, the authors have re-computed the grouping of detections into unique sources on the sky and this has resulted in a number of changes. These arise from: 1) new detections adding to existing 2XMM sources causing updates of the mean source parameters, 2) new detections forming completely new sources, 3) new detections causing splitting or merging of existing sources, and 4) in a very few cases, a bug fix that affected 2XMM resulted in splitting or merging of existing 2XMM sources with no impact from a new detection. New unique sources on the sky in the 2XMMi Catalog will have the prefix 2XMMi in their names.

The processing used to generate the 2XMM and 2XMMi catalogs is based on the pipeline developed for the re-processing of all XMM-Newton observations. The new pipeline includes a number of significant improvements over the previous data processing system (as used by the SSC in routine processing of XMM-Newton data on behalf of ESA). These improvements include a more sensitive source detection scheme using exposures of all cameras, the detection and parameterization of extended sources and the extraction of spectra and time series for the brightest sources.

The 2XMMi catalog contains 289083 X-ray source detections above the processing likelihood threshold of 6. A significant fraction of sources have more than one detection in the catalog. Thus, each row in this catalog corresponds to a specific detection of an X-ray source, not necessarily to a unique source.

As part of extensive quality evaluation for the catalog, each field has been visually screened. Regions where there were obvious deficiencies in the automatic processing were identified, and all sources within those regions were flagged.

The present catalog also distinguishes between extended emission and point-like detections. Parameters of detections of extended sources are only reliable up to the maximum extent measure of 80 arcseconds.

The median flux (in the total photon energy band 0.2 - 12 keV) of the catalog detections is ~ 2.5 x 10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1; in the soft energy band (0.2 - 2 keV) the median flux is ~ 5.8 x 10^-15, and in the hard band (2 - 12 keV) it is ~ 1.4 x 10^-14. About 20% have fluxes below 1 x 10-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1. The positional accuracy of the catalog detections is generally < 5 arcseconds (99% confidence radius). The flux values from the three EPIC cameras are overall in agreement to ~ 10% for most energy bands.

New energy bands were used in the 2XMM processing compared to 1XMM. The following are the basic energy bands:

1  	=  	0.2 -   0.5 keV
2 	= 	0.5 -   1.0 keV 	  	(formerly part of band 2)
3 	= 	1.0 -   2.0 keV 	  	(formerly part of band 2)
4 	= 	2.0 -   4.5 keV 	  	(formerly band 3)
5 	= 	4.5 -  12.0 keV 	  	(formerly bands 4 and 5)

while these are the broad energy bands:

6 	= 	0.2 -   2.0 keV 	  	soft band, no images made
7 	= 	2.0 -  12.0 keV 	  	hard band, no images made
8 	= 	0.2 -  12.0 keV 	  	total band
9 	= 	0.5 -   4.5 keV 	  	XID band


The production and content of the 2XMM catalogue is described in detail in Watson et al. (2008). Note that there are no differences in the processing between the 2XMM and 2XMMi observations. Until the catalog paper is accepted for a refereed publication, the preferred citation of this version of the catalog is:
    Watson et al. (2008), "The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey. VI. The Second
    XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue", A&A, submitted.


This HEASARC database table contains the 2XMMi catalog, released by ESA on 2008 August 22, and obtained from the XMM-Newton Survey Science Center ( It is also available as the gzipped FITS file The previous versions of the Serendipitous Source Catalog, 1XMM, 2XMMp and 2XMM, are also available in the same directory for comparison purposes in the files ssc_xmmcat_v1.1.0.fits.gz, ssc_2xmmpcat_v1.0.fits.gz, and 2XMMcat_v1.0.fits.gz, respectively.

Nomenclature and Citation

The correct nomenclature for references to sources in the catalog is the name starting with the '2XMM' designator, as included in the catalog itself, followed by a colon and the detection identification number where a specific detection is referred to (rather than the source itself), that is: "2XMM Jhhmmss.sSddmmss:detid".


The production of the 2XMM catalogue is a collaborative project involving the whole SSC Consortium:
    University of Leicester, UK

    Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK

    Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK

    Max-Planck Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

    Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany

    Service d'Astrophysique, CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Saclay, France

    Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France

    Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, France

    Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Santander, Spain

    Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milan, Italy

The SSC team is pleased to acknowledge the contributions to the SAS software, on which the catalog processing is based, made by ESA's Science Operations Centre staff. Significant contributions to the production of the catalogue were also made by NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre HEASARC staff resident for much of the project at the University of Leicester.


The User Guide for the 2XMM Catalog, available at, contains details of the catalog production process and content. A complete description of this catalog and the parameters listed therein can be found there, as well as the list of observations used in the catalog at .


A consecutive number which identifies each entry (detection) in the catalog.

A unique number assigned to a group of catalog entries which are assumed to be the same source. To identify members of the same group the distance in arcseconds between each pair of sources was compared on the two-sigma level of both positional errors. A maximum distance of 7" was assumed, which was reduced to 0.9 * DIST_NN (distance to the nearest neighbour) where necessary.

The 2XMM SRCID identifier where a source has a match with an existing 2XMM source. There are cases where the new SRCID differs from the previous one.

The IAU designation assigned to the unique SRCID.

The decimal source number in the individual source list for this observation; in hexadecimal it identifies the source-specific product files belonging to this detection.

The IAU designation of the 1XMM source identification (matched within radius of 3" and using the closest candidate).

The distance between this source and the matched 1XMM source in arcseconds.

The 2XMMp SRCID identifier where a source has a match with an existing 2XMMp source.

The matching source designation of the source from the 2XMMp Catalog.

The IAU designation of the 2XMMp source identification (matched within radius of 3" and using the closest candidate).

The XMM-Newton observation identification.

The XMM-Newton revolution number of the observation.

The start time of the observation (converted from the Modified Julian Date format given in the original input file).

The end time of the observation (converted from the Modified Julian Date format given in the original input file).

The quality classification of the whole observation based on the area flagged as bad in the manual flagging process as compared to the whole detection area. 0 means nothing has been flagged; 1 indicates that 0% < area < 0.1% of the total detection mask has been flagged; 2 indicates that 0.1% <= area < 1% has been flagged; 3 indicates that 1% <= area < 10% has been flagged; 4 indicates that 10% <= area < 100% has been flagged; and 5 means that the whole field was flagged as bad.

The type of PN filter used. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, Thin2, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking.

The type of M1 filter used. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking.

The type of M2 filter used. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking.

The PN observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed (in two sub-modes), and large window mode with only parts of the FOV exposed.

The M1 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed').

The M2 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed').

The corrected Right Ascension of the detection in the selected equinox after statistical correlation of the emldetect coordinates, RA_UNC and DEC_UNC, with the USNO B1.0 source catalogue using the SAS task eposcorr. In cases where the cross-correlation is determined to be unreliable, no correction is applied and this value is therefore the same as RA_UNC. The RA was given in J2000 coordinates in the original table.

The corrected Declination of the detection in the selected equinox after statistical correlation of the emldetect coordinates, RA_UNC and DEC_UNC, with the USNO B1.0 source catalogue using the SAS task eposcorr. In cases where the cross-correlation is determined to be unreliable, no correction is applied and this value is therefore the same as RA_UNC. The Declination was given in J2000 coordinates in the original table.

The total positional uncertainty, in arcseconds, (called poserr in the original table) calculated by combining the statistical error RADEC_ERR and the systematic error SYSERR as follows:

            POSERR = SQRT (RADEC_ERR^2 + SYSERR^2)

The corrected Galactic Longitude of the detection in degrees.

The corrected Galactic Latitude of the detection in degrees.

The statistical 1-sigma error in the detection position in arcseconds.

The estimated systematic 1-sigma error in the detection position in arcseconds. It is set to be 0."35 if the SAS task eposcorr results in a statistically reliable cross-correlation with the USNO B1.0 optical catalogue, otherwise the error is set to 1."0.

The J2000 Right Ascension of the detection in degrees, as determined by the SAS task emldetect by fitting a detection simultaneously in all cameras and energy bands.

The J2000 Declination of the detection in degrees, as determined by the SAS task emldetect by fitting a detection simultaneously in all cameras and energy bands.

The EPIC band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in EPIC band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in EPIC band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in the EPIC band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in the EPIC band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in the EPIC band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC combined band 8 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors. Combined band fluxes for the individual cameras are the sum of the fluxes and errors from each band (1 - 5).

The uncertainty in the EPIC combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The EPIC band 9 (XID) flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. The EPIC flux in each band is the mean of the band-specific detections in all cameras weighted by the errors.

The uncertainty in the EPIC band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s). The error in the weighted mean of the EPIC flux in band b is given by:

            EP_b_FLUX_ERR = SQRT (1.0 / SUM (1 / ca_b_FLUX_ERR^2 ))
where ca = PN, M1, M2, and b is the band (1, 2, etc.).

The PN band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Combined band fluxes (band 8) for the individual cameras are the sum of the fluxes and errors from each band (1 - 5).

The uncertainty in the PN combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The PN band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the PN band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Combined band fluxes (band 8) for the individual cameras are the sum of the fluxes and errors from each band (1 - 5).

The uncertainty in the M1 combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M1 band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 1 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 2 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 3 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 4 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 5 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Combined band fluxes (band 8) for the individual cameras are the sum of the fluxes and errors from each band (1 - 5).

The uncertainty in the M2 combined band flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The M2 band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s). Fluxes are calculated by the SAS tasks emldetect and by srcmatch for the various input bands. Note that they correspond to the flux in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 9 flux (erg/cm^2/s).

The EPIC combined band count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable. Combined band count rate (band 8) for each camera are calculated as the sum of the count rates in the individual bands 1 - 5. The EPIC rates are the sum of the camera-specific count rates in the respective band.

The uncertainty in the EPIC combined band 8 count rate (ct/s).

The EPIC band 9 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable. The EPIC rates are the sum of the camera-specific count rates in the respective band.

The uncertainty in the EPIC band 9 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 1 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 1 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 2 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 2 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 3 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 3 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 4 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 4 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 5 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 5 count rate (ct/s).

The PN combined band 8 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN combined band 8 count rate (ct/s).

The PN band 9 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the PN band 9 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 1 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 1 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 2 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 2 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 3 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 3 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 4 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 4 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 5 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 5 count rate (ct/s).

The M1 combined band 8 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 combined band count rate (ct/s).

The M1 band 1 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M1 band 9 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 1 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 1 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 2 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 2 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 3 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 3 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 4 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 4 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 5 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 5 count rate (ct/s).

The M2 combined band 8 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 combined band count rate (ct/s).

The M2 band 9 count rate (ct/s), as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band count rate (bands 1 - 5, 9) is the band-dependent source counts (ca_b_CTS) divided by the exposure map, which combines the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps, and an OOT-factor (Out Of Time), depending on the PN modes (PN_SUBMODE). The source counts and with it the count rates were implicitly background subtracted during the fitting process. They correspond to the count rate in the entire PSF and do not need any further corrections for PSF losses. Note that rates can be 0.0 (but not negative) if the source is too faint in the respective band to be detectable.

The uncertainty in the M2 band 9 count rate (ct/s).

The EPIC combined band 8 source counts, as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band source counts (not given in this catalog) are derived under the total PSF (point spread function) and corrected for background. The PSF is fitted on subimages of radius 60 arcseconds in each band (CUTRAD), which means, that in most cases at least 90% of the PSF (if covered by the detector) was effectively used in the fit. Combined band source counts (band 8) for each camera are calculated as the sum of the source counts in the individual bands 1 - 5. The EPIC band 8 counts are the sum of the (available) individual camera band 8 counts.

The uncertainty in the EPIC combined band source counts, being the statistical 1-sigma error in the total source counts of the detection, as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN combined band 8 source counts, as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band source counts (not given in this catalog) are derived under the total PSF (point spread function) and corrected for background. The PSF is fitted on subimages of radius 60 arcseconds in each band (CUTRAD), which means, that in most cases at least 90% of the PSF (if covered by the detector) was effectively used in the fit. Combined band source counts (band 8) for each camera are calculated as the sum of the source counts in the individual bands 1 - 5.

The uncertainty in the PN combined band source counts, being the statistical 1-sigma error in the total source counts of the detection, as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M1 combined band 8 source counts, as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band source counts (not given in this catalog) are derived under the total PSF (point spread function) and corrected for background. The PSF is fitted on subimages of radius 60 arcseconds in each band (CUTRAD), which means, that in most cases at least 90% of the PSF (if covered by the detector) was effectively used in the fit. Combined band source counts (band 8) for each camera are calculated as the sum of the source counts in the individual bands 1 - 5.

The uncertainty in the M1 combined band 8 source counts, being the statistical 1-sigma error in the total source counts of the detection, as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M2 combined band source counts, as derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band source counts (not given in this catalog) are derived under the total PSF (point spread function) and corrected for background. The PSF is fitted on subimages of radius 60 arcseconds in each band (CUTRAD), which means, that in most cases at least 90% of the PSF (if covered by the detector) was effectively used in the fit. Combined band source counts (band 8) for each camera are calculated as the sum of the source counts in the individual bands 1 - 5.

The uncertainty in the M2 combined band 8 source counts, being the statistical 1-sigma error in the total source counts of the detection, as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The EPIC combined band detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The EPIC band 9 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 1 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 2 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 3 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 4 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 5 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN combined band 8 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The PN band 9 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 1 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 2 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 3 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 4 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 5 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 combined band 8 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M1 band 9 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 1 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 2 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 3 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 4 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 5 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 combined band 8 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The M2 band 9 detection likelihood. Maximum likelihoods are derived by the SAS task emldetect. The individual-band maximum likelihood values (bands 1 - 5, 9) stand for the detection likelihood of the source, L = - ln p, where p is the probability of the detection occurring by chance. While the detection likelihood of an extended source is computed in the same way, systematic effects such as deviations between the real background and the model, have a larger effect on extended sources and thus detection likelihoods of extended sources are more uncertain.

The EPIC extent radius (arcsec). The extent radius and error as well as the extent likelihood of a source detected as extended is determined by the SAS task emldetect. It is determined fitting a beta-model profile to the source PSF. Anything below 6" is considered to be a point source and the extent is set to zero. To avoid non-converging fitting an upper limit of 80" has been introduced.

The uncertainty in the EPIC extent radius (arcsec).

The EPIC extent likelihood. The extent radius and error as well as the extent likelihood of a source detected as extended is determined by the SAS task emldetect. It is determined fitting a beta-model profile to the source PSF. Anything below 6" is considered to be a point source and the extent is set to zero. To avoid non-converging fitting an upper limit of 80" has been introduced. The extent likelihood is the likelihood of the detection being extended as given by EXTENT_ML = - ln(P), where P is the probability of the extent occurring by chance.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 for bands 1 and 2. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

EPIC hardness ratios are calculated by the SAS task srcmatch and are averaged over all three cameras (PN, M1, M2). Note that no energy conversion factor was used and that the EPIC hardness ratios are de facto not hardness ratios but an equivalent number helpful to characterise the hardness of a source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio for bands 1 and 2. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 for bands 2 and 3. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

EPIC hardness ratios are calculated by the SAS task srcmatch and are averaged over all three cameras (PN, M1, M2). Note that no energy conversion factor was used and that the EPIC hardness ratios are de facto not hardness ratios but an equivalent number helpful to characterise the hardness of a source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio for bands 2 and 3. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 for bands 3 and 4. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

EPIC hardness ratios are calculated by the SAS task srcmatch and are averaged over all three cameras (PN, M1, M2). Note that no energy conversion factor was used and that the EPIC hardness ratios are de facto not hardness ratios but an equivalent number helpful to characterise the hardness of a source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio for bands 3 and 4. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 for bands 4 and 5. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

EPIC hardness ratios are calculated by the SAS task srcmatch and are averaged over all three cameras (PN, M1, M2). Note that no energy conversion factor was used and that the EPIC hardness ratios are de facto not hardness ratios but an equivalent number helpful to characterise the hardness of a source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio for bands 4 and 5. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN hardness ratio HR1 for bands 1 and 2. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the PN hardness ratio for bands 1 and 2. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN hardness ratio HR2 for bands 2 and 3. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the PN hardness ratio for bands 2 and 3. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN hardness ratio HR3 for bands 3 and 4. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the PN hardness ratio for bands 3 and 4. Errors are the 1-sigmaerror on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN hardness ratio HR4 for bands 4 and 5. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the PN hardness ratio for bands 4 and 5. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M1 hardness ratio HR1 for bands 1 and 2. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M1 hardness ratio for bands 1 and 2. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M1 hardness ratio HR2 for bands 2 and 3. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M1 hardness ratio for bands 2 and 3. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M1 hardness ratio HR3 for bands 3 and 4. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M1 hardness ratio for bands 3 and 4. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M1 hardness ratio HR4 for bands 4 and 5. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M1 hardness ratio for bands 4 and 5. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M2 hardness ratio HR1 for bands 1 and 2. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M2 hardness ratio for bands 1 and 2. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M2 hardness ratio HR2 for bands 2 and 3. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M2 hardness ratio for bands 2 and 3. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M2 hardness ratio HR3 for bands 3 and 4. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M2 hardness ratio for bands 3 and 4. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The M2 hardness ratio HR4 for bands 4 and 5. The hardness ratios for each camera are derived by the SAS task emldetect. They are defined as the ratio between the bands A and B:

              HR(A,B) = (band B - band A) / (band A + band B).

Note that in the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively. In case where the rate in both bands is zero, the hardness ratio is undefined (NULL).

There are four hardness ratios (n) using the following bands:

  HR1:	bands 1 & 2
  HR2:	bands 2 & 3
  HR3:	bands 3 & 4
  HR4:	bands 4 & 5

The uncertainty in the M2 hardness ratio for bands 4 and 5. Errors are the 1-sigma error on the hardness ratio 1 as derived by the SAS task emldetect.

The PN band 1 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The PN band 2 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The PN band 3 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The PN band 4 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The PN band 5 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M1 band 1 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M1 band 2 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M1 band 3 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M1 band 4 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M1 band 5 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M2 band 1 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M2 band 2 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M2 band 3 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M2 band 4 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The M2 band 5 exposure map value (s). The exposure maps are made by the SAS task eexpmap; they combine the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps. The exposure map values in the catalog are given in seconds and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.

The PN band 1 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The PN band 2 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The PN band 3 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The PN band 4 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The PN band 5 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M1 band 1 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M1 band 2 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M1 band 3 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M1 band 4 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M1 band 5 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M2 band 1 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M2 band 2 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M2 band 3 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M2 band 4 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The M2 band 5 background map value (ct/pixel). The background maps are made by the SAS task esplinemap; they are made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images. The background map values in the catalog are given in counts per pixel and are derived by the SAS task emldetect as the background map value at the given detection position. Note that the source fitting routine uses the background map itself rather than the single value given here. The value is zero if the detection position lies outside the FOV.

The PN band 1 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The PN band 2 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The PN band 3 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The PN band 4 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The PN band 5 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M1 band 1 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M1 band 2 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M1 band 3 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M1 band 4 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M1 band 5 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M2 band 1 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M2 band 2 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M2 band 3 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M2 band 4 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The M2 band 5 vignetting value. The vignetting values in the catalogue are derived by the SAS task emldetect; they are a function of energy band and offaxis angle. (Vignetting values used in the source parametrization come from the vignetted exposure maps.)

The PN total good exposure time (after GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned. Note that some source positions fall into CCD gaps or outside of the detector and will have therefore a NULL given.

The M1 total good exposure time (after GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned. Note that some source positions fall into CCD gaps or outside of the detector and will have therefore a NULL given.

The M2 total good exposure time (After GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned. Note that some source positions fall into CCD gaps or outside of the detector and will have therefore a NULL given.

The distance between the detection position and the on-axis position of PN detector, in arcminutes. Note that the offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.

The distance between the detection position and the on-axis position of M1 detector, in arcminutes. Note that the offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.

The distance between the detection position and the on-axis position of M2 detector, in arcminutes. Note that the offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.

The PSF weighted mean of the PN detector coverage of a detection as derived from the detection mask. It depends slightly on energy; only band 8 values are given here which are the minimum of the energy-dependent maskfrac values. Sources which have less than 0.15 of their PSF covered by the detector are considered as being not detected.

The PSF weighted mean of the M1 detector coverage of a detection as derived from the detection mask. It depends slightly on energy; only band 8 values are given here which are the minimum of the energy-dependent maskfrac values. Sources which have less than 0.15 of their PSF covered by the detector are considered as being not detected.

The PSF weighted mean of the M2 detector coverage of a detection as derived from the detection mask. It depends slightly on energy; only band 8 values are given here which are the minimum of the energy-dependent maskfrac values. Sources which have less than 0.15 of their PSF covered by the detector are considered as being not detected.

The distance to the nearest neighbor detection, in arseconds; it is derived by the SAS task emldetect. Emldetect uses an internal threshold of 6 arseconds (before positional fitting) for splitting a source into two..

The summary flag of the source, derived from the EPIC flag (EP_FLAG). It is 0 if none of the nine flags was set; it is set to 1 if at least one of the warning flags (flag 1, 2, 3, 9) was set but no possible-spurious-detection flag (flag 7, 8); it is set to 2 if at least one of the possible-spurious-detection flags (flag 7, 8) was set but not the manual flag (flag 11); it is set to 3 if the manual flag (flag 11) was set but no possible-spurious-detection flags (flag 7, 8); it is set to 4 if the manual flag (flag 11) as well as one of the possible-spurious-detection flags (flag 7, 8) is set. The meaning is thus:

  0 = good
  1 = source parameters may be affected
  2 = possibly spurious
  3 = located in a area where spurious detection may occur
  4 = located in a area where spurious detection may occur and possibly spurious

The EPIC flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right), where flag 10 is not used: it combines the flags in each camera (PN_FLAG, M1_FLAG, M2_FLAG), that is, a flag is set in EP_FLAG if at least one of the camera-dependent flags is set.

The PN flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the PN source detection. A flag is set to True according to the conditions summarized in Tab. 3.3a of the 2XMM Users Guide for the automatic flags, and in Tab. 3.3b of the 2XMM Users Guide for the manual flags. In cases where the camera was not used in the source detection, a dash is given. In cases where a source was not detected by the PN, the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.

The M1 flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the M1 source detection. A flag is set to True according to the conditions summarized in Tab. 3.3a of the 2XMM Users Guide for the automatic flags, and Tab. 3.3b of the 2XMM Users Guide for the manual flags. In cases where the camera was not used in the source detection, a dash is given. In cases where a source was not detected by the M1, the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.

The M2 flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the M2 source detection. A flag is set to True according to the conditions summarized in Tab. 3.3a of the 2XMM Users Guide for the automatic flags, and Tab. 3.3b of the 2XMM Users Guide for the manual flags. In cases where the camera was not used in the source detection, a dash is given. In cases where a source was not detected by the M2, the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.

This flag is set to T(rue) to indicate that the source has a time series made in at least one exposure.

This flag is set to T(rue) to indicate that the source has a spectrum made in at least one exposure.

The chi^2 probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source, as detected by any of the cameras, is constant. The minimum value of the available camera probabilities (PN_CHI2PROB, M1_CHI2PROB, M2_CHI2PROB) is given.

The chi^2 probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the PN camera is constant. The Pearson's approximation to chi^2 for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance (see the documentation of ekstest for a more detailed description). If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.

The chi^2 probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M1 camera is constant. The Pearson's approximation to chi^2 for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance (see the documentation of ekstest for a more detailed description). If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.

The chi^2 probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M2 camera is constant. The Pearson's approximation to chi^2 for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance (see the documentation of ekstest for a more detailed description). If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.

This flag is set to T(rue) if this source was detected as variable (chi^2 probability < 1E-5, see PN_CHI2PROB, M1_CHI2PROB, M2_CHI2PROB) in at least one exposure).

If the source is detected as variable (that is, if VAR_FLAG is set to T(rue)), the exposure ID ('S' or 'U' followed by a three-digit number) of the exposure with the smallest chi^2 probability is given here.

If the source is detected as variable (that is, if VAR_FLAG is set to T(rue)), the instrument ID (PN, M1, M2) of the exposure given in VAR_EXP_ID is listed here.

The mean J2000 Right Ascension of all detections of the source SRCID, in degrees, weighted by the positional errors ERROR_RADIUS values.

The mean J2000 Declination of all detections of the source SRCID, in degrees, weighted by the positional errors ERROR_RADIUS values

The error of the the weighted mean position given in SC_RA and SC_DEC, in arcseconds.

The mean band 1 flux (0.2 - 0.5 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_1_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 1 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 2 flux (0.5 - 1.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_2_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 2 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 3 flux (1.0 - 2.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_3_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 3 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 4 flux (2.0 - 4.5 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_4_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 4 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 5 flux (4.5 - 12.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_5_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 5 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 8 flux (0.2 - 12.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_1_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 8 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean band 9 flux (0.5 - 4.5keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_9_FLUX) weighted by the errors, in erg/cm^2/s.

The error in the weighted mean band 9 flux, in erg/cm^2/s

The mean hardness ratio of the bands 1 and 2 of all the detections of the Source SRCID (EP_HR1) weighted by the errors.

The error in the weighted mean hardness ratio of bands 1 and 2 of all the detections.

The mean hardness ratio of the bands 2 and 3 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR2) weighted by the errors.

The error in the weighted mean hardness ratio of bands 2 and 3 of all the detections.

The mean hardness ratio of the bands 3 and 4 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR3) weighted by the errors.

The error in the weighted mean hardness ratio of bands 3 and 4 of all the detections.

The mean hardness ratio of the bands 4 and 5 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR4) weighted by the errors.

The error in the weighted mean hardness ratio of bands 4 and 5 of all the detections.

The total band detection likelihood of the source SRCID, i.e., the maximum of the likelihoods of all detections of this source

The total band detection likelihood of the extended source SRCID, i.e., the average of the extent likelihoods of all detections of this source.

The chi^2 probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the unique source SRCID as detected by any of the observations is constant, that is, the minimum value of the EPIC probabilities in each detection, EP_CHI2PROB, is given.

The variability flag for the unique source SRCID which is set to the value of VAR_FLAG for the most variable detection of this source.

The summary flag for the unique source SRCID is taken to be the worst flag of all detections of this source (SUM_FLAG).

The number of detections of the unique source SRCID used to derive the combined values.

This parameter (new to 2XMMi) is a flag indicating whether a unique source is completely unchanged from 2XMM (value of 1), is a 2XMM source where some reallocation of detections has occurred (due to new detection or just an internal reshuffle of 2XMM detections) (value of 2), or is a new unique source from either wholly new detections only or a fragment of an earlier XMM detection that was split (value of 3).

This parameter (new to 2XMMi) is a flag which, combined with the sc_chflag1, provides further detailed source change information, as follows:

     SC_CH     Meaning

    1       0  old source, no new information, so SC_ values unchanged
    2       0  old source with new detections as well, SC_ values updated
    2       1  old source changed with loss of detections or gain and loss
    3       0  new source from new detections alone
    3       1  new source from new+old detections, or just old ones rematched

Contact Person

Questions regarding the XMMSSC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 25-Aug-2008 10:46:19 EDT