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NASA Participants

There are a number of ways NASA employees can become involved with the SBIR/STTR Program. If you are a NASA employee, you are eligible to participate. Whether you are a NASA program participant with a specific technology need, a NASA technology innovator, or a NASA technology transfer specialist, the information within this site may be able to help you.

NASA Technology User
Visit this role, if you are affiliated with NASA and want to utilize technologies funded by SBIR/STTR Program.

NASA Technology Developer
Visit this role, if you are a NASA researcher or innovator and want to find out how to use the SBIR/STTR Program to help further your project.

NASA Technology Transfer Advisor
Visit this role, if you work in the technology transfer arena and want to see if there are SBIR/STTR developed technologies that may solve a NASA or industry need.

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Curator: Samidha Manu
NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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