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Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer - Contacts

CNCS Staff
Name: Georg Ehlers
Instrument: Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer
Instrument Science Page
Address: Oak Ridge National Laboratory/SNS
One Bethel Valley Road
P.O. Box 2008, MS-6475
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475
Phone: 865.576.3511
Fax: 865.241.5177

The following personnel are currently involved with the Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer:

Georg Ehlers, Lead Instrument Scientist
Andrey Podlesnyak, Instrument Scientist
Jennifer Niedziela, Scientific Associate
Barton Bailey, Engineer
Scott Keener, Engineer

The Instrument Development Team (IDT) is lead by The Pennsylvania State University and the primary members are MIT, and the Universities of Michigan, Berkeley, and Missouri. Currently a detailed design, optimized for the diverse science planned by the IDT, is in progress. Additional information is provided on the IDT website, or by emailing their spokesperson, Paul Sokol.

IDT Team
IDT Executive Committee
Name Institution
Paul E. Sokol,
Principal Investigator
Indiana University Cyclotron Facility
Robert Dimeo National Institute of Standards and Technology
Meigan Aronson University of Michigan
Herbert L. Strauss University of California, Berkeley
Sow-Hsin Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Haskell Taub University of Missouri-Columbia


  Information Contact: Jennifer Niedziela - niedzielajl@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science