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Using the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award


You can use your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award in any of the following ways—or a combination of them.

Repay Qualified Student Loans

The national service legislation defines qualified student loan as a loan backed by the federal government under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (except PLUS Loans to parents of students), or under Titles VII or VIII of the Public Health Service Act.

You may also use your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award to repay a student loan made by a state agency, including state institutions of higher education.

Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards may not be used to repay any other type of loan, even if the loan was obtained for educational purposes. You can use your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award to repay defaulted student loans as long as the loans meet the definition of qualified student loan.

Pay Current Educational Expenses at a Qualified School

Current educational expenses, as authorized under 42 U.S.C. § 12604(c), include:

  • The "Cost of Attendance" for a degree- or certificate-granting program of study at a qualified school; and
  • Educational expenses for non-degree courses offered by qualified schools, such as continuing education courses.

Your school is qualified if it is a Title IV institution of higher education. This includes most colleges and universities, and includes graduate schools.

Pay Current Educational Expenses While Participating in an Approved School-to-Work Program

Current educational expenses are expenses that were incurred after you became an AmeriCorps member. Current educational expenses are based on:

  • The "Cost of Attendance" for a degree or certificate-granting program at a qualified school and
  • Educational expenses for non-degree courses, such as continuing education courses offered by qualified schools.

For credit or degree courses, the cost of attendance may include tuition, books and supplies, transportation, room and board, and other expenses. Each school's financial aid office determine a student's cost of attendance based upon standard U.S. Department of Education guidance.

For Additional Information on Using Your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

The Corporation is not in a position to provide advice about your income taxes or how you use your education award. However, for a discussion on how the education award may affect other financial aid and income taxes, see The Effective Education Award by National Service Fellow Brandon Rogers.

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