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Refurbished Z continues its march into the future

Sandia Lab News lifts the veil to show some of the grit and glamour of the refurbishment of Sandia’s Z accelerator that has taken place during the past two years. The majestic construction effort shows the powerful underside of a mighty project that provides data to simulate the effects of nuclear weapons. A project that just may hold the key to eventually unlock the secrets of controlled nuclear fusion that could provide unlimited electricity from sea water.

To see a photo spread and story about the Z refurbishment project, go here.




Sandia Lab News

Molten diamond appears — then disappears — in Sandia nano experiment


Lean journey leads to Shingo Prize


Sandia research drives cleaner diesel engine design

September 12, 2008 Edition . . .

. . . and check out Labs Accomplishments 2008

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Molten diamond appears — then disappears — in Sandia nano experiment

Lean journey leads to Shingo Prize

Sandia research drives cleaner diesel engine design

The Lab News is published on alternate Fridays by Media Relations and Communications Dept. 3651, MS 0165.

Bill Murphy,, Editor, page owner(505) 845-0845
Mike Janes,, California site contact, (925) 294-2447