Governor Sebelius announces new Division of Rural Development within Department of Commerce

Governor Kathleen Sebelius today unveiled the new Division of Rural Development within the Kansas Department of Commerce, a reorganization designed to elevate Commerce’s focus on rural development and encourage seamless collaboration among existing rural development organizations.
The Division of Rural Development will serve as the umbrella for all of Commerce’s previously existing rural development entities, including the Ag Marketing Division, Community Development Division and the Office of Rural Opportunity. The Division will be headed by Carole Jordan, a 30-year veteran of rural and agriculture development with the departments of Agriculture and Commerce.
“The challenges facing rural areas range from a need for more good jobs and quality, affordable housing, to difficulties in maintaining basic services,” Governor Sebelius said. “Many Kansans are proud to make their homes in rural communities, and the new Division of Rural Development will enhance our commitment to restore vitality to America’s heartland.”
The creation of the new Division of Rural Development leverages many of the recommendations of a 2007 report by Kansas, Inc. The report, titled Leveraging our Foundations and Designing the Future: A Kansas Economic Renaissance, proposed a rural development model with Commerce positioned at the top, as well as the establishment of a new Division of Rural Development positioned at the “highest possible level to denote the prominence of the Division as the centerpiece of Kansas rural development structure.” It also suggested that the new Division be recognized as the lead entity for rural development in Kansas “with a mission to provide an integrated, coordinated and seamless approach for all rural development initiatives.”
The reorganization will use existing funding sources and reprioritize resources and staff to the Division of Rural Development. Commerce will work closely with its partners – including the Department of Agriculture, Kansas Small Business Development Center and Network Kansas – to avoid duplication of services.
“Commerce has longstanding relationships with rural development groups statewide,” said Secretary of Commerce David Kerr. “By creating a new Division of Rural Development and linking it with our existing services, the Department is best-equipped to tackle the unique challenges faced by rural Kansas.”
For more information, contact Joe Monaco with the Department of Commerce at (785) 296-3760 or

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