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OSO-8 Bibliography

artist concept of OSO-8

* Publication list from ADS

The OSO-8 publication list through December, 1997 is the result of a query to the ADS service using the keyword OSO8 or OSO-8. Note: the following link is not section 508 compliant

* Useful OSO-8 references

Instrumentation and Science Results:

  • North Polar Spur; U. Wisconsin Soft X-ray Background Experiment: Iwan 1980, ApJ, 239, 316.
  • Columbia U. Graphite Crystal X-ray Spectrometer: Kestenbaum et al. 1976a, ApJ, 210, 805.
  • Black-body spectrum of X-ray bursts; GSFC Cosmic X-ray Spectroscopy Experiment: Swank et al. 1977, ApJ, 212, L73.
  • Iron-line emission from galaxy clusters; GSFC Cosmic X-ray Spectroscopy Experiment: Serlemitsos et al 1977, ApJ, 211, L63.
  • Hard X-ray source near Galactic Center; GSFC High Energy X-ray Scintillation Spectrometer: Dennis et al 1980, ApJ, 236, L49.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 08-Oct-2003 18:57:33 EDT