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Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

SURFing the Physics Lab

Application Deadline: February 15, 2008

SURF 2006 Program and Activities   (1.8 MB PDF) PDF files require a reader to be loaded for viewing. [Get the Adobe PDF Reader]

The Physics Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology has a 12-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program providing hands-on research experience in Atomic, Molecular, Optical, Radiation and Chemical Physics. Located just outside Washington, DC, available research opportunities include:

Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces
Collisions of Atoms and Molecules
Environmental Radioactivity
Industrial Radiation Dosimetry
Laser Cooling and Trapping
  Optical/Infrared Detector Development  
Optical Tweezers
Physics of Radiation Therapy
Quantum Optics
QED Effects on Atomic Structure
UV Optics
-- and many others
The NIST Laboratories at Boulder also has a summer intern program. A separate grant application is required to apply to this program. The Boulder program and Gaithersburg program will process applications separately; applications will not be shared between the programs. Please pay careful attention when mailing your application package, as NIST is not responsible for notifying the sender of misdirected applications.

Further information on many of these opportunities can be obtained by looking at the descriptions of ongoing Physics Laboratory research given in the Guide to NIST. An informational video can be viewed at

The Fellowship will include a stipend, and travel and housing allowances. Note that applications for participation in the SURF program are only accepted from colleges or universities, and not from individual students.

Check out the web pages of all the participating Laboratories at! Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choices of the seven programs on your application. Your application will be considered by all seven programs, with a preference to the two programs you indicated.

We've compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions that may be of assistance in preparing your application package.

Student Eligibility Criteria

  • Intent to pursue a Ph.D. in atomic, molecular, optical, radiation, medical, or chemical physics.
  • GPA of 3.0/4.0, or better.
  • Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident at a U.S. academic institution.
  • Two letters of recommendation into the program by physics, chemistry or engineering professors/department chairs, student transcript, and letter of intent/personal statement.

Plan of Operation

SURFing the Physics Lab 1993 was a successful pilot program; in 1994, the NIST Physics Laboratory became a "National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates" site.

  • SURFers work directly with NIST Research Advisors;
  • SURFers participate in a weekly seminar program (102 kB PDF), during which Advisors and outside speakers present their research projects;
  • SURFers also participate in extramural group activities (572 kB PDF) intended to enrich the fellowship experience;
  • SURFers give talks (44 kB PDF) related to their NIST research projects;
  • Fellows are encouraged to present their research results at national meetings;
  • SURFers are encouraged, but not required to pursue their Ph.D. through NIST collaborative programs with local universities (e.g., the Joint Graduate Program in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science with the University of Maryland);
  • Research Advisors will be encouraged to visit the host colleges to discuss NIST research.

2005 SURF Students Physics Laboratory
SURF Students 2006
NIST SURF Students
(1996 to 2005)

Download further information      
or the Application Package.

For application materials or
any PDF files you can't print contact:
    For technical information contact:
Anita Sweigert
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8400
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8400
Telephone: 301-975-4200
Fax: 301-975-3038
Marc Desrosiers, Director
Telephone: 301-975-5639

SURFing   |   Further Information   |   Application Package   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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Online: Jauary 1995   -   Last update: December 7, 2006