Physics Laboratory News

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NIST News Releases
Articles about the Physics Laboratory in NIST News Releases Archives
March 6 NIST 'Quantum Logic Clock' Rivals Mercury Ion as World's Most Accurate Clock
Comparison Yields Best Results Yet in Tests for Change in 'Constants' of Nature
February 14 Collaboration Helps Make JILA Strontium Atomic Clock 'Best in Class'
'Crystal of Light' Clock Surpasses Accuracy of NIST-F1 Fountain Clock
November 1 New NIST Mini-Sensor May Have Biomedical and Security Applications
October 26 Turn Your Clocks Back on Sunday, November 4
July 25 Thousands of Atoms Swap 'Spins' with Partners in Quantum Square Dance
NIST Advance Is Step Toward Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms
May 1 NIST Nanoscale Science and Technology Center Now Accepting Proposals
February 7 First 2D Pictures of a 'Frequency Comb' Transform It into a Brush
Technique Reveals Colors and Intensity of All Lightwaves Simultaneously

December 22 108 Local Residents Earn Commerce Department, NIST Awards
December 20 NIST/University Team Records Rare Glimpses of Light from Neutrons
November 30 Strontium Atomic Clock Demonstrates Super-Fine 'Ticks',
JILA Advances Quest for Better Time-Keeping at Optical Frequencies
October 18 NIST Physicists Boost "Entanglement" of Atom Pairs
Nondestructive Method May be Useful in Quantum Computing and Communications
September 11 Joint Quantum Institute Created by University of Maryland, NIST and NSA
August 17 NIST Scientists Use Electron Beam to Unravel the Secrets of an "Atomic Switch:" New Findings Improve Construction Tools and Knowhow for Nanoscale Devices
July 14 Mercury Atomic Clock Keeps Time with Record Accuracy
July 6 NIST Grant to University of Maryland Steps Up the Agency's Nanotechnology Efforts
April 18 Code for "Unbreakable" Quantum Encryption Generated at Record Speed over Fiber
March 20 Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Announces New Nanotechnology Center; Focus is on Building Infrastructure for Nanomanufacturing
January 5 Experiments Help Explain Mysterious 'Floppy' Space Molecule

November 30 NIST Physicists Coax Six Atoms into Quantum 'Cat' State
October 4 NIST/JILA Fellow Jan Hall Shares 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics
July 28 Tandem Ions May Lead the Way to Better Atomic Clocks
      NIST Detects "Ticks" in Aluminum, with Help from Intermediary Atom
May 18 World's First UV "Ruler" Sizes Up Atomic World
May 12 NIST Demonstrates Key Step in Use of Quantum Computers for Code-Breaking
April 12 Cornell Discusses His Recovery from Necrotizing Fasciitis with Reporters
April 5 NIST and University of Colorado Establish Partnership
March 22 Noisy Pictures Tell a Story of "Entangled" Atoms, JILA Physicists Find
February 7 Experiments Prove Existence of Atomic Chain "Anchors"

December 29 Chip-Scale Magnetic Sensor Draws on Mini Clock Design
December 1 NIST Demonstrates Data "Repair Kit" for Quantum Computers
September 28 Jin Wins Service to America Medal
September 9 Scientists Tame "Hip Hop" Atoms Precision Placement May Help in Building Nanoscale Devices
August 27 NIST Unveils Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
August 18 Scientists Report First Observation of an "Atomic Air Force"
June 16 NIST Demonstrates "Teleportation" of Atomic States for Quantum Computing
June 4 A Quantum Mechanical "Tune Up" for Better Measurement
May 3 NIST System Sets Speed Record For Generation of Quantum Keys for "Unbreakable" Encryption
March 18 NIST Helps Verify Accuracy of the World's Best Rulers for Measuring Time and Frequency,
       Research Paves the Way to Next Generation of "Atomic Clocks"
January 28 NIST/University of Colorado Scientists Create New Form of Matter: A Fermionic Condensate

November 20 NIST/University of Colorado Researchers Create Bose-Einstein "Super Molecule"
October 6 NIST and CU-Boulder Physicist Deborah Jin Wins 2003 MacArthur Fellowship
"Genius Grant" is Worth $500,000 to Researcher
July 2 Ultracold Molecules Pave Way for Quantum "Super Molecule"
       Achievement Could Improve Understanding of Superconductivity
April 10 Taming the Qubit

November 14 Gebbie Wins Service to America Medal
September 25 Twenty-One Receive High Honors from Commerce Department for Work at NIST
June 12 Design Proposed for Large-Scale Quantum Computer

November 9 Twenty-Nine Receive High Honors from Commerce Department for Work at NIST
October 9 Cornell and Wieman Share 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics
March 12 From Supernova to Smoke Ring: Recent Experiments Underscore Weirdness of the Bose-Einstein Condensate

November 30 Local Residents Honored with Crittenden Award
October 23 NIST's Jin and Keller Honored With Pecase Awards
October 16 NIST Makes Measurable Improvements in Mammography
September 14 Eighteen Local Residents Receive High Honors from Commerce Department
June 9 Ground Broken for World's Premier Measurement Research Facility
May 2 NIST's Cornell Elected to National Academy of Sciences
January 27 Satellite Measures Sun's True Power
January 19 NIST Scientists Cross the Bridge between Atomic and Real Worlds
January 13 Wieman and Cornell Receive Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics
January 5 Neutron Trapping Demonstrated for First Time at NIST

December 29 More Accurate Time: NIST's New Year Gift to the World
December 7 Eleven Local Residents Receive High Honors from Commerce Department
December 6 New Values for Natural Constants Available on NIST Web Site
December 1 Two NIST Scientists Honored for Education Efforts
December 1 35 Local Residents Earn NIST Bronze Medal Awards
October 14 New Web Site Puts Atomic Time on Your Computer
September 16 Physicists Catch Best Wave Ever from New, Improved SURF III at NIST
September 9 NIST/CU Scientists First to Observe New Quantum Gas
Research May Lead to Better Understanding of Nature's Building Blocks
June 10 Maine, Federal Agency Join Forces in Technology Partnership
June 10 Gerald T. Fraser, Receives Arthur S. Flemming Award
June 10 B. Carol Johnson, Receives Arthur S. Flemming Award
March 17 Experiments At NIST Launch New Field Of Physics: Non-Linear Atom Optics
March 11 NIST Physicists Demonstrate Highly Directional Atom Laser From Bose-Einstein Condensate
March 1 NIST Improves Accuracy of Radioactive Seeds Used to Treat Prostate Cancer

December 23 Y2K-1 Will Arrive a Bit Late
December 10 NIST Staff Receive High Honors From Commerce Department
February 17 NIST Offers Short Course to Help Industry to Better Measure Temperature
January 20 Atomic Clock in Space to Reach New Heights of Accuracy
January 5 Power Doubling for WWVB Could Help Keep You on Time in 1998

December 10 Bronze Medal Awards Given to 29 Local Residents
November 12 Good for Your Health, Good for Your Wallet
October 15 NIST PHYSICIST WILLIAM PHILLIPS WINS 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics
July 14

NIST's National Semiconductor Metrology Program: Foundation for Tomorrow's Microchips

May 27 Another Leap Second is At Hand
May 13 Phillips Elected to National Academy of Science
April 21

Cornell Wins NSF Award

July 29 NIST Seeks Project Proposals for 1998 Precision Measurement Grants
July 23 Accuracy of High-Altitude Sensing Instruments Gets Lift With New NIST Facility
July 03 New And Improved Spectroscopic Reference Data Volume Available From NIST
July 03 Physicists Mark One Year Anniversary of New Matter In CU-Boulder Lab
July 02 Upgrade To Improve Time Signal's Coverage
May 23 Schroedinger's Cat In an Atomic Cage
March 04 NIST Expands VEEL PC Program on Spectral Data for Transient Molecules
February 20 New Facility Will Improve Accuracy of Radiation Measurements in Mammography
February 12 Physicists Get Hot New Results With Cold Atoms
February 12 NIST Physicists Use Light To Make Ultrasmall Nanostructures

December 13 New Year to Arrive Late Again This Year: Leap Second to Be Added on Dec. 31
December 12 NIST Presents Safety Award to Two Local Residents
August 31 New Microlithography Method May Shrink Computer Chips Yet Again
August 24 Commerce Agency Joins Domestic Auto Manufacturers And Regulatory Agencies in Effort to Reduce Vehicle Emissions
July 27 Images Reveal Tiny Flaws In Films for Solar Panels and Large Flat-Panel Displays
July 13 Physicists Create New State of Matter at Record Low Temperature
March 15 IBM and NIST Launch Cooperative Effort to Develop Applications for Advanced Physics Research

November 14 Comparison of UV Measurements Will Improve Forecasts
September 23 SURF's Up in NIST Physics Lab: Summer Students Can Catch a Wave, Trap an Atom or Build a Better Dosimeter
August 15 NIST Physicists Measure Coldest Temperature Ever
August 12 New NIST Medical-Industrial Radiation Facility Will Help Develop New Technologies, Establish Standards
August 02 NIST Seeks Project Proposals for 1996 Precision Measurement Grants
May 31 NIST's New "Electronic Eye" Improves Accuracy for Lighting Industry
May 24 Wait a Second, Let's Not Leap Into This Until June 30!
May 24 Time Questions and Answers from NIST
April 18 NIST Contributes to Smithsonian Display on American Life

December 08 Safety and EEO Awards Presented to Three Local Area Residences
November 22 New Device to Help Radiologists Improve Mammography
November 04 Physicists Use Laser Light to Focus Atoms on Surfaces
September 07 NIST Seeks Project Proposals for 1995 Precision Measurement Grants

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Online: February 1997   -   Last update: October 2007