Monthly Web Chat


Welcome to SBA's Small Business VOICE - an online discussion forum with the entrepreneaur in mind.

Host: Anthony R. Martoccia, SBA’s Associate Deputy Administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development, and Ronald N. Langston, National Director of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA )

Time: August 17, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. EDT (10:00 a.m. PDT)

Topic: "How Minority Entrepreneurs Can Develop their Small Business"

Anthony R. Martoccia, SBA’s associate deputy administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development, and Ronald N. Langston, national director of the Minority Business Development Agency, part of the Department of Commerce, will host the August Web chat on "How Minority Entrepreneurs Can Develop their Small Business." Martoccia and Langston will answer questions to help chat participants learn about minority small business development, how to gain access to government contracting opportunities and how to get financing for their small business.

From : U. S. Small Business Administration Location : Washington , DC
Question :
MBDA close:
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Today's chat will be archived on the SBA's website at A link will also be provided at Also you can find more information on minority business development, please visit or call 1-888-324-1551. To learn more about the National Minority Enterprise Development Week, go to or call 1-877-MED-WEEK. On behalf of Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and President George W. Bush...thank you.
From : U.S. Small Business Administration Location : Washington , DC
Question :
SBA close:
Reply :
Thank you for chating with us this afternoon. Today's chat will be archived at
From : Hasu
Location : Kansas City , KS
Question :
graduated 8(a) company automatically qualifies as SDB?
Reply :
Yes. The first three years after graduating from the 8(a) program firms are considered to be SDBs.
From : Narin Viravong
Location : Norman , Oklahoma
Question :
Can a person in the insurance industry (auto, home, life, comm.) apply for a small business loan? If so, what is the stipulation?
Reply :
You may be eligible. An insurance company is not eligible for SBA financial assistance. However, an insurance agent may be eligible as long as it is independent. A review of any contract between between the insurance company and the agent would need to be reviewed to determine the level of independence and, therefore, independence. You may contact the local SBA district office for further information at and click on map for state where you are located which will bring up the local district office contact. information.
From : Ray Jensen
Location : Wixom , MI
Question :
What are some of the advantages of becoming 8a certified? Also, what is the best way to market our products and services with the 8a certification?
Reply :
The 8(a)program provides business development assistance and access to contracting opportunities. Please visit our website at for more information about 8(a) program.
From : Steve G
Location : Queens , New York
Question :
Hello, Thank you for your time. I have been challenged to obtain our designations as a MBE, HUB, SBE and solicit business. Is there a place I should be looking to start at? It seems I am all over the place without a stong plan or direction. Thanks
Reply :
I recommend you consider the local Minoirty Supplier Development cirtification program in New York. Thet are associated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). Please contact the local SBA or MBDA District and Regional offices in New York. Langston, MBDA Langston, MBDA
From : Patricia Marcaida
Location : El Paso , Texas
Question :
How can we help students to consider entrepreneurship as a career option?
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Patricia, Thank your question. At MBDA, we believe our youth are the future business leaders in America. We support and recognize young minority entrepeneurs every year through our National Emerging Business Leaders Summit. About 50 students come to DC for professional development, motivation and mentorship to the EBLS and National MED Week. Each region has a business plan competition where we identify local high school and college students to compete. The top 3-5 winners from each region are invited to Washington, DC to compete in the National Emerging Business Leaders Summit. And the best business plan is acknowledged at the National Minority Enterprise Development Week. Also we have a MBDA-funded summer youth entrepreneurship program at the West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation. To learn more go to or call 1-877-363-5482. You can contact Carlos Guzman at for more information. To learn more go to and Thank you.
From : Ray Jensen
Location : Wixom , mi
Question :
Is it possible for me to use other companies to assist me in the bidding process for government solicitations that do not have CAGE codes or GSA contract identification numbers when seeking government opportunities?
Reply :
Yes, but I storngly advise you to consult with the local SBA, GSA and FEMA offices regarding their respective quidelines and protocol. SBA has the best references regarding joint ventures and partnerships. Langston,MBDA
From : Patricia Marcaida
Location : , Texas
Question :
What other assistance is availabele to bid for government contracts, after a participant graduates from the 8(a) development program?
Reply :
Graduates of 8(a) as well as other small businesses have access to SBA's overall procurement assistance programs. Please visit our website
Location : HOUSTON , TEXAS
Question :
I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR SMALL BUSSINES LOAN LESS THAN 50K. What do I need to start the process?
Reply :
General information regarding SBA's loan programs has been provided in an earlier response. Please refer to the information provided by the answer and SBA's website links. In addition, you may want to explore specifically the SBAExpress loan program ( This program is designed to permit lenders to process loans using their own documents which results in a very quick turnaround time.
From : Gregorio Morales Jr
Location : Poplarville , Mississippi
Question :
As a relocated minority from Louisiana, I would like to know more of the Mississippi Laws as it pertains to owning a Small Business on my newly acquired acres of land. Please advise. Sincerely, Gregorio
Reply :
The State of has a wealth of information pe your quesiton. Also see This is the site of Louisiana Economic Development. Also re for general informatin about the Gulf and references to other relevent site. Langston, MBDA
From : LaTonya Harriott
Location : Conway , SC
Question :
I have been working on my business plan for a soul food restaurant for a little over a year now. I have researched and obtained all of the knowledge necessary to apply for a loan through the SBA in January and was turned down for having a poor credit history. I have come to learn this is something very normal for African Americans to have poor credit and I don't want to use that as an excuse. I have since been working on my credit by paying off some things and continuing my culinary schooling. My question is how can a single, veteran, minority mother of two find out about grants or loans that are tailored just for someone like myself?
Reply :
There are no grants or direct loans from SBA. A small business that is seeking a loan for its business needs to put together a business plan and then apply to a lender for its financing needs. SBA’s role is to guaranty the loan which reduces the lender’s loss if the loan defaults. SBA guaranties loans (and debentures) made by lenders (7(a) loan program); Microlenders (Microloan program); and Certified Development Companies (504 loan program). (Detailed information on these programs are found at, then click on “financing.”) All SBA loan requests must meet certain eligibility and credit criteria. The principal credit criteria is that the small business applicant can reasonably demonstrate to the lender and SBA that it can repay the requested loan in a timely manner from future earnings. A listing of 7(a) participating lenders, microlenders, and CDCs located in the state where the business is (or will be) located is found on SBA’s website. The first step is to go to, then click on the state where the business is located. This will bring up the SBA district office webpage including contact information and a listing of SBA lenders, microlenders and CDCs. Information on Starting a Small Business: Go to SBA’s website at, then click on “starting.” This will bring up information and hyperlinks about what someone considering starting a new business should consider.
From : Donita Mudd
Location : Fort Wayne , IN
Question :
The large businesses and state govt (my experience) will use MBE, WBE only/maybe when bid is competitive. Currently if we’re not lowest bid, we don’t get the subcontract. I am African-Am, female, my business is Indiana certified MBE, WBE and registered CCR. We have bid at least couple hundred Army, Navy, etc construction projects as a sub. Prime contractors say award goes to lowest bid. Does govt guidelines offer any motivation for Lg business to mentor MBEs etc, and make allowances to include emerging small/minority business?
Reply :
We suggest that you contact the Department of Defense small business office at for information about their mentor protege program.
From : Lorelei Albanese
Location : San Juan , PR
Question :
Hola! What resources does the Small Business Adm and Minority Business Dev. Agency offer in Puerto Rico?
Reply :
The Small Business Administration District office may be found at SBA.GOV/PR. The MBDA Business Enterprise Center is located at: 406 Caplan Espada Street, El Vedado, Hato Rey, PR. See: Langston,MBDA
From : Dawn Brown
Location : Las Vegas , Nevada
Question :
I am a single female parent and would like to know if I am eligible for a grant or loan to start my own home based business.
Reply :
Please refer to the answer to question no. 3234. You should explore the Microloan program in particular since it was designed to assist small loan requests for home-based businesses.
From : Dr. Buba Roth
Location : Salt Lake City ,
Question :
Please share any exciting news from Washington DC administration that may positively impact future economic development efforts among ethnic minority populations.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Dr. Roth, MBDA has partnered with the US Census Bureau to release the final data of the 2002 Survey of Business Owners. These data will include the state of minority businesses by state and by ethnicity. We know that minority businesses have grown 3 times higher than the national average to over 4.1 million minority firms. For instance Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander firms grew by 49%, African American firms have grown by 45%, Hispanic firms grew by 31%, and Asian firms grew by 24%. Between 1997 and 2002, minority firms' total annual gross receipts grew 13% to $668 billion and their employeees grew by 5% to 4.7 million workers. With regard to industries, most minority firms are in other services, health care and social assistance, professional, scientific and technical services and retail trade. This information will be released at our National MED Week in Washington, DC, which falls on the Anniversary of Katrina from August 29 - September 1, 2006 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. To learn more about MED Week, please go to Also we be launching a new section on called Minority Biz Fast Facts TM, which facts, figures and reports on minority businesses including white papers such as the Tuck School of Business/MBDA Mastering the Supply Chain report at The Minority Biz Fast Facts TMsection is a new addition to be unveiled with the relaunch of the NEW MBDA website, which will be launched during National MED Week.
From : Christina Johnson
Location : State College , PA
Question :
I have been informed that an SBA loan through my bank has a higher interest rate than obtaining a home equity loan through my bank. Is this correct? If so, why? This does not appear to be "small business friendly."
Reply :
SBA guaranties loans. However, the lender establishes the interest rate within SBA maximums. Depending on this, a home equity loan may have a lower interest rate. You should check with different lenders to be sure you are getting the best rate possible for your small business loan needs. For information regarding SBA's loan programs, please see the answer to question no. 3234.
From : Laura A. Williams MD, MPH
Location : Temecula , CA
Question :
What are my chances of getting a SBA loan? I am a family doctor in solo practice for 10 months in a semi-rural community. I am women and American Indian--the first AI female owned medical practice incorporated (A PC) in Riverside County.
Reply :
Please see answer to question no. 3234.
From : wanda
Location : Detroit , Michigan
Question :
As a graphic designer, can I get any contract work with the government? Thank you
Reply :
We encourage you to register your business at and visit for procurement opportunities.
From : Lorelei
Location : San Juan , PR
Question :
Are all businesses in Puerto Rico classified as miniority businesses?
Reply :
Yes, please direct your attention to the MBDA local business enterprise center in Puerto Rico located at 406 Captin Espada Street, El Vedado, Hato Rey, PR, 00918. Tel. 787-753-0855. The SBA also has a District office. Please go to
From : William Mathews
Location : henderson , N C
Question :
i am a viet nam vet. and i have had my buiness 15 years.I would like to know how to get a i can expand and pay off some loans.
Reply :
Please see response to question no. 3234.
From : Gayle Kugler
Location : Madison , Wisconsin
Question :
What do you find unique and different when counseling a minority entrepreneur? Is there advice you can share? Thank you.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Gayle, Minority entrepreneurs are unique due to their ability to be extremely creative, passionate, and located in underserved and underepresented in entrepreneurial clusters. Regardless of urban or rural locations they have an opportunity to succeed and create opportunities out of obstacles. Also depending on many factors e.g. family, class, education, and access to opportunities, minority entrepreneurs experience various levels of knowledge, skills and ability to lead an organization. However this statement is true for all groups. In terms of advice, I recommend meeting other minority entrepreneurs by attending a regional or national MED Week conference (, take business/entrepreneurial courses at your local your university, meet with business professors, get a board of mentors who are entrepreneurs, join a professional assocation that support entrepreneurs (Google keywords such as minority, business, woman, association or chamber of commerce), and most importantly know thyself and why you want to be entrepreneur. And be the best at whatever you strive to do.
From : Frank Locatell
Location : Middletown , NY
Question :
Could you suggest resources that are available to expand a program that would help disadvantaged residents of small cities start and grow businesses in the Mid-Hudson Valley Region of New York State? I managed a small business start-up program and an incubator at a previous employer, but the plans to expand to four neighboring counties, six small cities and various other municipalities have been interrupted. Chambers of commerce, SCORE, the SBDC and several governmental agencies have shown a great deal of interest in our plan. Thank you.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Please visit and review the various business enterprise tools such as the "How to Write a Business Plan," "Financial Plan," and "Linkages to Contract Opportunities" on the website.
From : Steve Kirkland
Location : Dallas , TX
Question :
Are the answers given today similar for people with disabilities who do not meet the definition given for minority?
Reply :
Yes, but also note there are program for the disabled and particularly disabled veterans. Langston, MBDA
From : Lee Fields
Location : Chicago , Illinois
Question :
ROBCO, an SDBE, 8(a)-certified firm, has been in business since July 1983. And, to position our firm for the delivery of top quality environmental services nationwide, we have recently entered the Department of Defense (DoD Mentor-Protege Program with one of the top 100 environmental defense contractors in the country as our mentor. In my Tool Box are an SBA 8(a) & Small Disadvantage Business certifications (with 7 years remaining), DoD Mentor-Protege Program, 23 years in business and project assignments in over 22 states, who do we build relationships with at military branches for contract services & business development and is there a component of the SBA at these military branches to help position us in front of end-users for presentation of services.
Reply :
Each Agency has an office of Small Disadvantage Business Utilization that can assist you with procurement opportunities. The following website will give you access to the Department of Defense's small business ofice available online at
From : Rob Royse
Location : Richardson , Texas
Question :
Do we need to finalize our new business plan and determine exactly how much money that we need to borrow before we contact an SBA Loan Officer or do you assist new small business owners in making these type of decisions? Thank you very much. Have a great day.
Reply :
You need to finalize your business plan (to include a market analysis and supported projections to demonstrate repayment ability)and identify the amount you need to borrower, how long you will need to repay it, and the collateral you can offer. If you need assistance in completing your business plan, you may wish to work with your local SCORE chapter or Small Business Development Center. The location of these resources are available at, then click on "starting a small business." You may also want to contact your local SBA office. Contact information may be found by going to, then click on the state where you are located on the map at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up the local SBA district office information. For loan information, please refer to the response to question no. 3234.
From : Chriistine Franklin
Location : Miami , Fl
Question :
When is the Business to Business forum?
Reply :
The Business to Business Forums were held in June in New Orleans, Louisiana, and in Biloxi, Mississippi in July. We are planing additional forums centered around contract contruction opportunities. Langston, MBDA
From : Patricia Marcaida
Location : El Paso , Texas
Question :
How can an individual who is not designated group claim social disadvantage into the 8(a) Business Development Program?
Reply :
The 8(a) program is available to anyone that is socially and economically disadvantage. Please visit SBA's website at for additional information for program eligibility requirements.
From : Lainey Emoto
Location : Stephenville , Texas
Question :
Good afternoon. I edit the Area-wide Business and Commerce Journal, a monthly Texas publication. Your event, How Minority Entrepreneurs Can Develop their Small Business, will already have taken place when we publish at the end of the month. I'd like to alert small business owners in our area to the September forum so I'd like to know if there's someone I can contact about the date and subject. Also, does the forum take place on or around the 17th each month or does it vary from month to month? Thank you for your assistance. Lainey Emoto 1-254-230-1239
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Lainey, The Minority Business Development Agency sponsors a minority business networking breakfast on the third Thursday of each month. The purpose of the breakfast is to: announce upcoming business opportunities, introduce financial sources and encourage Business-to-Business relationships. The next breakfast is scheduled for September 15, 2006 at City Place located at 2711 North Haskell, Dallas, TX.
From : louise steward
Location : staten island , ny
Question :
Are women considered a minority?
Reply :
From : veronica munisar
Location : melbourne , Florida

Question :
My question is: are the any grants local or federal for minority women looking for additional funding for existing small business.

Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Veronica, There are virtually no grants which are made to small business owners. However, MBDA can provide assistance to you in obtaining loans for existing businesses. Our Minority Business Enterprise Center in Miami has excellent relationships with the banking community in Florida and can help you identify possible lenders. To locate the center, please go to or call 1-888-324-1551.

From : Bert
Location : Fort , co
Question :
Is there a set number of years you must be in business to qualify for an sba loan?
Reply :
Approximately 1/3 of 7(a) small business loans are to new businesses. Please refer to the answer to question no. 3234 for additional information about SBA's loan programs.
From : Charles C. Achane
Location : Jennings , Louisiana
Question :
Business-to-business Learning-Investments-Networking-Collaboration (BusinessLINC) Provide federal, state, and local government agencies with Business to Business Linkages networking opportunities through Urgent Distribution of Information for 8a firms and MBEs in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi on How to become a Federal Government Contractor through One-on-One Client-Specific Assistance, conferences, seminars and workshops. BusinessLINC provide One-on-One Client-Specific Assistance and workshops for 8a firms and MBEs in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi with Business to Business Linkages and Business Matchmaking opportunities with larger minority owned businesses from outside of the Gulf Region that will create a Detailed Step Approach to the Federal Acquisition Marketplace. How can I get funding from the SBA and MBDA to expand BusinessLINC? Charles C. Achane 337-296-8580
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: MBDA does not have funds available which could be used to expand BusinessLINC. However, we share the same goals as the BusinessLINC program with respect to dissemination of information to support minority businesses and would welcome working more closely with you to identify possible sources of expansion capital.
From : Dr. Buba Roth
Location : Salt Lake City , UT
Question :
Thank you for this opportunity. Utah Consortium of Multicultural Groups is an umbrella organization that unifies leaders of 35 ethnic grassroots associations. Among us we collected signatures of over 200 individuals eager to open their own small businesses. The greater challenge we face in helping those individuals to achieve American dream is lack of credit history that new comers to America face, which disqualify them in process of applying for needed start up loans. Please share your thoughts how to overcome this stumbling block.
Reply :
As the new arrivals form distant shores and farway lands come to America, the best advise build credit history is to establish a relationship with a financila institution. Second, join a chamber or association. There is truth to the saying membership has its advantages.
From : Diane Friday
Location : Gastonia , NC
Question :
I recently talked with someone with the MBDA and they told me, that in order to acquire a contract is to subcontract. I have contacted the prime contractors; no results. Could you elaborate on this topic? Diane
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Diane: Over the past five years, the federal government and private companies have increased the size of many of their procurements such that large prime contractors are best positioned to successfully bid on them. The result has been that there are less direct contracts upon which minority firms can bid; consequently, many minority firms are outreaching to the large prime contractors and subcontracting with them. If you are focused on federal government contracts, it can be to your advantage to become certified as an 8(a), HUB-Zone or small disadvantaged business. For additional information on these programs, please go to If you are contracting in the private sector, most private companies look for certification from the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.; many will not consider your for subcontracting opportunities unless you have received the NMSDC certification. For additional information on obtaining their certification, please go to To broaden procurement opportunities for minority firms, MBDA is conducting matchmakers to connect minority entrepreneurs with both larger minority firms or large contractors. Our next matchmaker is focused on the construction industry and will take place on August 30 in Washington, DC. If you are interested in being considered for participation, please contact David Whitfield at (202) 482-1940 this week.
Location : TITUSVILLE , FL
Question :
Reply :
Government procurement are listed You may also want to visit for procurement opportunities.
From : Patricia Johnston
Location : Baton Rouge , LA
Question :
Once an application is submitted and all outlined steps are taken with a governmental agency (such as a state DOT), what do you recommend to WBE so she can actually get a foot in the door for a face-to-face meeting with a decision maker and move forward on getting on an agency's "approved vendor" list? The application processes are generally explained well, but how to and who to follow up with after that isn't always as clear. Much thanks!
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Patricia, We recommend that you obtain an appointment with the agency’s HUB coordinator or its contracting officer for the division that purchases your firms products or services. Also, it is recommended that you establish a relationship with that agency’s purchasing department or division.
From : Mary Cross
Location : Lawnside , New Jersey
Question :
As a African American female desiring to open a business, are there resources that could assist me in with start up capital? I was told by a NJ county employee that there is no benefit to being a minority in NJ or elsewhere. I would still have to go through the normal criteria and channels to apply for loans to get established. I have run into problems getting started with the non profit community organization I plan to start and now, due to the consultant advising that the project was a huge one that should be smaller scale and have the ability to earn capital for support financially, I have chosen to establishment a smaller scale for-profit business to get started...but I have gained minimal assistance and far less support from those who are in position to serve as consultants to assist. Please advise regarding research and the types of grants/funding (if any) that could be tapped into as a resource to help me get off the ground. It sure would boost my confidence! I have drafted the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, registered the business and composed a mission statement as well as proposed Board members. Although I have a location in mind, I have not approached the owner regarding leasing, etc. due to inability to commit financially and renovations, etc have to be dones as well as licensing, zoning permits/inquiries, etc. Please advise. Any assistance would be (and is) appreciated. Mary Cross
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: Dear Ms. Cross, One of the best sources of assistance for you is the local Small Business Development Center operated by the SBA. The SBDCs provide training and technical assistance and can help you to structure a plan to get your business operating. Unfortunately, there are very few grants which are available to start-up your business. Most start-up firms are financed through an entrepreneur’s own capital or that of their friends or family. However, microloan programs can sometimes provide assistance, depending on the funds which you need to get started. The SBA has a microloan program and may be able to assist you in identifying a lender. To locate the nearest center to you, please go to
From : John Espinosa
Location : Las Vegas , Nevada
Question :
I am half spanish and half mexican. I own my own business and would like to know if I can receive/apply for a grant or loan due to my minority status.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: There are virtually no grants (ie., funds that are not required to be repaid) available to businesses of any type. However, there are a variety of loan programs available to business owners. Loans generally are not made on the basis of minority status; however, there are programs which conduct special outreach to minority entrepreneurs or communities. One of these is an SBA program called Community Express, which has been very aggressive in lending in minority communities. To obtain additional information on banks lending through CommunityExpress, please go to the following link:
From : Lynwood Watson
Location : bronx , ny
Question :
how can i secure a grant, or business loan without any collateral?
Reply :
Please see response to the answer to question 3234. In addition, all collateral available (business and personal) must be offered to secure the loan. SBA’s guaranty is not a substitute for the business (and the business’s owner) pledging available collateral. If there is limited or no collateral available but the small business is able to demonstrate a reasonable assurance that the loan can by repaid in a timely manner from earnings, the loan request can still be considered for approval despite the fact that in a default the loan would not be repaid in full from liquidating the collateral.
From : Ta'Nara Taylor
Location : Forestville , MD
Question :
I want to start a business in the Restaurant Industry what are the steps that I need to do when starting a business from stratch.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: When starting a business from scratch, the most important step is to put together a business plan prior to getting started. This will outline what is required to make your business successful. Since you’re interested in a restaurant, you may want to consider franchising opportunities in this industry. A franchise can benefit owners because franchises have a successful system, built-in support from the franchisors and provide marketing assistance. In addition, associating with a known franchise can assist in obtaining financing. The International Franchise Association, the franchising industry trade association, is conducting special outreach to prospective minority franchise owners and can help you identify possible franchising concepts. For additional information, please go to
From : Jerry Long
Location : Bloomfield , CT
Question :
How do we compete with the large companies that are better financed?
Reply :
The best advise for dompeting with large companieis is to partner with other MBEs and stratgically target opportunities. MBEs fail to value the stength in numbers philosphy. Build a network of teams or stratigic alliances for competitive advantage. RNL
From : Gurshran Singh
Location : antioch , ca
Question :
i am under 8a certyfciation last 13 month ibeen trying to get help for my business i have been to 1149 people they are here to help small business but i was discriminated big time there is no help for us becuse i am asian
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: MBDA would be glad to assist you in identifying and accessing procurement or financing opportunities. You can locate the center closest to you in California at or call 1-888-324-1551.
From : Sarah Mauer
Location : Annapolis , MD
Question :
1. Contractors using federal funds are supposed to have goals (mandated, I believe) to support minority / diversity programs and businesses. I work with over 14 cooperatives and minoirty owned businesses from Puerto Rico, and the USA. We are responsive and responsible, have certifications, and have held USDA contracts, but NEVER had a contract except by competitive bid! Will there ever been any accountability by these contractors, and who is monitoring them? 2. HUBZone is a great concept, but does not seem to help in getting anyone's attention. Could SBA ever set up a program for HUBZones similar to the 8A program? 3. We have difficulty with large businesses in manufacturing giving our minority businesses pricing. And when there are no other options, we are out. Also, if a company gives pricing to one minority, are they required by law to provide pricing (same) to all parties requesting a price? 4. Many of the MBDA supporters (industry) offer programs (mentor / protegee) to help diversity companies. But they have been "burned" so many times, and companies (cooperatives) who could perform are thus never given the chance. Does SBA have any certifications of competency or support to help convince a large business that they can provide products on a timely basis? 4. Mamy times, grant programs are available, but need matching funds. Does SBA have a loan program to help with such requirements? 5. How do you get a loan with a new business/ cooperative? We have 10,000 coffee farmers in a cooperative, but no one to guarantee the loan.
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: These contractors are required to report on a regular basis to the federal agency from which they’ve received the funds. The contractors can be considered non-compliant with their federal contract if they fail to meet their subcontracting goals. In addition, each federal agency is reviewed by Congress to determine if they are satisfying their goals. This information is published in an annual report benchmarking the success of each agency in meeting its goals.
From : E
Location : Baytown , TEXAS
Question :
How do I go about getting information on the loans?
Reply :
A small business that is seeking a loan for its business needs to put together a business plan and then apply to a lender for its financing needs. SBA’s role is to guaranty the loan which reduces the lender’s loss if the loan defaults. SBA guaranties loans (and debentures) made by lenders (7(a) loan program); Microlenders (Microloan program); and Certified Development Companies (504 loan program). (Detailed information on these programs are found at, then click on “financing.”) A listing of 7(a) participating lenders, microlenders, and CDCs located in the state where the business is (or will be) located is found on SBA’s website. The first step is to go to, then click on the state where the business is located. This will bring up the SBA district office webpage including contact information and a listing of SBA lenders, microlenders and CDCs.
Location : KILMICHAEL , MS.
Question :
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: MBDA provides assistance to minority firms through two programs, the Minority Business Enterprise Center and Minority Business Opportunity Center programs. Through our Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) program, we provide management and technical assistance, including assisting in preparing business plans, helping with loan packaging and consulting on procurement proposals. Through our Minority Business Opportunity Center program, we help minority entrepreneurs meet and connect with procurement officials and opportunities. We have over 40 of these centers located around the country; please go to to find the closes program. With respect to financing, our Minority Business Enterprise Centers are a great source of information about obtaining financing in your area. Despite the general perception, there are virtually no grants which can be used to start a business. Most entrepreneurs either self-finance or borrow money from friends and family to start their business. However, if you have been in business for several years and have filed tax returns, there are commercial credit sources which are available, and our MBEC consultants can assist you with this. Although we don’t currently have a center in Mississippi (we will by January 2007), we have a center in New Orleans. Call 1-888-324-1551 or go to to find the nearest center.
From : Yvette Moore
Location : Tumwater , WA
Question :
What is the legal definition of "minority"? There are those who are "mixed" with whites, are they considered minorities also? Do I have to look non white to fit the description of minority?
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: You are eligible to receive MBDA’s services if you are African-American, Latino or Hispanic, Asian-American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Island, Native American or Alaska Native or a Hasidic Jew. Prior to receiving assistance, you are required to certify that you are a member of one of these groups. You do not have to look non white to fit this description of minority.
From : Bert McCaffrey
Location : Fort , Colorado
Question :
What is the best way to earn a grant for our small business
Reply :
There are no grants or direct loans from SBA. A small business that is seeking a loan for its business needs to put together a business plan and then apply to a lender for its financing needs. SBA’s role is to guaranty the loan which reduces the lender’s loss if the loan defaults. SBA guaranties loans (and debentures) made by lenders (7(a) loan program); Microlenders (Microloan program); and Certified Development Companies (504 loan program). (Detailed information on these programs are found at, then click on “financing.”)
From : louise steward
Location : staten island , ny
Question :
I am interested in starting an assisted living home in new jersey. Are there any programs or incentives the government offers?
Reply :
Dear Ms. Steward: Thank you for participating today. Please reach out the MBDA New York National Entperprise Center in Manhattan, NY. The local New Jersey Business Enteprise Center is located at 744 Broad Street, Suite 1812, Newark, New Jersey, 07102 Please see the New Jersey Statewide MBEC. See 201-927-1142.
From : Melissa Stewart
Location : Torrance , CA
Question :
How do I go by applying for Federal Contracts for my company?
Reply :
First register your business in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Once you have a clear understanding of what products and services you can best deliver to the government, the next step is to identify what agencies are buying, what their needs are, how they outreach to small businesses and how to contact them. The government Acquistion Central at offers an excellent electronic tool to accomplish this.
From : Queenester Nieves
Location : West Palm Beach , Florida
Question :
Where can i go to get a SBA loan, for start up cost, franchise fee, leases, inventory. Thank you
Reply :
A small business that is seeking a loan for its business needs to put together a business plan and then apply to a lender for its financing needs. SBA’s role is to guaranty the loan which reduces the lender’s loss if the loan defaults. SBA guaranties loans (and debentures) made by lenders (7(a) loan program); Microlenders (Microloan program); and Certified Development Companies (504 loan program). (Detailed information on these programs are found at, then click on “financing.”)
From : Iris Whitelaw
Location : San Antonio , TX
Question :
How can I go about starting my own business? I'm intersted in opening a small bakery in my area but don't know where to begin?
Reply :
Mr. Langston of MBDA: The San Antonio Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) provides general counseling to minority owned businesses. Go to: The Small Business Development Center in San Antonio provides training for start-up companies such as yours. Go to: San Antonio Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) provides general counseling to minority owned businesses. Go to: The Small Business Development Center in San Antonio provides training for start-up companies such as yours. Go to: The San Antonio Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) provides general counseling to minority owned businesses. Go to: The Small Business Development Center in San Antonio provides training for start-up companies such as yours. Go to:
From : Richard Wilkins
Location : , NY
Question :
What kind of assistance is there for minority entreprenerus from your agency, the SBA and MBDA. How do you help minority business owners?
Reply :
MBDA provides assistance to minority firms through two programs, the Minority Business Enterprise Center and Minority Business Opportunity Center programs. Through our Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) program, we provide management and technical assistance, including assisting in preparing business plans, helping with loan packaging and consulting on procurement proposals. Through our Minority Business Opportunity Center program, we help minority entrepreneurs meet and connect with procurement officials and opportunities. We have over 40 of these centers located around the country; please go to to find the closes program.
From : Cinda Honeycutt
Location : Woodville , MS
Question :
Is it at all possible to received a grant to open a small business?
Reply :
One of the best ways of getting your foot in the door is to contact the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) for the particular agency in which you’re interested. These offices are located in all federal government departments and are responsible for assisting small businesses who are interested in doing business with that agency. To find contact persons for the department in which you’re interested, please go to In addition, each department is required to develop a contracting plan on an annual basis; a review of this plan can be helpful to you in determining if the department intends to purchase your product. These plans can be obtained from the website of each federal agency. Finally, if you’re a minority business, you should explore becoming certified by the Small Business Administration to be certified as an 8(a) or Small Disadvantaged Business, which can be an advantage to you in the contracting process.
From : U.S. Small Business Administration
Location : Washington , DC
Question :
MBDA Welcome:
Reply :
Good afternoon everyone, I am Ronald N. Langston, the National Director of the Minority Business Development Agency, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, DC. It is my pleasure to join you today from the SBA Live Web Chat Series on minority business development.
From : U.S. Small Business Admnistration
Location : Washington , DC
Question :
SBA Welcome:
Reply :
Hello, thank you for participating in today's SBA and MBDA web chat. My name is Tony Martoccia and I look forward to chating with you.
From : Clay Celestino
Location : Salt Lake City , Utah
Question :
I'd like to thank you and the SBA for this debate. It was recently publicized in the media about million-dollar procurement contracts that were made with the government and large corporations, such as Microsoft and Wal-Mart. What has been done to assure small-businesses and minorities, in particular, that procurement opportunities will prioritize them and not large corporations?
Reply :
MBDA has initiated a Business to Business Forum in New Orleans, Louisiana and Biloxi, Mississippi between large MBE firms and local 8a MBE and small MBE firms. The goal is to encourage partnerships and joint ventures to compete for large contract opportunities. RNL
From : sakina m basir
Location : Burr Ridge , IL
Question :
I need financial help to update my equipment in our manufacturing facility, we currently have been awarded two bid with the state of illinois. Thanks for the opportunity . I really need to update our equipment for proper handling and filling of our manufacturing products. Sincerely, Sakina Basir secre
Reply :
Please contact the MBDA National Enterprise in Chicago for assistance at There are several Business Enterprise Center serving the Chicago region. Mr. Eric Dobyne is the Regional Director.