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DateCan be sorted descendingTitle
08/15/1995Program Description Filetype: Text
06/10/2008Albania: Albania Port of Durres Project Filetype: HTML
11/12/2003Albania: Albania Power Distribution Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
05/31/2006Albania: Albania Power Transmission Substations Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
03/05/2004Albania: Albania: Fier (Levan) Tepelene Road Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
04/11/2006Albania: Albania: Levan – Vlore Road Project Filetype: HTML
04/01/2005Albania: Fier (Levan) Tepelene Road Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/03/2007Albania: Fier (Levan) Tepelene Road Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/12/2006Albania: Port of Durres, General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
07/02/2004Albania: Vlore Thermal Power Generation Project (Power Sector Generation and Rehabilitation) Filetype: HTML
06/10/2008Armenia: Lake Sevan Environmental Project Filetype: HTML
11/01/2005Azerbaijan: ADDY Locomotive and Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
03/29/2007Azerbaijan: ADDY Locomotive and Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
08/04/2005Azerbaijan: Azdres Power Plant Rehabilitation - goods, supply installations, services Filetype: HTML
12/21/2005Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan- ADDY Locomotive and Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
02/03/2004Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Silk Road Filetype: HTML
03/15/2005Azerbaijan: Baku - Samur Road Project Filetype: HTML
08/14/2006Bosnia and Herzegovina: Air Traffic Management Project - General Notice Filetype: HTML
05/31/2007Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bijeljina Waste Water Collection System Filetype: HTML
06/03/2008Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bijeljina Waste Water Collection System Filetype: HTML
10/04/2004Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Electricity Power Reconstruction Project Filetype: HTML
10/01/2004Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Railway Recovery Project - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
07/25/2003Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina -Electric Power Reconstruction Project Filetype: HTML
01/18/2005Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Traffic Management Project Filetype: HTML
03/27/2008Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Traffic Management Project - GPN Filetype: HTML
07/22/2008Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina Regional Railway Project Filetype: HTML
03/27/2006Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina Regional Road Development Programme - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
03/05/2004Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Regional Road Development Programme Filetype: HTML
03/10/2005Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Regional Road Development Programme Filetype: HTML
05/31/2007Bosnia and Herzegovina: Power Distribution Reconstruction Project Filetype: HTML
07/21/2008Bosnia and Herzegovina: Power Distribution Reconstruction Project Filetype: HTML
11/11/2005Bosnia and Herzegovina: Power Distribution Reconstruction Project - Goods, works, services, consultancy Filetype: HTML
09/30/2003Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pre-privatisation Convertible Loan to Telecom Srpska Filetype: HTML
07/23/2007Bosnia and Herzegovina: Roads Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/27/2007Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stanari Thermal Power Plant Project Filetype: HTML
03/08/2006Bulgaria: Astana New Transport System Filetype: HTML
03/03/2006Bulgaria: Bulgaria - Burgas Water and Wastewater Project Filetype: HTML
01/09/2004Bulgaria: Bulgaria - Power Rehabilitation Transmission Filetype: HTML
01/20/2004Bulgaria: Bulgaria Maritsa East II Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment Filetype: HTML
11/01/2007Bulgaria: Bulgartransgaz Silistra System Development - General Filetype: HTML
09/01/2008Bulgaria: Bulgartransgaz Silistra, Kozloduy, Oryahovo Development Filetype: HTML
02/22/2008Bulgaria: CityGas Bulgaria gas system development Filetype: HTML
02/29/2008Bulgaria: CNG Maritza for gas supply system of 13 cities - General Filetype: HTML
05/09/2008Bulgaria: Development of the Gas Distribution system in village Razliv Filetype: HTML
01/08/2003Bulgaria: District Heating Filetype: HTML
01/20/2004Bulgaria: District Heating Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
01/30/2006Bulgaria: District Heating Rehabilitation - delivery, installation, testing and commissioning Filetype: HTML
02/13/2008Bulgaria: Enemona CNG project - General Filetype: HTML
08/02/2006Bulgaria: KIDSF - General Notice Update Filetype: HTML
02/05/2003Bulgaria: Kozloduy Decommissioning Filetype: HTML
10/08/2007Bulgaria: Kozloduy International Decommissioning - General Filetype: HTML
02/14/2007Bulgaria: Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
08/03/2004Bulgaria: Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund - General Procurement Notice Update Filetype: HTML
04/19/2004Bulgaria: Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund Energy Efficiency and Conventional Energy Projects Filetype: HTML
11/09/2004Bulgaria: Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund: Energy Efficiency and Conventional Energy Projects Filetype: HTML
08/01/2005Bulgaria: Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Filetype: HTML
08/03/2007Bulgaria: Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant - General Filetype: HTML
07/25/2003Bulgaria: Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Ltd - Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
08/08/2008Bulgaria: Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Plc Filetype: HTML
03/03/2005Bulgaria: Maritsa East II Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment Filetype: HTML
07/06/2007Bulgaria: Maritza East 2 Rehabilitation Programme Filetype: HTML
02/29/2008Bulgaria: Metamodul CNG for the Etropole gas supply system Filetype: HTML
06/12/2007Bulgaria: Pernik District Heating Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
01/14/2008Bulgaria: Plovdiv Water Investment Project Filetype: HTML
11/24/2005Bulgaria: Power Transmission - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
11/13/2007Bulgaria: Rehab and Extension of Power Transmission Network LOT 1,2,3 Filetype: HTML
08/29/2008Bulgaria: Rehab and Extension of the Power Transmission Network Filetype: HTML
05/14/2008Bulgaria: Replacement of transformers for CEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria Filetype: HTML
03/03/2004Bulgaria: Republic of Bulgaria - Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
06/27/2006Bulgaria: Rousse Water Project - Goods, Works and Consultancy Filetype: HTML
05/09/2008Bulgaria: Ruse Integrated Energy Farm Filetype: HTML
12/20/2004Bulgaria: Sofia District Heating Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
03/13/2008Bulgaria: Sofia District Heating Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
08/05/2008Bulgaria: Sofia Electrical Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
02/13/2004Bulgaria: Sofia Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
03/16/2007Bulgaria: Stara Zagora Water Investment Project Filetype: HTML
03/19/2008Bulgaria: Stara Zagora Water Investment Project - General Filetype: HTML
01/22/2008Bulgaria: Varna city heating network rehabilitation KIDSF - General Filetype: HTML
01/21/2005Croatia: Autocesta Rijeka Zagreb Motorway Filetype: HTML
06/14/2005Croatia: Bosnia and Herzegovina Regional Railway Project Filetype: HTML
07/12/2005Croatia: Croatia, Rijeka–Zagreb Motorway Filetype: HTML
04/30/2004Croatia: Dubrovnik Gruz Harbour Infrastructure Modernisation Programme Filetype: HTML
04/16/2004Croatia: Dubrovnik Urban Transport Development Programme Filetype: HTML
06/05/2003Croatia: Gruz Harbour Infrastructure Filetype: HTML
12/19/2003Croatia: INA Environmental Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
02/02/2005Croatia: INA Environmental Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
08/01/2005Croatia: Karlovac Wastewater Management Filetype: HTML
06/29/2007Croatia: Karlovac Water and Waste Water Programme Filetype: HTML
08/16/2006Croatia: Karlovacs Wastewater Management Project - General Filetype: HTML
07/15/2003Croatia: Motorway Construction Filetype: HTML
02/14/2007Croatia: Porec Bypass Filetype: HTML
09/02/2008Croatia: Port of Ploce Bulk Terminal/ Trade and Transport Integration Filetype: HTML
09/26/2006Croatia: Port of Ploce Bulk Terminal/Trade and Transport Integration Filetype: HTML
02/24/2006Croatia: Pula Urban Transport Project - Goods Filetype: HTML
11/13/2006Croatia: Rijeka Bypass Construction Project Filetype: HTML
05/28/2008Croatia: Velika Gorica Passenger Transport Project Filetype: HTML
03/11/2008Croatia: Zagreb Holding Water and Sewer Investment Project - General Filetype: HTML
05/14/2004Croatia: Zagreb Solid Waste Management Filetype: HTML
06/02/2005Croatia: Zagreb Solid Waste Management (ZGOS) Filetype: HTML
11/30/2004FYR Macedonia: Civil Aviation Upgrading Filetype: HTML
07/25/2005FYR Macedonia: Municipal and Environmental Action Programme Filetype: HTML
10/20/2006FYR Macedonia: Skopje Urban Transport Project - Goods Filetype: HTML
03/10/2008FYR Macedonia: Transmission Interconnection Project, four substations - GPN Filetype: HTML
05/31/2007Georgia: Batumi Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
06/17/2008Georgia: Batumi Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
07/28/2008Georgia: Black Sea Energy Transmission System Filetype: HTML
06/16/2008Georgia: Borjomi Water and Waste Water Project Filetype: HTML
02/20/2007Georgia: Borjomi Water and Wastewater Project Filetype: HTML
08/09/2007Georgia: Enguri Hydro Power Plant - General Notice Filetype: HTML
02/07/2005Georgia: Georgia Oil Transit Filetype: HTML
02/19/2007Georgia: Kobuleti Water Filetype: HTML
04/18/2008Georgia: Kutaisi Municipal Water Services Improvement Project-General Filetype: HTML
09/20/2007Georgia: Poti Municipal Services, General Filetype: HTML
02/19/2007Georgia: Rustavi Water Supply Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
02/11/2005Georgia: Tbilisi Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
09/12/2007Georgia: Tbilisi Water Supply Improvement Project Filetype: HTML
09/12/2007Georgia: Tbilisi Water Supply Improvement Project Filetype: HTML
07/29/2008Georgia: Vardnili Hydro Safety and Upgrade Project Filetype: HTML
04/18/2008Kazakhstan: Aktobe via Martuk and Russian Federation Road Reconstruction Filetype: HTML
03/25/2008Kazakhstan: Electricity Transmission Rehabilitation Project, Phase II Filetype: HTML
03/11/2005Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan Telecom Corporate Loan - Goods, Works, Services, Supply and Installations Filetype: HTML
03/15/2005Kazakhstan: KEGOC: Ekibastuz YukGres Power Transmission Filetype: HTML
01/04/2006Kazakhstan: North-South Electricity Transmission Project (Phase III) - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
04/13/2004Kazakhstan: North South 500 kV Electricity Transmission Line Construction Filetype: HTML
08/16/2004Kazakhstan: Road Sector Restructuring Filetype: HTML
08/29/2003Kazakhstan: Road Sector Restructuring between Atyrau and Aktau Filetype: HTML
03/20/2008Kazakhstan: Transtelecom Communication Infrastructure Modernization Filetype: HTML
04/14/2003Latvia: Riga Water corporate loan Filetype: HTML
04/27/2004Latvia: Riga water Corporate Loan Filetype: HTML
06/02/2005Latvia: Rigar Water Corporate Loan Filetype: HTML
07/25/2007Lithuania: AB Lietuvos Elektrine Filetype: HTML
02/14/2007Lithuania: Kaunas Transport Project Filetype: HTML
10/14/2005Lithuania: Kaunas Trolleybus Modernisation - 30/50 Trolleybus Filetype: HTML
06/02/2005Lithuania: Kaunas Water and Environment Project - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
04/07/2004Lithuania: Kaunas Water and Environment Project - Phase II Filetype: HTML
04/14/2003Lithuania: Kaunas Water II Filetype: HTML
09/09/2008Lithuania: Klaipeda Public Transport Renewal Project Filetype: HTML
12/03/2003Lithuania: Lietuvos Dujos AB, Ignalina International Decommissioning Support Fund (IIDSF), Gas Pipeline from Pabrade to Visaginas and Ignalina NPP Filetype: HTML
07/11/2005Lithuania: Lithuania - Ignalina Decommissioning Support Projetcs Filetype: HTML
06/17/2004Lithuania: Lithuanian Power Plant Rehabilitation - Environmental, Energy Efficiency and Reliability Upgrading Filetype: HTML
06/16/2004Lithuania: Lithuania: Corridor IX Renewal Track Material Project (Rails, Ballast, and Turnouts) Filetype: HTML
06/19/2006Lithuania: Lithuania: Corridor IX Track Renewal Project - Goods Filetype: HTML
10/17/2003Lithuania: Lithuania: Kaunas Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
04/25/2008Lithuania: Power Interconnection between Lithuania and Poland Filetype: HTML
11/04/2005Lithuania: Republic of Lithuania - State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant - Decommissioning Support Projects Filetype: HTML
07/25/2007Lithuania: State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Filetype: HTML
06/24/2003Macedonia: Civil Aviation Infrastructure Upgrading Filetype: HTML
03/24/2003Macedonia: Regional Roads Project Filetype: HTML
07/14/2003Macedonia: Transmission Interconnection Filetype: HTML
03/17/2003Macedonia: Water and wastewater infrastructure Filetype: HTML
04/25/2007Moldova: Moldova Road Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/05/2007Montenegro: Montenegro Airports Modernisation Project Filetype: HTML
06/07/2007Montenegro: Montenegro Regional Water Supply Project Filetype: HTML
12/19/2006Montenegro: Railways: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation - General Filetype: HTML
02/25/2008Montenegro: Rehabilitation of Montenegro's Railway Infrastructure Filetype: HTML
02/10/2005Poland: Bydgoszcz Water Infrastructure Consolidating and Financing Project Filetype: HTML
01/29/2004Poland: City of Lodz Street Improvement and Management Project Filetype: HTML
12/14/2006Poland: GDAÅ?
09/10/2004[Poland: Gdansk Urban Transport Project II - Works and Goods Filetype: HTML
08/03/2005Poland: Gliwice Environmental Investment Programme - Works Filetype: HTML
02/14/2006Poland: Krakow District Heating Filetype: HTML
03/29/2007Poland: Krakow District Heating Project Filetype: HTML
07/25/2005Poland: Krakow Public Transport Filetype: HTML
07/22/2004Poland: Krakow Public Transport Project Filetype: HTML
03/12/2003Poland: PKP Energetyka Network Filetype: HTML
05/07/2003Poland: Poland Urban transport buses Filetype: HTML
11/10/2006Poland: Sewage Treatment Plant PÅ?
03/17/2008[Poland: Sewage Treatment Plant Plaszow II Filetype: HTML
03/19/2003Poland: Telekomunikacja Energetyczna Tel-Energo S.A. Filetype: HTML
07/08/2008Poland: Warsaw Public Transport Programme – Warsaw Tramways Filetype: HTML
01/04/2007Poland: Wroclaw Multi-sector Municipal Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
05/23/2005Romania: Arad Urban Transport Project - Works and Consultancy Services - Filetype: HTML
05/06/2008Romania: Arges Regional Water Project Filetype: HTML
08/17/2006Romania: Arges Solid Waste Project Filetype: HTML
05/08/2008Romania: Bacau Solid Waste Project Filetype: HTML
02/13/2006Romania: Brasov Regional Infrastructure Project - General Procurement Notice - Works and Services Filetype: HTML
08/05/2005Romania: Brasov Urban Transport Project - Procurement of Goods and Works Filetype: HTML
06/03/2003Romania: Bucharest Multi-Sector Project Filetype: HTML
06/01/2004Romania: Bucharest Multi-sector Project Filetype: HTML
06/02/2005Romania: Bucharest Multi-Sector Project - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
06/02/2006Romania: Bucharest Multi-sector project - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
08/16/2007Romania: Bucharest Multi-Setor Project Filetype: HTML
04/21/2006Romania: CFR Calatori Fleet Renewal Project Filetype: HTML
03/30/2004Romania: CFR Main City Railway Stations Enhancement Filetype: HTML
10/23/2007Romania: CFR Traction Energy Network Management LOT 1,2 - General Filetype: HTML
07/24/2006Romania: CFR Traction Energy Network Management Project - General Filetype: HTML
01/24/2007Romania: Compania Nationala Posta Romana -General Notice Filetype: HTML
08/09/2005Romania: Constanta Bypass Filetype: HTML
06/23/2006Romania: Constanta Bypass - Works and Consultancy Services Filetype: HTML
06/27/2007Romania: Constanta Bypass - Works and Consultancy Services Filetype: HTML
05/17/2005Romania: Constanta Bypass Project - Works and Consultancy Services Filetype: HTML
02/04/2004Romania: Constanta Port Development and Commercialisation Filetype: HTML
06/23/2005Romania: Constanta Port Development and Commercialisation Filetype: HTML
01/30/2007Romania: Iasi County Roads Filetype: HTML
04/25/2007Romania: Iasi District Heating Project Filetype: HTML
02/06/2006Romania: Iasi District Heating Project - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
06/30/2006Romania: Iasi Public Transport Infrastructure - Works and Consultancy Filetype: HTML
12/12/2003Romania: Municipal and Environmental Loan Facility, Rehabilitation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant, Location Oradea, Bihor County Filetype: HTML
03/26/2004Romania: Municipal Environmental Loan Facility: Sub-project Sibiu Filetype: HTML
02/15/2007Romania: Oradea Water Distribution and Sewage Network Project Filetype: HTML
09/05/2008Romania: Oradea Water Distribution and Sewage Network Project Filetype: HTML
12/21/2007Romania: Rehabilitation and Modernisation of thermal power plant Filetype: HTML
08/06/2008Romania: Rehabilitation and Modernisation of thermal power plant Filetype: HTML
07/22/2005Romania: Romania - CFR Traction Energy Network Management Project Filetype: HTML
02/15/2005Romania: Romania: Bucharest Wastewater Treatment Plant Filetype: HTML
01/21/2005Romania: Romania: SAMTID Regional Operating Company Cluj-Salaj Filetype: HTML
02/13/2006Romania: Sibiu Public Transport Commercialisation Filetype: HTML
06/02/2005Romania: Sibiu Urban Transport Project Filetype: HTML
10/11/2006Romania: Solid Waste Management - General Filetype: HTML
03/06/2008Romania: Supply of equipment for Wastewater System in Brasov Romania Filetype: HTML
08/21/2006Romania: Timisoara District Heating - Works and Consultancy Filetype: HTML
03/20/2008Romania: Timisoara District Heating Project Filetype: HTML
10/09/2007Romania: Timisoara Sewerage Improvement Works - General Notice Filetype: HTML
11/26/2003Romania: Timisoara Sewerage Improvements Filetype: HTML
11/24/2003Romania: Tirgu Mures - Wastewater Treatment Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
05/24/2004Romania: Transelectrica: Regional Transmission Link Filetype: HTML
03/21/2005Romania: Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion Rehabilitation in Bacau Filetype: HTML
07/16/2003Russia: Archangelsk Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
08/24/2004Russia: Archangelsk Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
02/17/2005Russia: Archangelsk Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
07/24/2007Russia: Archangelsk Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
02/01/2006Russia: Archangelsk Municipal Water Services Development - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
11/30/2004Russia: Completion of St.Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier Filetype: HTML
10/20/2003Russia: Completion of the Flood Barrier in St.Petersburg Filetype: HTML
04/23/2003Russia: Construction of port terminal Filetype: HTML
07/08/2008Russia: Decommissioning of the Floating Maintenance Base "Lepse" Filetype: HTML
11/09/2005Russia: FEDERAL GRID COMPANY (FGC) – Modernization Project Filetype: HTML
07/08/2008Russia: Handling and Transport of SNF at Andreeva Bay Filetype: HTML
08/22/2006Russia: Hydro OGK Modernisation Loan Filetype: HTML
07/17/2007Russia: Hydro OGK Modernisation Loan Filetype: HTML
07/19/2005Russia: Kalingrad Water and Environmental Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
05/13/2004Russia: Kalingrad Water and Environmental Rehabilitation Services Filetype: HTML
10/20/2004Russia: Kaliningrad District Heating Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/24/2007Russia: Kaliningrad Municipal District Heating Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
12/18/2006Russia: Kaliningrad Municipal Water Project Filetype: HTML
07/24/2007Russia: Kaliningrad Municipal Water Project Filetype: HTML
04/07/2003Russia: Kaliningrad Water and Environment Filetype: HTML
01/16/2007Russia: Kazan Municipal Water - General Filetype: HTML
09/09/2008Russia: Khanti-Mansi municipal services development program Filetype: HTML
09/05/2003Russia: Komi Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
07/01/2005Russia: Krasnodar Municipal Services Development Program - Goods, works, Services Filetype: HTML
03/28/2006Russia: Krasnodar Urban Transport Development Project Filetype: HTML
06/29/2007Russia: Krasnodar Urban Transport Development Project Filetype: HTML
07/01/2008Russia: Lipetsk Municipal Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
04/02/2008Russia: Moscow District Heating Loan Filetype: HTML
02/03/2005Russia: Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership Support Fund Filetype: HTML
10/20/2004Russia: Ostankino Television Tower Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
07/08/2008Russia: Preparation & unloading of spent nuclear fuel Submarine Hull Filetype: HTML
11/27/2007Russia: Pyt’-Yakh Municipal Services Development Program Filetype: HTML
11/27/2007Russia: Pyt’-Yakh Municipal Services Development Program Filetype: HTML
03/03/2003Russia: Reconstruction of Kochetovsk Lock Filetype: HTML
08/11/2006Russia: Rosmorport Corporate Development Project - General Filetype: HTML
11/02/2004Russia: Russian Federation Maritime Navigation Safety System Filetype: HTML
03/05/2003Russia: Russian Railways Filetype: HTML
02/15/2007Russia: Sakha (Yakutia) Republican MSDP GUP ZhKH Filetype: HTML
02/15/2008Russia: Sakha (Yakutia) Republican MSDP GUP ZhKH - General Filetype: HTML
08/23/2005Russia: Sakha (Yakutia) Republican Municipal Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
03/30/2004Russia: Sakhalin Municipal Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
02/16/2004Russia: SO-CDO SCADA/EMS Filetype: HTML
02/27/2004Russia: St Petersburg South-West Waste Water Treatment Plant Filetype: HTML
02/07/2006Russia: St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
06/27/2006Russia: St. Petersburg Toxic Waste Emergency clean up programme Filetype: HTML
06/19/2006Russia: Surgut Housing Refurbishment Filetype: HTML
12/03/2007Russia: Surgut Housing Refurbishment Project - General Filetype: HTML
09/20/2006Russia: Surgut Municipal Development - Drilling Groundwater Wells Filetype: HTML
06/17/2003Russia: Surgut Municipal Services Development Project Filetype: HTML
06/16/2004Russia: Surgut Municipal Services Development Project - Procurement of Goods and Works Filetype: HTML
08/05/2005Russia: Surgut Municipal Services Development Project - Procurement of Goods and Works Filetype: HTML
07/10/2006Russia: Surgutsky Rayon Municipal - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
11/21/2007Russia: Surgutsky Rayon Municipal Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
11/21/2007Russia: Surgutsky Rayon Municipal Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
02/05/2007Russia: Syktyvkar Municipal Water Services - General Filetype: HTML
07/29/2005Russia: Syktyvkar Municipal Water Services Development Filetype: HTML
07/24/2007Russia: Syktyvkar Municipal Water Services Project Filetype: HTML
07/25/2003Russia: The construction of the main gas pipeline Sakhalin Komsomolsk Khabarovsk (1st phase)Transportation of the hydrocarbones Filetype: HTML
10/26/2004Russia: Togliatti Urban Transport Development Programme- Works and Goods Filetype: HTML
05/15/2006Russia: Ufa District Heating - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
06/11/2007Russia: Ufa Wastewater Municipal Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
04/04/2005Russia: Ufa (Oufa) District Heating Loan Filetype: HTML
07/13/2006Russia: Vologda Municipal Services- General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
12/03/2007Russia: Vologda Municipal Water Services Project - General Filetype: HTML
11/25/2003Russia: Yaroslavl Municipal Water Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
02/10/2005Russia: Yaroslavl Municipal Water Services Development Programme Filetype: HTML
10/04/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Airport Modernisation Project Filetype: HTML
07/25/2003Serbia and Montenegro: Airports of Montenegro - Urgent Rehabilitation Project (URP) Filetype: HTML
09/30/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Belgrade District Heating Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
02/14/2006Serbia and Montenegro: Belgrade Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
03/29/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Belgrade Sava Bridge Filetype: HTML
03/09/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Belgrade: Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction - Construction of Water Treatment Plant - Filetype: HTML
03/09/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Belgrade: Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction - Urban Transport Filetype: HTML
07/15/2003Serbia and Montenegro: District Heating Rehabilitation Filetype: HTML
03/23/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Electric Power Industry of Serbia - Supply and Installation of plant and Equipment Filetype: HTML
12/08/2003Serbia and Montenegro: Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Filetype: HTML
10/18/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Filetype: HTML
10/17/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction - Purchase of devices for electrical energy measuring for electro distribution companies in EPS. Filetype: HTML
11/19/2003Serbia and Montenegro: EPS Power II - Tamnava West Line Filetype: HTML
06/21/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Future ATM Modernisation and Upgrade System Filetype: HTML
05/12/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Future ATM Modernisation Upgrade Filetype: HTML
07/26/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Montenegro Airports Modernisation Filetype: HTML
07/06/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme (City of Kragujevac) Filetype: HTML
07/06/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme (City of Novi Sad) Filetype: HTML
07/12/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme (City of Subotica) Filetype: HTML
02/09/2006Serbia and Montenegro: Railway Rehabilitation II - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
11/30/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Regional Road Rehabilitation Project Filetype: HTML
05/04/2004Serbia and Montenegro: Serbia and Montenegro - Roads Directorate Filetype: HTML
05/30/2003Serbia and Montenegro: Telecommunications Network Electric Power Industry of Serbia Filetype: HTML
03/31/2005Serbia and Montenegro: Telecommunications Network Electric Power Industry of Serbia Filetype: HTML
11/27/2007Serbia: Belgrade Highway and Bypass Project - General Filetype: HTML
11/27/2007Serbia: Belgrade Highway and Bypass Project - General Filetype: HTML
03/29/2007Serbia: Belgrade Sava River Crossing Project Filetype: HTML
09/05/2008Serbia: Duboko Solid Waste Water Management Project Filetype: HTML
06/12/2007Serbia: Electric Power Industry of Serbia Filetype: HTML
02/09/2007Serbia: Future ATM Modernisation and Upgrade System Filetype: HTML
04/03/2007Serbia: Future ATM Modernisation and Upgrade System Filetype: HTML
11/20/2006Serbia: Serbia Highway and Bypass - General (Works, services) Filetype: HTML
03/30/2007Serbia: Serbian Railways: Rollingstock Filetype: HTML
06/13/2007Serbia: Solid Waste Regional Landfill Project Filetype: HTML
12/08/2006Slovak Republic: BIDSF - General (Grid Projects) Filetype: HTML
08/31/2004Slovak Republic: Bohunice - International Decommissioning Fund - Slovenská elektrizacná prenosová sústava (SEPS, a.s.) Filetype: HTML
12/16/2005Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
12/01/2006Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund- General Filetype: HTML
02/15/2007Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund- General Filetype: HTML
01/28/2008Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund-General Filetype: HTML
08/31/2004Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund - Slovenské Elektrárne Filetype: HTML
12/18/2007Slovak Republic: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund, General Filetype: HTML
09/09/2003Slovakia: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
09/09/2003Slovakia: Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund Filetype: HTML
06/02/2004Tajikistan: Khujand Water Supply Improvement Filetype: HTML
11/26/2007Tajikistan: Tajikistan Road Maintenance Equipment Project - General Filetype: HTML
11/26/2007Tajikistan: Tajikistan Road Maintenance Equipment Project - General Filetype: HTML
08/26/2008Tajikistan: Tajikistan Road Maintenance Equipment, General Filetype: HTML
10/10/2005Tajikistan: Tajikistan: Khujand Water Supply Improvement Project - Goods, Works Filetype: HTML
12/09/2004Tajikistan: Tajikistan: Telecommunications Project Filetype: HTML
02/12/2003Ukraine: Chernobyl Shelter Filetype: HTML
02/07/2008Ukraine: Chernobyl Shelter Fund - General Filetype: HTML
08/19/2003Ukraine: Chernobyl Shelter Fund - Shelter Implementation Fund Site Visit for Potential Contractor: SIP New safe Confinement Filetype: HTML
08/09/2007Ukraine: Construction of of 330kV Line from Adjalykto Usatove Filetype: HTML
07/11/2007Ukraine: Crimea Municipal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Project Filetype: HTML
05/22/2006Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal District Heating Loan - Goods, works, Services Filetype: HTML
05/18/2004Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Utility Development Programme Filetype: HTML
09/27/2004Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Utility Development Programme Filetype: HTML
12/16/2005Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Utility Development Programme - Goods, Works, Services Filetype: HTML
05/22/2006Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Water - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
07/08/2008Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Water and Waste Water Project Filetype: HTML
09/06/2005Ukraine: Donetsk District Heating Project - Goods, Works and Services Filetype: HTML
03/17/2004Ukraine: Fast Passenger Trains Filetype: HTML
03/10/2005Ukraine: Fast Passenger Trains Filetype: HTML
05/22/2006Ukraine: Harkiv District Heating Loan - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
05/22/2006Ukraine: Harkiv Wastewater Treatment - Goods, Works, Services Filetype: HTML
03/21/2005Ukraine: ILLICHEVSK PORT MODERNISATION PROJECT - Goods, Works, Services Filetype: HTML
07/21/2004Ukraine: K2R4 - Post Start-up Safety Modernisation Programme Filetype: HTML
03/22/2006Ukraine: K2R4 - Post Start-up Safety Modernisation Programme Filetype: HTML
04/19/2007Ukraine: K2R4 Post Start-up Safety Modernisation Programme Filetype: HTML
02/13/2003Ukraine: Kherson Municipal Utility Filetype: HTML
04/26/2004Ukraine: Kherson Municipal Utility Development Programme Filetype: HTML
07/29/2008Ukraine: Kiev City Traffic Management Project Filetype: HTML
03/08/2007Ukraine: Kiev City Transport Project Filetype: HTML
03/08/2007Ukraine: Kiev City Transport Project Filetype: HTML
04/14/2008Ukraine: Kiev City Transport Project (Metro Cars) - General Filetype: HTML
04/14/2008Ukraine: Kiev City Transport Project (trolleybuses) - General Filetype: HTML
01/04/2006Ukraine: Odessa High Voltage Grid Upgrade - Construction of 330kV Line from Adjalykto Usatove Filetype: HTML
01/24/2007Ukraine: Passengers Fast Trains, General Notice Filetype: HTML
05/16/2003Ukraine: Rehabilitation of MO6 Motorway Filetype: HTML
01/27/2004Ukraine: Rehabilitation of MO6 Motorway and Reform of Road Sector Finance Filetype: HTML
07/11/2007Ukraine: Rivne-Kyiv High Voltage Line Project Filetype: HTML
01/18/2007Ukraine: Shelter Implementation Plan - General Filetype: HTML
03/15/2004Ukraine: SIP Shelter Implementation Plan Filetype: HTML
11/22/2007Ukraine: State Specialized Enterprise “Chernobyl NPP” - General Filetype: HTML
07/09/2007Ukraine: Ukraine ESCO II Filetype: HTML
05/30/2008Ukraine: Ukraine Fast Passenger Trains project Filetype: HTML
10/14/2003Ukraine: Ukraine Railways Development Project Filetype: HTML
07/15/2004Ukraine: Ukraine Second Road Reform Project Filetype: HTML
03/29/2005Ukraine: Ukraine: Shelter Implementation Plan Filetype: HTML
01/08/2004Ukraine: Ukrainian Energy Service Company - UkrESCO Filetype: HTML
01/14/2005Ukraine: Ukrainian Energy Service Company (UkrEsco) Filetype: HTML
09/25/2006Ukraine: Vinnytsia Heat and Hot Water Supply Loan Filetype: HTML
01/17/2006Ukraine: Zaporizhzhia Municipal Water Project - to resume and complete the works in the Left bank Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP- 1). Filetype: HTML
09/20/2006Ukraine: Zaporizhzhia Water Utility - Goods, works, services Filetype: HTML
05/27/2005United Kingdom: Provision of Works for the Refurbishment at the EBRD Headquarters Building Filetype: HTML
12/05/2003Uzbekistan: Tahskent Municipal Solid Waste Management Project Filetype: HTML
11/09/2004Uzbekistan: Tashkent Airport Rehabilitation: Baggage Handling System Filetype: HTML
03/07/2006Uzbekistan: Tashkent International Airport Baggage Department Refurbishment Project - General Procurement Notice Filetype: HTML
01/15/2003Uzbekistan: Tashkent Solid Waste Filetype: HTML
11/24/2003Uzbekistan: Tashkent Water Supply Improvement Programme Filetype: HTML
02/25/2005Uzbekistan: Tashkent Water Supply Improvement Programme Filetype: HTML
05/09/2007Uzbekistan: Tashkent Water Supply Improvement Programme Filetype: HTML
02/24/2006Uzbekistan: Tashkent Water Supply Improvement Programme - Goods and Services Filetype: HTML

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