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Military programs

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Sandia coordinated nine launches from the Kauai Test Facility. A first-ever multiple simultaneous engagement involving two ballistic missile targets was successfully conducted on Nov. 6, 2007 (see image at left), in support of the Navy’s AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense System. The targets simulated rogue missiles and were successfully intercepted by the Navy’s Standard Missile-3 Interceptor. (5400, 2600) DS&A

Sandia fielded its Joint STARS synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) system at the successful Bold Quest advanced concept technology demonstration at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. Bold Quest showcased several technologies that promise significant enhancements to existing warfighter combat identification capabilities. Sandia’s SAR ATR enables real-time, all-weather, day/night detection and identification of noncooperative enemy targets from radar signatures, greatly improving the speed and accuracy of target prosecution. Sandia’s Joint STARS SAR ATR was developed under Air Force sponsorship. (5400) DS&A

Sandia’s Space Mission Program (SMP) successfully completed a number of hardware, software, and contracted deliverables to multiple external customers and facilities. During FY07 SMP shipped almost twenty tons of deliverable computer hardware and over one million lines of software. SMP engages a broad cross-section of the laboratory. (1500, 1800, 2400, 2600, 4800, 5300, 5500, 5700, 5900, 9300) DS&A

Sandia’s modeling and simulation capabilities are helping to address improvised explosive device (IED) threats to the US military. Sandia has successfully provided on-site support and reach-back capability to JIEDDO (Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Office) in situational modeling and simulation using the Umbra simulation framework. JIEDDO’s Counter IED Operations Integration Center has requested an increase based on the successful exploratory efforts that occurred the first quarter of FY08. This close engagement allowed Sandia to better understand JIEDDO missions and demands and link them to other Sandia capabilities. (6300) DS&A

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