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Workforce Development Page Title

DLLR's Division of Workforce Development

The Division of Workforce Development oversees the State’s workforce programs. Working in partnership with Local Workforce Investment Areas, services include matching job seekers with employers, providing training opportunities and reporting on the needs and demands of the labor market.  E-mail Division of Workforce Development for more information.

La División de Desarollo de la Fuerza Laboral supervisa los programas para los trabajadores en el estado. Trabajando juntos con las areas locales para la inversión de la fuerza laboral, los servicios incluyen emparejar los buscadores de trabajo con los empleadores, ofrecer las oportunidades de adiestramiento y reportar las necesidades y las demandas del Mercado Laboral.  E-mail para más informacion.  Para buscar un centro cerca de Ud. clique aqui.

Maryland One-Stop Career Centers

operates as a jobs broker between employers needing workers and job seekers searching for employment.
(410) 767-2173

Maryland Workforce Exchange
provides information for job seekers, employers and career planning.  An invaluable one stop for many employment and training needs.

Professional Outplacement Assistance Center (POAC)

Military Personnel and Spouses Relocating to Maryland - PROVET

Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project
Find out more about the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project.


Career and Workforce Information

is a combination of both statistical and analytical information which can be used to examine the dynamics of the marketplace and the balance between labor supply and demand.
(410) 767-2250

Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

develops employment and training programs designed to prepare individuals facing serious barriers to employment for entry or re-entry into the labor force.
Information about the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)
Workforce Investment Field Instructions

The Maryland New Hire Registry

provides employers with an efficient method of reporting new employees and accessing information about the Maryland New Hire Registry.

Governor's Workforce Investment Board (GWIB)

Workforce Development is Economic Development -
The Maryland Governor's Workforce Investment Board is the chief's policy-making body for workforce development.


Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Division of Workforce Development
1100 North Eutaw Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201