Welcome to the Air District
Email List PDF Print Email

We have updated our software and now offer an easier way for people to signup to receive Health Advisories from us!

We offer four different Email lists that you can sign up for:

Air Quality Health Advisories in Western Nevada County

Air Quality Health Advisories in Eastern Nevada County

Air Quality Health Advisories in Plumas - Sierra County

General News From Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District


Please Sign up for one or more of our lists to help us keep you informed as to the conditions around you!

Click on the Menu Item labled "Email Lists" or click here.


It is that time of year again, yep, time to crank up the old woodstove and let all your neighbors know that you don't have a clue how to properly operate that old woodstove (or maybe even a new woodstove!). Please visit this great website, www.woodheat.org, and take a little time to learn how to get the most from your woodstove. Your neighbors will appreciate the cleaner air, and you just might find yourself saving a lot of wood (and $$ money $$) by keeping that heat indoors instead of sending most of it up the chimney. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.  Sincerely, the Air District.

Portable Equipment PDF Print Email
 PDF Print Email

Know Your Portable Equipment Permitting and Registration Requirements 

Do you operate a portable engine and / or portable equipment that emits air pollution?

Portable equipment includes, but is not limited to the following:

• cranes
• power generation
• pumps
• diesel pile-driving hammers
• welding
• service or work-over rigs
• well drilling
• dredges on boats or barges
• wood chippers
• tactical support equipment
• compressors
• vacuum trucks

Portable equipment units include, but are not limited to, the following portable engine-associated units:

• confined and unconfined abrasive blasting operations
• concrete batch plants
• sand and gravel screening
• rock and pavement crushing and recycling
• tub grinders and trammel screens

Check under our permit section for more info!



How do you get to work?