US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

Strategic Plan for the
Climate Change
Science Program
Final Report, July 2003

Figure 7-3
from Annex C
(Graphics and Photography Source Information)

Figure 7-3: Rate of increase of atmospheric CO2 and fossil fuel emissions. The upper curve shows the annual global amount of carbon added to the atmosphere (in PgC yr-1) in the form of CO2 by burning coal, oil, and natural gas. The strongly varying curve shows the annual rate of increase of carbon in the atmosphere based on measurements, originally at Mauna Loa Observatory, and later at a global network of monitoring sites. The difference between the two curves represents the total net amount of CO2 absorbed each year by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. Source: CMDL, 2002: Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory Summary Report 26, 2000-2001 [D.B. King, et al. (eds.)]. Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado.

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