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Ordering Watershed Database and Mapping Projects

Protection and restoration of coastal watersheds involves an array of complex environmental issues and requires synthesizing various kinds of information. The evaluation of multiple environmental issues can be significantly improved by combining scientific data and watershed characteristics into a Geographic Information System (GIS). NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) has developed numerous Watershed Database and Mapping Projects to combine the use of a standard database structure, database-mapping application, Query Manager, and ArcView GIS. Sediment contaminant, toxicity, and tissue data; natural resources; and potential habitat restoration projects can be overlaid on a watershed's features and land uses, and displayed on maps at flexible spatial scales. This integrated approach simplifies data analysis and presentation; promotes information sharing among federal, state, and local agencies working on the watershed; provides valuable tools to resource managers for complex decision-making; and informs the public on the state of the watershed.

Available projects include:

The Anacostia River Watershed Project (Maryland/District of Columbia) evaluates ecological and human health risks associated with hazardous substances in the lower tidal river, as well as provides information valuable in restoration project plannings. The Anacostia CD-ROM (Release Two) combines environmental and contamination data with specific features of the Anacostia River Watershed.

The most recent sediment contaminant data set for the Anacostia may be downloaded  off this web site: the CD contains additional, ancillary information in the form of ArcView GIS themes.

For more information on this project please read our Anacostia Watershed Guide.

The Christina River Watershed Project (Delaware) was developed to provide information and interpretive tools for the evaluation of hazardous waste sites and subsequent restoration planning within this Delaware watershed. The CD-ROM contains a database of sediment contaminant concentrations, sediment toxicity data (screening criteria, bioassay results), fish tissue chemistry, and fish distribution data; as well as the Query Manager (QM) application that is used to retrieve and sort these data. Data sets selected using QM can be displayed on ArcView maps showing wetland size and type, shoreline type, land use, and hydrology overlaid on aerial photographs.

The Calcasieu Estuary Watershed Project (Louisiana) was developed to provide information and interpretive tools for the evaluation of hazardous waste sites and subsequent remediation and restoration planning within the Calcasieu Estuary. It has been used by NOAA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Louisiana state agencies in the development of a Superfund Remedial Investigation, the ecological and human health risk assessments, and Natural Resource Damage Assessment for the estuary. The Query Manager portion of the project is used to retrieve and query regional datasets, which can be mapped in MARPLOT. These datasets also can be displayed in the ArcView portion of the project, which contains data layers on hazardous waste sites, wetland size and type, shoreline type, land use, hydrology, navigation charts and aerial photography. For more information on this project please read our Calcasieu Estuary Watershed Guide.

The St. Andrew Bay Watershed Project (Florida) was developed to help protect Thalassia, a subtidal seagrass that provides important habitat for marine organisms. GIS data from aerial photographs indicate significant declines in seagrass coverage between 1964 and 1992 within the three embayments comprising the St. Andrew Bay system. The project is designed to help analyze changes in seagrass distribution in the St. Andrew Bay ecosystem, and to provide insight into conditions that may inhibit or enhance the success of this important marine habitat. This release contains geo-referenced sediment contaminant data that can be viewed in relation to seagrass distribution, hydrology, wetland type, landuse classification, population density, industrial facilities, and other features of the watershed. Users can select various data types and see how they relate in space and time.

The San Francisco Bay Watershed Project (California) was developed to provide information and interpretive tools for the evaluation of hazardous waste sites and subsequent restoration planning within the San Francisco Bay estuary, which is based on input from several San Francisco regional partners. The Query Manager portion of the project is used to retrieve and query regional datasets, which can be mapped in MARPLOT. These datasets also can be displayed in the ArcView portion of the project, which contains data layers on hazardous waste sites, digital Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) data, San Francisco Estuary Institue (SFEI) EcoAtlas maps, wetland size and type, shoreline type, land use, and hydrology and aerial photography. For more information on this project please read our San Francisco Watershed Guide.

Ordering Information

To order CDs, please print, complete, and then fax the order form below to 206.526.4442 (secure fax), attention Order Department.

We can accept payment by any of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Cost of the CD-ROM is $10.

We will provide a free copy of any one of the CDs to educational institutions requesting CDs for educational or research use.

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