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Watershed Dynamics

Where does your water come from? Do you always have enough or is the supply limited where you live? What factors affect the flow of water in the area where you live? The GLOBE Watershed Dynamics Project will enable students to investigate their own watershed in order to understand the flow of water through the watershed, how human activities within the watershed both depend on and impact its hydrology, and how land use changes can affect the plant and animal communities in the watershed.

This project will offer GLOBE students the opportunity to conduct science investigations on local and regional watersheds using real-time and historical scientific data from the dataset being constructed by the Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Science ( CUAHSI).

For more information, please see the project summary.


The Watershed Dynamics project is looking for pilot teachers for the fall of 2008 to test a new, innovative learning activity using My World GIS and online scientific databases to explore how landuse, surface permeability, stream discharge, and human impacts affect a watershed. Join us for a 3-day workshop this summer in Boulder Colorado to become familiar with this curriculum.

12-14 August 2008: Watershed Dynamics Summer 2008 Workshop for Teachers, Boulder Colorado. Explore how land cover and land use choices affect surface runoff and stream flow in a watershed.

7 - 9 August 2007: Watershed Dynamics Summer Workshop for Teachers, Boulder, Colorado
August 2007: The first training session took place at the 2007 Annual Conference

As additional information about these activities, and future Watershed Dynamics activities, becomes available, it will be added to this page.

For more information about the Watershed Dynamics project, please contact watershedinfo@globe.gov.

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