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Carbon Cycle

Find out more on the Carbon Cycle Project:
Project summary (PDF)
Carbon Cycle FAQs
Project Web site at UNH
Czech collaboration
Carbon cycle diagram

"Carbon: the building block of life."

You may have heard this phrase, but have you understood what it really means? Carbon is the most abundant element in living things and accounts for approximately 50% of the total mass of plants and animals. Carbon is also present in Earth's atmosphere, soils, oceans and crust, and cycles between these components on varying time and spatial scales.

The GLOBE Carbon Cycle Project links an international team of scientists and educational outreach specialists with the GLOBE educational community. Through field exercises, computer modeling, and remote sensing, primary and secondary grade level teachers and students will gain knowledge about current carbon cycle research, develop strong analytical skills, and increase their overall environmental awareness.


The following downloadable files are for teachers, partners, and country coordinators to use to prepare students for the upcoming carbon cycle activities and will be a supplement to the activities:

Carbon Cycle Online Resources: Word document Excel spreadsheet

Coming soon...
Global Carbon Cycle Model and related materials.
Tree measurement field protocols.


3 August 2007: The first Carbon Cycle training session took place at the Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
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